International congress on Organic Farming, Food Quality and Human Health
A major international congress jointly organised by the QLIF project and the Soil Association is to distribute and discuss research in organic farming and its benefits on environment, food quality and human health.
The event will take place in Newcastle upon Tyne in the north of England from 6 January to 9, January 2005.
The congress will explore the neglected relationship between public health and the way we farm.
Speakers from research institutions throughout Europe will present new research into how methods of production influence the levels of harmful pathogens and beneficial nutrients in our food.
Policy makers will debate how the relative small amounts of public funds invested in agriculture can be used to promote positive health and help control the huge sums consumed by health care budgets.
Farmers, growers, processors and academics will share their insights into how methods of husbandry, feeding and fertility management can be used to improve crop and livestock health and enhance the nutritional profile of organic foods.
More about the congress
If you want to participate
New evidence on higher vitamin levels in organic food will be presented at the congress.