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Items affiliated to "Department of Crop Production Ecology"

Number of items at this level: 18.

Peer-reviewed and accepted

Reckling, Moritz; Jäckel, Ulf; Wolf, L.; Gefrom, A.; Bloch, R.; Bergkvist, R. and Bachinger, J. (2017) Optimierung des Soja- und Lupinenanbaus in Ostdeutschland: Ergebnisse aus On-Farm Demonstrationen. Poster at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising-Weihenstephan, 7. -10. März 2017.

Ringselle, Björn; Bertholtz, Erik; Magnuski, Ewa; Brandsæter, Lars Olaf; Mangerud, Kjell and Göran, Bergkvist (2017) Rhizome Fragmentation by Vertical Disks Reduces Elymus repens Growth and Benefits Italian Ryegrass-White Clover Crops. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018 (11/01).

Verwijst, Theo; Lundkvist, Anneli; Krawczyk, Roman and Kaczmarek, Sylvia (2018) Prodiva project - Crop species mixtures for weed suppression. In: New approaches for smarter weed management - Book of abstracts, European Weed Research Society (EWRS), Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije, p. 41.

Not peer-reviewed

Wilhelm, Birgit and Hensel, Oliver (Eds.) (2011) Landtechnische Lösungen zur Beikrautregulierung im Ökolandbau. [Agricultural engineering solutions for weed control in organic farming.] DITSL GmbH, D-Witzenhausen.

Båth, B.; Kristensen, H.L. and Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2009) Root pruning reduces root competition and increases crop growth in a living mulch cropping system. In: Proceedings from the International Symposium Root Research and Applications. Vienna, Austria, 2-4 Sept. 2009, CD-rom (050-2), pp. 1-2.

Båth, B.; Kristensen, H.L. and Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2009) Root pruning reduces root competition in living mulch cropping systems. Poster at: Proceedings from the International Symposium Root Research and Applications, Vienna, Austria, 2-4 Sept. 2009. , Vienna, Austria, 2-4 Sept. 2009.

Bergkvist, Göran (2013) Vem är OSCAR? – understödjande grödor i odlingssystemet. [Who is OSCAR? - subsidiary crops in the cropping system.] Speech at: Regional växtodlings- och växtskyddskonferens i Uddevalle, Uddevalla, Sweden, January 10-11, 2013. [Completed]

Bergkvist, Göran; Mangerud, Kjell; Magnuski, Ewa and Brandsæter, Lars Olav (2015) Cut fallow to replace black fallow in an organic production system. In: Gritty, Emmanuel and Wéry, Jacques (Eds.) Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium for farming Systems Design, European Society of Agronomy and Agropolis International, pp. 49-50.

Bertholtz, Erik (2015) Klippträda istället för svartträda – Icke-kemisk kvickrotsbekämpning i växande gröda. [Cut fallow as replacement for black fallow - Non chemical couch grass control in growing crops.] Magisterarbete thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciene, S-Uppsala . . [Completed]

Bertholtz, Erik (2013) Inokulummängdens betydelse för utveckling av vetets stråbasröta orsakad Fusarium graminearum – Utvärdering av ett biotest. [The significance of the amount of inoculum for the development of fusarium foot rot of wheat caused by Fusarium graminearum.] Bachelor thesis thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology. Självständigt arbete i biologi - kandidatarbete. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Björkman, Maria; Båth, Birgitta; Hambäck, Peter; Rämert, Birgitta and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2006) Intercropping systems - Optimising crop protection and reducing competition. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Halling, Agr Dr Magnus A (2006) Ekologisk sortprovning av vallväxter. [Organic variety testing of forage crops.] In: Ekokonferensen Norrköping 19-21 November 2007, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk, p. 136.

Hanson, Marie and Båth, Birgitta (2010) Hur påverkar ympning växtnäringsupptagning och avkastning i ekologisk växthusgurka? Hushållningssällskapet Väst, Sverige.

Pers Berglund, Anna (2016) Weed suppressive ability of crop mixtures. Masters thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Crop Production Ecology. .

Ringselle, B.; Berholtz, E.; Magnuski, E.; BrandsÆter, L.O.; Mangerud, K. and Bergkvist, G. (2017) Klippträda för att ersätta svartträda. [Cut fallow to replace black fallow.] In: Nilsdotter-Linde, N. and Bernes, G. (Eds.) Vallkonferens 2017. Konferensrapport. 7–8 feb, Uppsala, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Institutionen för växtproduktionsekologi, Uppsala, Rapport, no. 22, p. 172.

Verwijst, Theo and Lundkvist, Anneli (2015) PRODIVA WP2. Crop mixtures for weed suppression. Annual Report 2015. .

Verwijst, Theo; Lundkvist, Anneli; Krawczyk, Roman and Kaczmarek, Sylvia (2016) PRODIVA WP2. Crop mixtures for weed suppression. Annual Report 2016. .

Verwijst, Theo; Lundkvist, Anneli; Pers Berglund, Anna; Krawczyk, Roman and Kaczmarek, Sylvia (2018) PRODIVA, Crop species mixtures for weed suppression: Deliverability No. D2.3 Technical report. .

This list was generated on Sat Jul 27 11:34:06 2024 CEST.