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Items affiliated to "Long-term experiments"

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Number of items at this level: 21.

Ripa, L. M. and Naoki, K. (Eds.) (2021) Historia Natural de Sara Ana. Estación Experimental Agroecológica de Alto Beni, Bolivia. Instituto de Ecología, La Paz - Bolivia.

Anyango, John; Bautze, David and Adamtey, Noah (2019) Impact of Organic and Conventional Farming Systems on Termite Presence, Diversity and Maize Crop Damage. In: Proceedings Tropentag "Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resource management", 18-20 September 2019, Kassel, Germany.

Bautze, David; Goldmann, Eva; Adamtey, Noah; Riar, Amritbir; Singh, Akanksha; Huber, Beate; Cotter, Marc; Rüegg, Johanna and Armengot Martinez, Laura (2023) Never change a running system? Balancing systems approach and comparability when adapting LTEs. Paper at: Long Term Experiments: Meeting future challenges, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK, 20.-22. June 2023. [Completed]

Bautze, David; Karanja, Edward N.; Musyoka, Martha W.; Rüegg, Johanna; Goldmann, Eva; Kiboi, Milka; Kampermann, Ivonne; Cotter, Marc; Riar, Amritbir; Matheri, Felix; Mwangi, Edwin; Mucheru-Muna, Monica; Wambui, Hottensiah; Anyango, John; Ndungu, Samuel Kiruku; Tanga, Chrysantus M.; Fiaboe, Komi K.M.; Mbaka, Jesca; Muriuki, Anne; Kamau, David and Adamtey, Noah (2024) Closing the crop yield gap between organic and conventional farming systems in Kenya: Long-term trial research indicates agronomic viability. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 18 (101499), pp. 1-11.

Bautze, David; Musyoka, Martha W.; Karanja, Edward N.; Matheri, Felix; Muriuki, Anne; Mucheru, Monicah and Adamtey, Noah (2019) What is the contribution of organic agriculture to sustainable development? Results from the Long-term Farming Systems Comparisons Trials. Paper at: 1st International Conference on Agroecology Transforming Agriculture & Food Systems in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 18.-21. June 2019. [Completed]

Bhullar, Gurbir S.; Bautze, David; Adamtey, Noah; Armengot, Laura; Cicek, Harun; Goldmann, Eva; Riar, Amritbir; Rüegg, Johanna; Schneider, Monika and Huber, Beate (2021) What is the contribution of organic agriculture to sustainable development? A synthesis of twelve years (2007-2019) of the “long-term farming systems comparisons in the tropics (SysCom)”. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) , Department of International Cooperation, Frick, Switzerland.

Goldmann, Eva (2022) Faces of Organic Cotton - SysCom India. Dossier / Fact Sheet. FiBL, CH-Frick.

Huber, Beate; Adamtey, Noah; Bautze, David; Armengot, Laura; Cotter, Marc; Goldmann, Eva; Rüegg, Johanna and Singh, Akanksha (2023) Ist der Ökologische Landbau eine Antwort auf die Düngemittelkrise? Ergebnisse von 15 Jahren Langzeitforschung in den Tropen. Paper at: Runder Tisch Agrarökologie und EZA, Berlin, Deutschland, 24.1.2023. [Completed]

Huber, Beate; Bautze, David and Goldmann, Eva (2022) Ist der Biolandbau eine Lösung für den globalen Süden? BioTOPP, 2022, 5, pp. 16-19.

Keller, Chigusa and Rüegg, Johanna (2024) Measuring labour time and implications for the management of tropical cacao AF systems (SysCom Bolivia). Paper at: FiBL Open Day – Organic transformation of food systems, online, 27.11.2024. [Completed]

Keller, Chigusa; Rüegg, Johanna; Schneidewind, Ulf; Armengot, Laura and Goldmann, Eva (2023) Challenges and approaches in data management of LTE trials in tropical field sites: Experiences from two trials in India and Bolivia. Paper at: Long Term Experiments: Meeting future challenges, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK, 20.-22. June 2023. [Completed]

Lori, Martina; Armengot, Laura; Schneider, Monika; Schneidewind, Ulf; Bodenhausen, Natacha; Mäder, Paul and Krause, Hans-Martin (2022) Organic management enhances soil quality and drives microbial community diversity in cocoa production systems. Science of The Total Environment, 843 (155223), pp. 1-11.

Morales-Belpaire, Isabel; Alfaro-Flores, Adalid; Losantos-Ramos, Karen; Palabral-Velarde, Oswaldo; Amurrio-Ordonez, Patricia and Armengot, Laura (2024) Soil quality indicators under five diferent cacao production systems and fallow in Alto Beni, Bolivia. Agroforestry Systems, 98, pp. 2517-2532.

Mwangi, Edwin; Ngamau, Catherine; Wesonga, John; Karanja, Edward N.; Musyoka, Martha W.; Matheri, Felix; Fiaboe, Komi K.M.; Bautze, David and Adamtey, Noah (2020) Managing Phosphate Rock to Improve Nutrient Uptake, Phosphorus Use Efficiency, and Carrot Yields. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 20, pp. 1350-1365.

Rebholz, Theresa; Huber, Beate and Bautze, David (2021) «Eine andere Art von Biolandbau». Bioaktuell, 2021 (10), pp. 16-17.

Riar, Amritbir; Goldmann, Eva; Bautze, David; Rüegg, Johanna; Bhullar, Gurbir S.; Adamtey, Noah; Schneider, Monika; Huber, Beate and Armengot, Laura (2024) Farm gate profitability of organic and conventional farming systems in the tropics. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 22 (1), p. 2318933.

Rüegg, Johanna; Cotter, Marc and Bautze, David (2023) Wie sieht ein nachhaltiges Kakaoanbausystem aus? BioTOPP, 2023, 1, pp. 16-18.

Rüegg, Johanna; Schneidewind, Ulf; Milz, Joachim; Schneider, Monika and Armengot, Laura (2022) Different agroforestry designs for diversified organic cocoa production – cocoa and by-crop yield development in 11 years of a long-term trial. Speech at: 5 th world congress on agroforestry, Québec, Canada, 17. - 19.7.2022. [Completed]

Rüegg, Johanna; Walter, Yana; Ascencia, Yana; Choque, Beatriz; Campos, Consuelo and Milz, Joachim (2024) Dynamic cocoa agroforestry: 25 years of experience in Alto Beni, Bolivia. Tropical Forest, 2024 (62), pp. 59-65.

Schweizer, Steffen A.; Graf-Rosenfellner, Markus; Bhat, Nisar, A.; Kayse, Gilles; Sisodia, Bhupendra, S.; Kirchhof, Gunnar; Zikeli, Sabine; Cadisch, Georg and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2022) Responses of soil organic carbon, aggregate diameters, and hydraulic properties to long-term organic and conventional farming on a Vertisol in India. Land Degradation & Development, 33, pp. 785-797.

Wainaina, Stephen; Waititu, Anthony; Salifu, Daisy; Mwalili, Samuel; Karanja, Edward N.; Adamtey, Noah; Tonnang, Henri; Matheri, Felix; Mwangi, Edwin; Bautze, David and Tanga, Chrysantus M. (2022) Modeling the Incidence of Maize Spotted Stem-Borer (Chilo partellus) Infestation Under Long-Term Organic and Conventional Farming Systems. International Journal of Data Science and Analysis, 8 (6), pp. 169-181.

This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 15:28:41 2025 CET.