Items affiliated to "Univ. Milano"
Number of items at this level: 26. {Project} FreeBirds: FreeBirds - Optimising the use of the free range as the key to improve organic chicken production. Runs 2018 - 2021. Project Leader(s): Gunnarsson, Dr Stefan; Anja Brinch Riber, Dr Anja; Bestman, Dr Monique; Rodenburg, Prof. Bas and Ferrante, Dr Valentina, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) . {Project} iPOPY: iPOPY - Innovative Public Organic food Procurement for Youth. Runs 2007 - 2010. Project Leader(s): Løes, Anne-Kristin; Kristensen, Niels Heine; Bocchi, Stefano; Roos, Gun and Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg, Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming . Bocchi, Stefano; Spigarolo, Roberto; Marcomini, Natale and Sarti, Valerio (2008) Organic and conventional public food procurement for youth in Italy. Bioforsk Report, no. 42. State University of Milan , Faculty of Agriculture. Bocchi, Stefano; Spigarolo, Roberto; Sarti, Valerio and Noelting, Benjamin (2009) Organising supply chains of organic products for Italian school meals - The case of the province and of the city of Piacenza. In: Noelting, Benjamin (Ed.) Providing organic school food for youths in Europe - Policy strategies, certification and supply chain management in Denmark, Finland, Italy and Norway. Proceedings of the iPOPY seminar held at the BioFach February 20th 2009 in Nuremberg, Germany, International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), CORE Organic Series Report, pp. 23-29. Castellini, A.; Mauracher, C.; Roma, R.; Deboni, A.; Gaviglio, A. and Ragazzoni, A. (2014) The organic aquaculture sector in Italy: a Delphi evaluation of the market potentialities. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 769-772. Corno, Fabio (2015) INDAGINI SUI COSTITUENTI DI POMODORI SOTTOPOSTI AD ESSICCAMENTO. [Investigation on the constituents of tomatoes subjected to drying.] Masters thesis, University of Milano, Faculty of Science and Technologies . . Corno, Fabio (2015) INDAGINI SUI COSTITUENTI DI POMODORI SOTTOPOSTI AD ESSICCAMENTO. [Investigation on the constituents of tomatoes subjected to drying.] Masters thesis, University of Milano, Faculty of Science and Technologies . . Ferrante, Dr Valentina; Baroli, Dr Daniela; Lolli, Dr Susanna and Di Mauro, Dr Francesca (2008) Broilers welfare, health and production in organic and conventional systems. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. Ferrante, V.; Baroli, D.; Marelli, S.P. and Cavalchini, L.G. (2005) Performance and reactivity in three Italian poultry breeds for organic production. In: Witkowski, A. (Ed.) Animal Science Papers and Reports, 23 (supple), pp. 223-229. Ferrante, Valentina; Ferrari, Lorenzo and Tognoli, Cristina (2019) FreeBirds leaflet - Introduction to the project. . FERRARI, LORENZO; FERRARI, PAOLO; MANTOVI, PAOLO; GRILLI, GUIDO and FERRANTE, VALENTINA (2020) Più benessere per polli e galline. [More welfare for hens and broiler.] AGRONOTIZIE, 2 July 2020, p. 1. Frischknecht, Mirjam; Bapst, Beat; Seefried, Franz R.; Signer-Hasler, Heidi; Garrick, Dorian; Stricker, Christian; Consortium, Intergenomics; Fries, Ruedi; Russ, Ingolf; Sölkner, Johann; Bieber, Anna; Strillacci, Maria G.; Gredler-Grandl, Birgit and Flury, Christine (2017) Genome-wide association studies of fertility and calving traits in Brown Swiss cattle using imputed whole-genome sequences. BMC Genomics, 18 (910), pp. 1-13. Gaviglio, Anna; Licitra Pedol, Martina and Pirani, Alberto (2008) Interrelationships between organic food industry, innovation and consumer behaviour. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. {Tool} Promoting range use in broiler chickens (FreeBirds Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Gunnarsson, Stefan; Ferrante, Valentina; Brinch Riber, Anja; Marchewka, Joanna; Tuyttens, Frank; Ipek, Aydın; Sözcü, Arda; Bestman, Monique; Rodenburg, Bas and van Niekerk, Thea. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021) {Tool} Promoting range use in laying hens (FreeBirds Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Gunnarsson, Stefan; Ferrante, Valentina; Brinch Riber, Anja; Marchewka, Joanna; Tuyttens, Frank; Ipek, Aydın; Sözcü, Arda; Bestman, Monique; Rodenburg, Bas and van Niekerk, Thea. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021) Mangieri, Nicola; Ambrosini, Davide; Baroffio, Stefano; Vigentini, Ileana; Foschino, Roberto and De Noni, Icano (2022) Valorisation of bovine sweet whey and sunflower press cake blend through controlled fermentation as platform for innovative food materials. Foods, 11, p. 1417. Mangieri, Nicola; Rosciano, Gerardo; Porcellato, Davide; Winther, Anja Ruud; De Noni, Ivano; Fracassetti, Daniela; Foschino, Roberto and Vigentini, Ileana (2023) Sustainability of food side streams: a case study of fermented blends made with sour whey and sunflower press cake powder using the back-slopping technique. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, p. 1166002. Melotti, Edoardo (2016) STUDIES ON THE COSTITUENTS OF SWEET PEPPER (SENISE PEPPER PGI) SUBJECTED TO DIFFERENT DRYING TECHNIQUES. Masters thesis, University of Milano , Faculty of Sciences and Technologies. . [Completed] Melotti, Edoardo (2016) STUDIES ON THE COSTITUENTS OF SWEET PEPPER (SENISE PEPPER PGI) SUBJECTED TO DIFFERENT DRYING TECHNIQUES. Masters thesis, University of Milano , Faculty of Sciences and Technologies. . [Completed] Melotti, Edoardo (2016) STUDIES ON THE COSTITUENTS OF SWEET PEPPER (SENISE PEPPER PGI) SUBJECTED TO DIFFERENT DRYING TECHNIQUES. Masters thesis, University of Milano , Faculty of Sciences and Technologies. . [Completed] Melotti, Edoardo (2016) STUDIES ON THE COSTITUENTS OF SWEET PEPPER (SENISE PEPPER PGI) SUBJECTED TO DIFFERENT DRYING TECHNIQUES. Masters thesis, University of Milano , Faculty of Sciences and Technologies. . [Completed] Michalska-Ciechanowska, Anna; Masztalerz, Klaudia; Mangieri, Nicola; Foschino, Roberto; Lech, Krzysztof; Wojdylo, Anna; Nowicka, Paulina and Brzezanowska, Jessica (2024) Unlocking the potential of oil by-products: Investigating the influence of co-culture fermentation on phenolic acid degradation in side stream blends from oil and dairy industry. Future Foods, 9, p. 100324. Picchi, V; Bianchi, G; Guerrieri, A; Fibiani, M; Campanelli, G; Sabatini, E and Lo Scalzo, R (2016) Effects of the processing technique on the retention of bioactive compounds and volatiles in organic and conventional strawberry jams. In: Renard, Catherine (Ed.) Book of Abstracts, PQ-16, p. 111. Prinsen, R.T.M.M.; Rossoni, A.; Gredler, B.; Bieber, A.; Bagnato, A. and Strillacci, M.G. (2017) A genome wide association study between CNVs and quantitative traits in Brown Swiss cattle. Livestock Science, 202, pp. 7-12. Prinsen, R.T.M.M.; Strillacci, M.G.; Schiavini, F.; Santus, E.; Rossoni, A.; Maurer, V.; Bieber, A.; Gredler, B.; Dolezal, M. and Bagnato, A. (2016) A genome-wide scan of copy number variants using high-density SNPs in Brown Swiss dairy cattle. Livestock Science, 191, pp. 153-160. Zoli, M; MANTOVI, PAOLO; FERRARI, PAOLO; ferrari, Lorenzo and FERRANTE, VALENTINA (2023) Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Levels in Outdoor Runs in Organic Laying Farms. Animals, 13 (3), pp. 1-12. This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 01:46:27 2025 CET. |