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Items affiliated to "ACW - Research Centre Wädenswil"

Number of items at this level: 39.

Peer-reviewed and accepted

Bertschinger, Lukas; Mouron, Patrik; Dolega, Ewa; Höhn, Heinrich; Holliger, Eduard; Husistein, Alfred; Schmid, Andi; Siegfried, Werner; Widmer, Albert; Zürcher, Matthias and Weibel, Franco (2004) Ecological Apple Production: a Comparison of Organic and Integrated Apple-growing. In: Bertschinger, L. and Anderson, J.D. (Eds.) Acta Horticulturae 638, XXVI International Horticultural Congress: Sustainability of Horticultural Systems in the 21st Century, Toronto, Canada. International Society for Horticultural Science, pp. 321-332.

Chebaane, Asma; Symanczik, Sarah; Oehl, Fritz; Azri, Rahma; Gargouri, Mahmoud; Mäder, Paul; Mliki, Ahmed and Fki, Lotfi (2020) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with Phoenix dactylifera L. grown in Tunisian Sahara oases of different salinity levels. Symbiosis, 81, pp. 173-186.

Duffy, B.; Schärer, H.-J.; Bünter, M.; Klay, A. and Holliger, E. (2005) Regulatory measures against Erwinia amylovora in Switzerland. [Les mesures réglementaires contre le feu bactérien en Suisse.] Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin, 35 (2), pp. 239-244.

Eder, Reinhard; Roth, Irma; Zinsstag, Christof and Koch, Walter (2009) Biofumigation auch gegen pflanzenparasitische Nematoden? Poster at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009.

Gusberti, M.; Jermini, M.; Wyss, E. and Lindner, Ch. (2008) Efficacité d’insecticides contre Scaphoideus titanus en vignobles biologiques et effets secondaires. [Efficacy of insecticides against Scaphoideus titanus in organic vineyards and their side effects.] Revue suisse de viticulture, arboriculture, horticulture, 40 (3), pp. 173-177.

Heller, Dr. Werner E. (2009) Desinfektion von Gemüsesamen mit belüftetem Dampf. Paper at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009.

Heller, Dr. Werner E. (2009) Einsatz von Chitin als Bodenverbesserungsmittel gegen Pyrenochaeta lycopersici. Poster at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009.

Hilali, Rania El; Symanczik, Sarah; Said, kinany El; Oehl, Fritz; Ouahmane, Lahcen and Bouamri, Lachid (2022) Cultivation, identification, and application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with date palm plants in Drâa-Tafilalet oasis. Rhizosphere, 22 (100521), pp. 1-8.

Lutz, Stefanie; Thuerig, Barbara; Oberhänsli, Thomas; Mayerhofer, Johanna; Fuchs, Jacques G.; Widmer, Franco; Freimoser, Florian M. and Ahrens, Christian H. (2020) Harnessing the Microbiomes of Suppressive Composts for Plant Protection: From Metagenomes to Beneficial Microorganisms and Reliable Diagnostics. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11, p. 1810.

Mayerhofer, Johanna; Thuerig, Barbara; Oberhänsli, Thomas; Enderle, Eileen; Lutz, Stefanie; Ahrens, Christian H.; Fuchs, Jacques G. and Widmer, Franco (2021) Indicative bacterial communities and taxa of disease-suppressing and growth-promoting composts and their associations to the rhizoplane. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 97 (10), pp. 1-15.

Oberhänsli, Thomas; Dalbosco, Anna; Leschenne, Virginie; Bohr, Anne; Buchleither, Sascha; Tamm, Lucius; Wille, Lukas; Aćimović, Srđan G.; Khodadadi, Fatemeh; Ryu, Young-Hyun; Studer, Bruno; Schärer, Hans-Jakob and Patocchi, Andrea (2021) Multiplexed SSR marker analysis of Diplocarpon coronariae reveals clonality within samples from Middle Europe and genetic distance from Asian and North American isolates. CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, 2 (21), pp. 1-15.

Samietz, Dr. Jörg; Graf, Dr. Benno; Höhn, Heinrich; Schaub, Dr. Lukas and Höpli, Hans Ulrich (2009) Schädlingsprognose mit SOPRA als Entscheidungshilfe im Bioobstbau. Paper at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009.

Shatalina, Margarita; Messmer, Monika; Feuillet, Catherine; Mascher, Fabio; Paux, Etienne; Choulet, Frédéric; Wicker, Thomas and Keller, Beat (2013) High-resolution analysis of a QTL for resistance to Stagonospora nodorum glume blotch in wheat reveals presence of two distinct resistance loci in the target interval. Theoretical and Applied Genetics (Article published online: 04 december 2013), 127 (3), pp. 573-586.

Siffert, Alexandra; Cahenzli, Fabian; Kehrli, Patrik; Daniel, Claudia; Dekumbis, Virginie; Egger, Barbara; Furtwengler, Jana; Minguely, Camille; Nicola, Stäheli; Franco, Widmer; Mazzi, Dominique and Collatz, Jana (2021) Predation on Drosophila suzukii within Hedges in the Agricultural Landscape. insects, 12 (305), pp. 1-12.

Speiser, Bernhard; Stolze, Matthias; Oehen, Bernadette; Gessler, Cesare; Weibel, Franco P.; Bravin, Esther; Kilchenmann, Adeline; Widmer, Albert; Charles, Raffael; Lang, Andreas; Stamm, Christian; Triloff, Peter and Tamm, Lucius (2012) Sustainability assessment of GM crops in a Swiss agricultural context. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 33 (1), pp. 21-61.

Not peer-reviewed

Wilhelm, Birgit and Hensel, Oliver (Eds.) (2011) Landtechnische Lösungen zur Beikrautregulierung im Ökolandbau. [Agricultural engineering solutions for weed control in organic farming.] DITSL GmbH, D-Witzenhausen.

Häseli, Andreas (Ed.) (2008) Fachtagung Bioweinbau 2008. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick, FiBL Tagungsband. Proceedings of Fachtagung Bioweinbau 2008, Olten, Schweiz, 05.März 2008.

Alföldi, Thomas; Niggli, Urs; Willer, Helga; Fried, Padruot M.; Strasser, Freddie; Dubois, David; Baumann, Daniel; Kaufmann, Robert; Gallmann, Peter and Charles, Raphael (2006) Country Report on Organic Farming Research in Switzerland. In: Lange, Stefan; Williges, Ute; Saxena, Shilpi and Willer, Helga (Eds.) European Research in Organic Food and Farming. Reports on organisation and conduction of research programmes in 11 European countries. Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) / Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food BLE, Bonn, Germany, pp. 249-266.

Collatz, Jana; Siffert, Alexandra; Cahenzli, Fabian and Kehrli, Patrik (2021) Räuberische Gegenspieler der Kirschessigfliege. Die Rote. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 2021 (14), pp. 6-8.

Dalbosco, Anna; Oberhänsli, Thomas; Schärer, Hans-Jakob; Broggini, Giovanni; Studer, Bruno; Schlathölter, Ina; Schöneberg, Anita and Patocchi, Andrea (2018) Grundsteine zur Züchtung Marssonina coronaria-robuster Apfelsorte. Obstbau, Weinbau: Fachmagazin Südtiroler Beratungsring, 55 (7/8), pp. 20-24.

Del Cueto, J.; Stefani, P. and Christen, D. (2019) Evaluation of Monilinia fructicola on apricot fruits. Poster at: XVII International Symposium on Apricot Breeding and Culture, Malatya, Turkey, 6-10 July, 2019. [Completed]

Del Cueto, J.; Stefani, P.; Oberhänsli, T.; Roch, G.; Brun, L.; Audergon, J.-M. and Christen, D. (2019) Different methods of evaluation of Monilinia laxa on apricot flowers and branches. Poster at: XVII International Symposium on Apricot Breeding and Culture, Malatya, Turkey, 6-10 July, 2019. [Completed]

Egger, Barbara and Cahenzli, Fabian (2021) Nützlinge zur Schädlingsregulierung im Obstbau - was ist möglich? Schweizer Obst, 2021, 5 (88), pp. 18-19.

Goelles , Michael; Jaensch , M.; Monney , P. and Naef , A. (2013) Nachbauprobleme bei Apfelkulturen. Früchte & Gemüse , November 2013, 2013 (11), pp. 17-19.

Heller, Werner E. and Razavi, Elisabeth (2007) Mit Dampf zu gesundem Saatgut. [Steam improves seed health.] Der Gemüsebau, 2007 (5), pp. 10-11.

Koller, Martin; Duffy, Brion and Widmer, Franco (2011) Hofdüngereinsatz im Gemüsebau. Schweizer Bauer, 26 August 2011, p. 24.

Koller, Martin; Duffy, Brion and Widmer, Franco (2011) Vorsicht beim Hofdüngereinsatz im Gemüsebau. Bauernzeitung, 26 August 2011, p. 27.

Koller, Martin; Schmid, Michael ; Brankatschk, Kerstin ; Friedel, Jürgen K. and Sessitsch, Angela (2011) Hintergründe zu EHEC, Salmonellen und Co. in Gülle, Mist und Boden, Resultate des Forschungsprojektes PathOrganic. [Background information to EHEC and Salmonella in slurry and manure. Results from the research project PathOrganic.] ÖKOmenischer Gärtnerrundbrief, 2011, 3, pp. 37-39.

Koller, Martin and Total , René (2011) Beetstriegel in Pflanzkulturen. [Harrowing in planted vegetable crops.] ÖKOmenischer Gärtnerrundbrief, 2011, 2, p. 45.

Koller, Martin and Total , René (2011) Erfahrungsbericht: Beetstriegel. In: Landtechnische Lösungen zur Beikrautregulierung im Ökolandbau. Deutsches Institut für Tropische und Subtropische Landwirtschaft (DITSL) GmbH, D-Witzenhausen, chapter 3.3, pp. 109-112.

Koller, Martin; Vieweger, Anja; Total, René; Bauermeister, Regula; Suter, Daniel and Mäder, Paul (2008) Stickstoffwirkung von Gründüngungen auf Bio-Wiesskohl. AGRARForschung, 7 June 2008, pp. 264-269.

Kuske, Stefan; Grunder, Jörg; Daniel, Claudia and Wyss, Eric (2005) Kirschenfliege: Wie sie ihre Feinde austrickst. [Les astuces de la mouche de la cerise pour tromper l’ennemi.] Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 114 (16), pp. 6-9.

Lebleu, Flore; Del Cueto, Jorge; Stefani, Patrick and Christen, Danilo (2019) Organic substances against Monilia laxa on apricot – in-vitro and on-farm experiments. Poster at: XVII International Symposium on Apricot Breeding and Culture, Malatya, Turkey, 6-10 July, 2019. [Completed]

Lebleu, Flore; Del Cueto Chocano, Jorge-Luis; Stefani, Patrick and Christen, Danilo (2019) Sensibilities against Monilia laxa of different varieties of apricot. Poster at: XVII International Symposium on Apricot Breeding and Culture, Malatya, Turkey, 6-10 July, 2016. [Completed]

Manici, L.; Kelderer, M and Naef, A. (2013) D1.1 BIO-INCROP Report Disseminated at internal level. Apple replant disease (ARD) 1. BIO-INCROP deliverable, no. D1_1, Consiglio nazionale per la ricerca in Agricoltura (IT), Centro di Sperimentazione Agraria e Forestale (IT); Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil Research Station ACW (CH) . [Submitted]

Mazzi, Dominique; Stöckli, Sibylle; Calanca, Pierluigi; Felber, Raphael; Grünig, Marc; Pellissier, Loic and Felder, Daniel (2019) Schadorganismen-Szenarien: Sichern einer nachhaltigen Kulturpflanzenproduktion trotz erhöhten Schädlingsdrucks. Speech at: 6. Nachhaltigkeitstagung Agroscope, Zürich, Schweiz, 24. Januar 2019. [Completed]

Naef, A. (2013) Nachbauprobleme im Apfelanbau in der Schweiz. Innofrutta - Obstbau, July 2013 (7), pp. 18-19. [In Press]

Naef, A.; Hilber-Bodmer, M. and Sartori , N. (2013) Nachbauproblematik bei Apfelbäumen. Poster at: Agroscope | Tage der offenen Türe, Wädenswil, 7-8 June 2013.

Naef, Andreas; Häseli, Andreas and Schärer, Hans-Jakob (2013) Marssonina-Blattfall, eine neue Apfelkrankheit. Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 16, pp. 8-11.

This list was generated on Wed Jul 17 22:23:36 2024 CEST.