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Items affiliated to "COP - Public policies and demand for organic food"

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Bjørnskov, C. and Svendsen, G.T. (2007) How to construct a robust measure of social capital: Two contributions. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Vol. 9 (No.3), pp. 275-292.

Daugbjerg, Carsten (2010) Why Danish Organic Farming Policy has been Successful. ICROFS News, 1 August 2010, pp. 3-4.

Daugbjerg, Carsten (2007) Økologi mellen stat og marked. Økologisk Jordbrug, 2 November 2007 (395).

Daugbjerg, Carsten and Fawcett, Paul (2017) Metagovernance, Network Structure, and Legitimacy: Developing a Heuristic for Comparative Governance Analysis. Administration & Society, 49, pp. 1223-1245.

Daugbjerg, Carsten and Halpin, Darren (2010) Generating Policy Capacity in Emerging Green Industries: The Development of Organic Farming in Denmark and Australia. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 12 (2), pp. 141-157.

Daugbjerg, Carsten and Halpin, Darren (2008) Governing growth in organic farming: The evolving capacities of organic groups in the United Kingdom and Denmark. Paper at: 58th PSA annual conference, Swansea University, 1-3 April 2008. [Completed]

Daugbjerg, Carsten; Smed, Sinne; Andersen, Laura Mørch and Schvartzman, Yonatan (2014) Improving Eco-labelling as an Environmental Policy Instrument: Knowledge, Trust and Organic Consumption. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 16, pp. 559-575.

Daugbjerg, Carsten and Sønderskov, Kim Mannemar (2008) Kendskab til økologi er højt. Økologisk Jordbrug , 14 November 2008 (420).

Daugbjerg, Carsten; Tranter, Richard and Holloway, Garth (2008) Organic farming policies and the growth of the organic sector in Denmark and the UK: a comparative analysis. Paper at: XIIth EAAE Congress, Ghent, Belgium, August 26-29, 2008. [Unpublished]

Daugbjerg, Carsten and Sønderskov, Kim Mannemar (2009) Environmental Policy Performance Revisited: Do Organic Food Policies Matter for Sustainable Consumption-5th ECPR General Conference. In: Environmental Policy Performance Revisited: Do Organic Food Policies Matter for Sustainable Consumption. [Unpublished]

Daugbjerg, Carsten (2012) The World Trade Organization and Organic Food Trade: Potential for Restricting Protectionism? Organic Agriculture, 2 (1), pp. 55-66.

Daugbjerg, Carsten and Botterill, Linda (2012) Ethical food standard schemes and global trade: Challenging the WTO? , , - . [Submitted]

Daugbjerg, Carsten and Halpin, Darren (2008) Sharpening Up Research on Organics: Why We Need to Integrate Sectoral Policy Research into Mainstream Policy Analysis. Policy Studies, 29 (4), pp. 393-404.

Daugbjerg, Carsten; Ingemann, Jan Holm and Sønderskov, Kim Mannemar (2012) Økologisk landbrugspolitik – komparative erfaringer og teoretiske implikationer. Tidsskrift for Landøkonomi, September 2012, 198 (2), pp. 139-158.

Daugbjerg, Carsten and Møller, Dan Kristian (2010) Økologipolitikken og de økologiske interesseorganisationernes kapaciteter i Danmark, Sverige og Tyskland. [Organic Farming Policy and the Capacities of the Organic Interest Groups in Denmark, Sweden and Germany.] Politica, 42 (1), pp. 69-89.

Daugbjerg, Carsten and Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard (2011) Government intervention in green industries: Lessons from the wind turbine and the organic food industries in Denmark. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 13, pp. 293-307.

Daugbjerg, Carsten and Sønderskov, Kim Mannemar (2012) ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY PERFORMANCE REVISITED: DESIGNING EFFECTIVE POLICIES FOR GREEN MARKETS. Political Studies, 60 (2), pp. 399-418.

Daugbjerg, Carsten; Tranter, Richard; Hattam, Caroline and Holloway, Garth (2011) Modelling the Impacts of Policy on Entry into Organic Farming: Evidence from Danish-UK. Comparisons, 1989-2007. Land Use Policy, 28 (2), pp. 413-422.

Daugbjerg, Carsten and Yonatan Schvartzman, Yonatan (2010) Økologi-organisationerne og dansk økologipolitik. ICROFS Nyt, 1 March 2010, p. 14.

Halpin, Darren and Daugbjerg, Carsten (2008) Associative Deadlocks and Transformative Capacity: Engaging in Australian Organic Farm Industry Development. Australian Journal of Political Science, 43 (2), pp. 189-206.

Halpin, Darren and Daugbjerg, Carsten (2008) Generating Governance Capacity in Infant Industries: The Development of Organic Farming in Denmark and Australia. Paper at: General Conference of the ECPR, Pisa, 6-8 September 2007. [Unpublished]

Halpin, Darren and Daugbjerg, Carsten (2008) Interest Groups and the Governance of Growth in Organic Farming. Paper at: Nordic Political Science Association’s (NOPSA) XV Conference, Tromsø University, August 6-9 2008. [Unpublished]

Halpin, Darren and Daugbjerg, Carsten (2013) Identity as Constraint and Resource in Interest Group Evolution: A Case of Radical Organizational Change. The British Journal of Politics & International Relations, , - .

Halpin, Darren; Daugbjerg, Carsten and Yonatan Schvartzman , Yonatan (2011) Interest Group Capacities and Infant Industry Development: State-sponsored Growth in Organic Farming. International Political Science Review, 32 (2), pp. 147-166.

Ingemann, Jan Holm (2010) Den postagrare ruralitet og den rådne banan - et institutionelt, økonomisk perspektiv. Working paper, Department of Ecnomics, Politics and Publice Administration, Aalborg University .

Ingemann, Jan Holm (2009) Economics, Policy, and Organic Agriculture. ICROFS News, May 2009, 2009 (2), pp. 11-12.

Ingemann, Jan Holm (2009) Landbrugspolitik - virker det? Økologisk Jordbrug, 3 April 2009, 429.

Ingemann, Jan Holm (2008) Landbrug og landdistrikter før og nu. Økologisk Jordbrug, 412.

Ingemann, Jan Holm (2008) En australsk øjenåbner. Økologisk Jordbrug, 410.

Ingemann, Jan Holm (2008) Landbrugsøkonomisk teori - klassiske ræsonnementer og nutidig kontekst. Aalborg University , Department of Economics, Politics and Public Administration.

Ingemann, Jan Holm (2011) Når det ufornuftige alligevel er fornuftigt. Økologi og Ervherv, 17 June 2011, 2011 (480), - .

Ingemann, Jan Holm (2011) Når det alternative bliver konventionelt. Økologi og Erhverv, 25 February 2011, 2011 (473), 21- .

Ingemann, Jan Holm (2010) Commons - Whose Commons? Considering conceptual approaches to rural space of production. Working paper.

Ingemann, Jan Holm (2010) Økologisk landbrugspolitik virker - hvorfor og hvordan? ICROFS Nyt, 2010, 2010 (4), pp. 8-10.

Ingemann, Jan Holm (2010) Økonomi, teori og økologi. ICROFS Nyt, 2010, 2010 (3), pp. 9-11.

Ingemann, Jan Holm (2010) Markets and Institutional Capacity. ICROFS News, 2010, 2010 (4), pp. 7-8.

Ingemann, Jan Holm (2009) Hvorfor vælger forbrugerne økologisk? Økologi og Erhverv, 13 November 2009 (443), - .

Kjeldsen, Chris and Ingemann, Jan Holm (2010) The Danish Organic Movement: From Social Movement to Market Mainstream and Beyond...? In: Fuller, Duncan; Jonas, Andrew E.G. and Lee, Roger (Eds.) Interrogating Alterity - Alternative Economic and Political Spaces. Ashgate, chapter 11, pp. 175-190.

Kjeldsen, Chris and Ingemann, Jan Holm (2009) From the social to the economical and beyond?: A relational approach to the historical development of Danish organic food networks. Sociologica Ruralis, 49 (2), pp. 151-171.

Nielsen, Susanne Strandbjerg and Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard (2009) Miljømålsætninger og interessegrupper: Økologi og vind i EU. Samfundsøkonomen, June 2009 (3), pp. 4-9.

Rasmussen, Ole Horn (2008) Evolution of Organic Agriculture within Theoretical Frameworks of Structural Change and Transformation. PhD thesis, Aalborg University , Department of Economics, Politics and Public Administration. . [Completed]

Rasmussen, Ole Horn (2008) The Global Organic Food Market and Transformation Deductive Definition of Empiric Indicators The Demand Explanation The Institutional Explanation & Comparative Country Report: Denmark versus Sweden. Aalborg University , Department of Economics, Politics and Public Administration.

Rasmussen, Ole Horn (2008) The Global Organic Food Market and Transformation. A Conceptual Theoretical Framework. Aalborg University , Department of Economics, Politics and Public Administration.

Schvartzman, Yonatan (2012) Metastyring af markedsudvikling: Policystrategier og netværkskoordinering i udvikling af nye markeder. Et komparativt studie af udviklingen af det danske og det svenske økologimarkeder. [Metasteering of market development: Policy-strategies and network-kooedination in marketdevelopment. A comparative study of the development of the Danish and the Swedish organic food market.] PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Political Science and Government . .

Schvartzman, Yonatan (2008) Mellem stat og marked: Danske økologiske landbrugsorganisationers rolle i implementering af økologipolitik. [Between stat and marked: the danish organic interest groups part in the implementation of organic policy.] University of Aarhus , Department of Political Science. [Unpublished]

Smed, Sinne; Andersen, Laura Mørch; Kærgård, N. and Daugbjerg, Carsten (2013) A matter of trust: How trust influences organic consumption. Journal of Agricultural Science, 5 (7), 91- 106.

Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard (2009) Landmænd kan tjene penge ved handel med drivhusgasser. ICROFS nyt, June 2009, 2, pp. 4-6.

Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard (2009) Organic farmers may gain from Green House Gas trade. ICROFS news, May 2009 (2), pp. 5-7.

Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard (2008) Lobbyism in the EU. Organic farming and wind turbines. In: Lobbyism in the EU - Organic farming and wind turbines. [Unpublished]

Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard (2009) Økologi og handel med CO2-kvoter. Økologisk Jordbrug, 23 January 2009 (424).

Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard (2011) Landbrugspraksis og handel med drivhusgasser. ICROFSnyt, June 2011 (2), p. 3.

Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard (2011) How to include farmers in the emission trading system? ICROFS news, May 2011 (1), pp. 10-11.

Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard (2011) Evaluating and regulating the impacts of lobbying in the EU? The case study of green industries. Environmental Policy and Governance, 21, pp. 131-142.

Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard (2010) The Climate Heroes of the Future? ICROFS news, August 2010, pp. 9-10.

Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard (2010) Er landmænd fremtidens klimahelte? ICROFS nyt, July 2010, pp. 8-9.

Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard and Brandt, Urs Steiner (2011) A project-based system for including farmers in the EU ETS. Journal of Environmental Management, 92, pp. 1121-1127.

Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard and Brandt, Urs Steiner (2010) Should farmers participate in the EU ETS? Permit price, measurement and technology. Paper at: The Annual Meeting of the European Public Choice Society, Izmir, Turkey, From April 8th to April 11th. [Unpublished]

Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard and Pedersen, Karin Hilmer (2011) Bønder som klimahelte: Kan og vil landbruget bidrage? Politica, 43 (4), pp. 459-477.

Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard and Pedersen, Karin Hilmer (2011) Klima på frihjul? Global opvarmning og klimapolitik. Politica, 43 (4), pp. 409-416.

Svendsen , Gert Tinggaard (2010) Er landbruget løsningen på klimaproblemet? Økologi & Erhverv (458), 18 June 2010, p. 21.

Sønderskov, Kim Mannemar (2009) Different goods, different effects: exploring the effects of generalized social trust in large-N collective action. Public Choice, 140 (1), pp. 145-160.

Sønderskov, Kim Mannemar and Daugbjerg, Carsten (2009) Eco-Labelling, the State and Consumer Confidence. Paper at: The 60th Political Studies Association Annual Conference: Sixty Years of Political Studies: Achievements and Futures, Edinburgh, UK, 29 March - 1 April 2010.

Sønderskov, Kim Mannemar and Daugbjerg, Carsten (2009) Organic labbeling systems and consumer confidence. ICROFS news, 2009, pp. 2-4.

Sønderskov, Kim Mannemar and Daugbjerg, Carsten (2011) The State and Consumer Confidence in Eco-Labeling: Organic Labeling in Denmark, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. Agriculture and Human Values, 32 (2), pp. 505-517.

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