Items affiliated to " VI.1 (ORGSEED) Healthy seed for organic production of cereals and legumes"
Number of items at this level: 66. Nielsen, Bent J. and Kristensen, Lars (Eds.) (2001) Forædling af korn og bælgsæd samt produktion af såsæd i økologisk jordbrug. FØJO-rapport, no. 15. Forskningscenter for Økologisk Jordbrug . Borgen, A.; Gustavsson, A.-M. D.; Kieksi, J.; Johnsen, T.; Andersson, R. and Eriksen, R. (2002) Factors affecting the development of the organic seed sector. In: Wilbois, K.P. (Ed.) Organic Seed Production and Plant Breeding - strategies, problems and perspectives, European Consortium for Organic Plant Breeding, 1 (1), p. 6. Borgen, Anders (2006) Muligheder for bekæmpelse af udsædsbårne sygdomme i økologisk udsæd. [possibilities to control seed borne pathogens.] In: Graugaard, Sonja and Rasmussen, Henny (Eds.) Sammendrag af indlæg Plantekongres 2006, pp. 372-374. Borgen, Anders (2005) Børsterensning kan reducere stinkbrand i hvede. FØJOenyt (4). Borgen, Anders (2005) Kornrensning mod meldrøjer. [Seed cleaning against ergot.] Økologisk Jordbrug, 342, p. 8. Borgen, Anders (2005) Størrelsessortering kan forbedre sundheden i økologisk såsæd. FØJOenyt (4). Borgen, Anders (2005) Removal of bunt spores from wheat seed lots by brush cleaning. Seed Info, ICARDA, 29, pp. 13-15. Borgen, Anders (2005) Brush cleaning to remove fungal spores from seed lots. In: Cockerell, Valerie (Ed.) Abstrac Booklet, p. 21. Borgen, Anders (2004) Control of seed borne diseasees in organic seed propagation. In: Osborn, Thomas; van Bueren, Edith Lammerts and Ranganathan, Radha (Eds.) Proceedings of the First World Conference on Organic Seed. Challenges and Opprotunities for Organic Agriculture and the Seed Industry, IFOAM, 1, pp. 170-171. Borgen, Anders (2004) Organic seed treatment to control common bunt (Tilletia tritici) in wheat. In: Powell, Alison (Ed.) Book of Abstracts, ISTA, p. 10. Borgen, Anders (2004) Organic seed treatment to control common bunt (Tilletia tritici) in wheat. Seed Testing International, 128, pp. 8-9. Borgen, Anders (2004) Strategies for regulation of seed borne diseases in organic farming. In: Alison, Powell (Ed.) Abstracts, 27th ISTA Congress, Seed Symposium, 2004 (27), p. 10. Borgen, Anders (2003) Seed separation to control barley loose smut (Ustilago nuda). In: Healthy seed for healthy crop. proceedings of the 2nd International Seed Health Conference, 2, pp. 27-28. Borgen, Anders (2002) Control of seed borne diseases in organic cereals and legumes. In: Proceedings of The 4th ISTA - PDC seed health symposium: Healthy seeds, the basis for sustainable farming, ISTA, p. 18. Borgen, Anders (2002) Control of seed borne diseases in organic cereals and pulses. Paper at: The 4th ISTA - PDC seed health symposium: Healthy seeds, the basis for sustainable farming, Wageningen, Netherlands, 29th April-1th May 2002. Borgen, Anders (2002) Organic seed production and seed regulation. In: Turka, I. (Ed.) Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference Scientific aspects of organic farming. Borgen, Anders (2001) Strategier til bekæmpelse af udsædsbårne sygdomme. [Strategies to control seed borne diseases.] In: Ekologiskt Lantbruk - Sammenfattninger av föredrag og postrar, pp. 134-139. Borgen, Anders; Krebs, Niels and Langkjær, carsten (2005) Novel development of heat treatment techniques for seed surface sterilisation. In: Cockerell, Valerie (Ed.) Abstrac Booklet, p. 28. Borgen, Anders and Kristensen, Lars (2003) Macroscopic leaf symptoms in wheat infected by Tilletia tritici. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, 110 (5), pp. 432-436. Borgen, Anders (2004) Strategies for regulation of seed borne diseases in organic farming. Seed Testing International - ISTA News Bulletin, 127, pp. 19-21. Dromph, Karsten and Borgen, Anders (2001) Reduction of viability of soil borne inoculum of common bunt (Tilletia tritici) by collembolans. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 33 (12-13), pp. 1791-1795. Justesen, A.F.; Hansen, H.J. and Pinnschmidt, H. (2005) Quantification of leaf stripe, Pyrenophora graminea, in barley seed by real-time PCR. In: Abstract booklet, 5th ISTA-SHC Seed Health Symposium, p. 20. Justesen, A.F.; Pinnschmidt, H. and Hansen, H.J. (2006) Nye diagnosemetoder til udsædsbårne sygdomme. [New diagnostic methods for seed-borne diseases.] Paper at: Plantekongres 2006, Herning, Denmark, 10-11 January 2006. Justesen, A.F.; Pinnschmidt, H.O. and Hansen, H.J. (2004) Molecular diagnostic methods can prevent unnecessary rejection of organic seed lots. DARCOFenews. Jørgensen, L.N.; Pinnschmidt, H.; Nielsen, B.J. and Nielsen, G.C. (2004) Bygbladplet, biologi og bekæmpelse. [Biology and control of Barley Net Blotch (Pyrenophora teres).] Grøn Viden Markbrug, no. 289. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences . Kristensen, Erik Fløjgaard (2004) Tørring og rensning af korn. [Drying and cleaning of grain.] MånedsMagasinet Mark, January 2004 (1), p. 66. Kristensen, Scientist Erik Fløjgaard (2003) Tromletørring skal sikre kvalitetskorn. [Drum drying, a method to ensure high-quality grain.] Økologisk Jordbrug, August 2003 (293), p. 6. Kristensen, Lars and Borgen, Anders (2001) Reduction of spore spread of common bunt (Tilletia tritici) via combining equipment. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 19, pp. 9-18. Nielsen, B.J. (2005) Resistens mod stinkbrand i vinterhvede. [Resistance to common bunt (Tilletia tritici) in winter wheat.] Danmarks JordbrugsForskning, Dansk Landbrugsrådgivning . Nielsen, B.J. (2004) Resistens mod stinkbrand i vinterhvede. [Resistance to common bunt (Tilletia tritici) in winter wheat.] Danmarks JordbrugsForskning, Landbrugets Rådgivningscenter . Nielsen, B.J. (2004) Screening for resistance to leaf stripe (Pyrenophora graminea) in barley. In: Yahyaoui, A.H; Brader, L.; Tekauz, A.; Wallwork, H. and Steffenson, B. (Eds.) Proceedings of the second International Workshop on barley Leaf Blights, 7-11 April 2002, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria, pp. 277-280. Nielsen, B.J. (2003) Resistance to leaf stripe (Pyrenophora graminea) in barley and common bunt (Tilletia tritici) in wheat and use of integrated strategies to control seed-borne diseases. In: Abstracts of Offered Papers, p. 321. Nielsen, B.J. (2003) Resistens mod stinkbrand i vinterhvede. [Resistance to common bunt (Tilletia tritici) in winter wheat.] Danmarks JordbrugsForskning, Landbrugets Rådgivningscenter . Nielsen, B.J. (2003) The science of increasing production of organic grains. In: Conference Proceedings, pp. 19-22. Nielsen, B.J. (2003) Strategies for avoiding seed borne diseases. In: Conference Proceedings, pp. 75-79. Nielsen, B.J. (2002) Resistens mod stinkbrand i vinterhvede & resistens mod stribesyge i vårbyg. [Resistance against common bunt (Tilletia tritici) in winter wheat and resistance against leaf stripe (Pyrenophora graminea) in spring barley.] Danmarks JordbrugsForskning, Landbrugets Rådgivningscenter . Nielsen, B.J. (2002) Threshold values for seed borne diseases of cereals and legumes. In: Proceedings of ECO-PB 1rst International symposium on organic seed production and plant breeding, pp. 28-31. Nielsen, B.J. (2002) Udsædsbårne sygdomme i korn – bejdsemidler og andre behandlingsmetoder. 19. Danske Planteværnskonference 2002, Sygdomme og Skadedyr. In: DJF rapport Markbrug. , pp. 43-58. Nielsen, B.J.; Nielsen, G.C.; Pinnschmidt, H.; Wolffhechel, H.; Justesen, A.F.; Hansen, H.J.; Borgen, A.; Bødker, L. and Kristensen, E.F. (2006) Udsædsbårne sygdomme i økologisk såsæd - betydning og skadetærskler. [Seed-borne diseases in organic seed - importance and thresholds.] Paper at: Plantekongres 2006, Herning, Denmark, 10-11 January. Nielsen, Bent J. (2006) Sund udsæd til korn og bælgsæd. [Healthy seed for organic production of cereals and legumes.] Økologisk Jordbrug nr. 358, 2006. Nielsen, Bent J. (2005) Nyt bio-middel mod bygbladplet. [Cedomon, a new biological seed treatment against Pyrenophora teres in barley.] Økologisk Jordbrug nr. 331, 2005. Nielsen, Bent J. (2005) Resistens hos sorter af hvede og triticale mod stinkbrand og stængelbrand. [Resistance in wheat and triticale against common bunt (Tilletia tritici) and stripe smut (Urocystis occulta).] FØJOenyt. Nielsen, Bent J. (2004) Threshold levels for seed borne diseases in organic cereals. DARCOFenews (3). Nielsen, G.C. (2006) Undersøg økologisk vårsæd og bælgsæd for udsædsbårne svampe. . Nielsen, G.C. (2006) Kassationsprocenter som følge af udsædsbåne svampe i økologisk udsæd af korn og bælgsæd i 1999-2005. . Nielsen, G.C. (2005) Oversigt over Landsforsøgene 2005. In: Oversigt over Landsforsøgene 2005. , pp. 269-270. Nielsen, G.C. (2005) Oversigt over Landsforsøgene 2005. In: Oversigt over Landsforsøgene 2005. , pp. 260-261. Nielsen, G.C. (2004) Betydning af udsædsbåren angreb af ærtesyge. . Nielsen, G.C. (2004) Kassationsprocenter som følge af udsædsbårne svampe i økologisk udsæd af korn og bælgsæd. Landbrugets Rådgivningscenter . Nielsen, G.C. (2004) Undersøgelse af ærtesyge ved økologisk dyrkning. FØJOenyt. Nielsen, G.C. (2004) Oversigt over Landsforsøgene 2004. In: Oversigt over Landsforsøgene 2004. , pp. 251-254. Nielsen, G.C. (2003) Kassationsprocenter som følge af udsædsbårne svampe i økologisk udsæd af korn og bælgsæd. Landbrugets Rådgivningscenter . Nielsen, G.C. (2003) Oversigt over Landsforsøgene 2003. In: Oversigt over Landsforsøgene 2003. , pp. 230-233. Nielsen, G.C. (2002) Oversigt over Landsforsøgene 2002. In: Oversigt over Landsforsøgene 2002. , pp. 251-253. Pinnschmidt, H.O. (2006) Øget udsædsmængde til kompensation af skadevirkning af udsædsbåren Fusarium culmorum og Microdochium nivale på fremspiring i vinterhvede. Working paper, Plant Protection, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences . [Unpublished] Pinnschmidt, H.O. (2006) Skadetærskler for bygbladplet, stribesyge og spiringsfusariose. [Damage thresholds for net blotch and leaf stripe on barley and seedling blight on wheat.] Working paper, Crop Protection, DJF . [Unpublished] Pinnschmidt, H.O. (2006) Tærskler til udsædsbåren bygbladplet. [Thresholds for seed-borne barley net blotch.] Working paper, Plant Protection, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences . [Unpublished] Pinnschmidt, H.O. (2005) Vårbygsorters resistens mod stribesyge og nøgenbrand. [Resistance of spring barley varities to leaf stripe and loose smut.] FØJOenyt (2). Pinnschmidt, H.O. and Justesen, A.F. (2005) Compensating damage effects of seed-borne Fusarium culmorum and Microdochium nivale in winter wheat by increased seeding rates. In: ISTA (Ed.) Abstract booklet of the 5th ISTA - SHC seed health symposium 10-13 May, Angers, France, ISTA, p. 29. Pinnschmidt, H.O.; Nielsen, B.J. and Hansen, H.J. (2005) Quantitative relationships in the infection cycle of seed-borne net blotch. In: Abstract booklet of the 5th ISTA - SHC seed health symposium 10-13 May, Angers, France, ISTA, p. 7. Pinnschmidt, Hans O. and Nielsen, Bent J. (2006) Leaf stripe resistance of spring barley cultivars. DARCOFenews. Pinnschmidt, Hans O.; Nielsen, Bent J. and Hansen, Henrik J. (2005) High damage potential of seed-borne spot blotch in organically grown spring barley in Denmark. DARCOFenews (1). Pinnschmidt, Hans O.; Nielsen, Bent J. and Hansen, Henrik J. (2004) Resistente bygsorter begrænser problemer med bladplet i økologisk såsæd. [Resistent barley varieties limit the problems related to net blotch in organic seed production.] FØJOenyt (3). Pinnschmidt, Hans O.; Nielsen, Bent J. and Hansen, Henrik J. (2004) Thresholds for Net Blotch Infestation in Organic Barley Seed Production. In: Lammerts van Bueren, E.; Ranganathan, R. and Sorensen, N. (Eds.) Proc. of the The First World Conference on Organic Seed: Challenges and Opportunities for Organic Agriculture and the Seed Industry, FAO, p. 184. Pinnschmidt, Dr. Hans O.; Nielsen, Bent J. and Hansen, Dr. Henrik J. (2004) Sygdom truer økologisk udsæd. [Disease threatens organic seeds.] Økologisk Jordbrug, 2004, 313 (24), p. 6. Wolffhechel, H.; Bødker, L. and Nielsen, G.C. (2005) Significance of seed-borne Ascochyta on pea and test of management strategies. . Online at This list was generated on Fri Feb 7 16:44:26 2025 CET. |