Items affiliated to "Other organizations"
Number of items at this level: 37. AAdu-Gyamfi, J. J.; Myaka, F.A.; Sakala, W.D.; Odgaard, R.; Vesterager, J. M. and Høgh-Jensen, Henning (2007) Biological nitrogen fixation and nitrogen and phosphorus budgets in farmer-managed intercrops of maize-pigeonpea in semi-arid southern and eastern Africa. Plant and Soil, 295, pp. 127-136. Anderson, Fergal (2014) Reclaiming the Right to live from the Land: Developing local food sovereignty alliances to normalise peasant agriculture in the 21st century. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed] BBarret, Philippe; Marq, Pascal; Mayer, Carolin and Padel, Susanne (2015) Research for transition: Europeans deserve a better agricultural and food policy. Université catholique de Louvain and Organic Research Centre commissioned bythe Greens/EFA in the European Parliament , Brussel. Blakemore, Robert (2010) Wonder Worm to the Rescue. Our World 2.0 brought to you by the United Nations University, 2 July 2010, 2010, p. 1. CChang, Jennifer (2014) Hansalim Organic Cooperative – A Best Practice Model of Direct Sales between Farmers and Consumers. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed] Cicek, Harun and Ates, Serkan (2020) Effect of nurse crops and seeding rate on the persistence, productivity and nutritive value of sainfoin in a cereal‐based production system. Grass and Forage Science, 75 (1), pp. 86-95. Corsten, Frank (2011) Community-Supported Financing / how transparency on the web promotes good food production. Bachelor of Science thesis, University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo, Italy . . DDonmez, Cenk; Schmidt, Marcus; Cilek, Ahmet; Grosse, Meike; Paul, Carsten; Hierold, Wilfried and Helming, Katharina (2022) Climate change impacts on long-term field experiments in Germany. Agricultural Systems, 205, pp. 1-17. EErdal, Ülfet and Gürel, Aynur (2012) STATUS OF ORGANIC COTTON PRODUCTION IN TURKEY. [TÜRKİYE'DE ORGANİK PAMUK ÜRETİM DURUMU.] Inter-Regional Cooperative Research Network on Cotton for the Mediterranean and Middle East Regions, Antalya, Turkey, 5-7 November, 2012. [Submitted] GGiovannucci, Daniele (2006) Salient Trends in Organic Standards: Opportunities and Challenges for Developing Countries. Working paper, World Bank & USAID . [Unpublished] Giovannucci, Daniele and Koekoek, F.J. (2003) The State of Sustainable Coffee: A Study of Twelve Major Markets. International Institute of Sustainable Development and International Coffee Organization. Giovannucci, Daniele and Villalobos, Andres (2007) The State of Organic Coffee: 2007 US Update. Centro de Intelegencia para los Mercados Sostenibles (INCAE) . HHalberg, Niels and Müller, Adrian (2013) Organic agriculture, livelihoods and development. In: Halberg, Niels and Müller, Adrian (Eds.) Organic Agriculture for Sustainable Livelihoods. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 1-20. Hoste, Hervé; Meza-OCampos, Griselda; Marchand, Sarah; Sotiraki, Smaragda; Sarasti, Katerina; Blomstrand, Berit Marie; Williams, Andrew R.; Thamsborg, Stig Milan; Athanasiadou, Spiridoula; Enemark, Heidi L.; Acosta, Juan Felipe Torres; Mancilla-Montelongo, Gabriella; Castro, Carlos Sandoval; Costa-Junior, Livio M.; Louvandini, Helder; Sousa, Dauana Mesquita; Salminen, Juha-Pekka; Karonen, Maarit; Engstrom, Marika; Charlier, Johannes; Niderkorn, Vincent and Morgan, Eric R. (2022) Use of agro-industrial by-products containing tannins for the integrated control of gastrointestinal nematodes in ruminants. Parasite, 29 (10), pp. 1-16. IIzac, A.-M.; Egelyng, H.; Ferreira, G.; Duthie, D.; Hubert, B.; Louwaars, N. and al., et (2009) Options for enabling policies and regulatory environments. In: McIntyre, B.D.; Herren, H. and Watson, R.T. (Eds.) Agriculture at a Crossroads. Volume I: The Global Report - International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge Science and Technology for Development. Island Press, chapter 7. JJansonius, PieterJans; Vijver, Lucy P.L.; Bloksma, Joke and Buchmann, Markus (2012) Biologisch-dynamische Qualität im Obstbau. Was können wir erkennen und vermitteln? [Biodynamic quality at fruit growers: What can we recognize and communicate?] Lebendige Erde, January 2012, pp. 40-44. Jensen, Erik Steen; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Peoples, Mark B.; Gresshoff, Peter M. and Vance, Carroll P. (2010) The Use of Legumes for Agro-Energy and Non-Food Purposes. Speech at: 5th International Food Legumes Research Conference (IFLRC V) and 7th European Conference on Grain Legumes (AEP VII), Antalya, Turkey , 26-30 April, 2010. LLampkin, N.; Stolze, M.; Meredith, S.; de Porras, M.; Haller, L. and Mészáros, D. (2020) Using Eco-schemes in the new CAP: a guide for managing authorities. IFOAM EU, FiBL and IEEP, Brussels . Landau, Seth and Znaor, Darko (2009) Reducing Emissions in Croatia – the Costs of Mitigation. In: Landau, S.; Legro, S. and Vlašić, S. (Eds.) A Climate for Change: Climate Change and its Impacts on Society and Economy in Croatia: UNDP’s National Human Development Report 2008. United Nations Development Programme, Country Office Croatia, Zagreb, pp. 185-212. Lernoud, Julia; Potts, Jason; Sampson, Gregory; Garibay, Salvador V.; Lynch, Matthew; Voora, Vivek; Willer, Helga and Wozniak, Joseph (2017) The State of Sustainable Markets 2017 - Statistics and Emerging Trends. International Trade Centre (ITC), International Institute for Sustainable (IISD), Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Geneva, Switzerland. MMahendra Kumar, Trivedi; Alice, Branton; Dahryn, Trivedi and Gopal, Nayak (2015) Impact of Biofield Energy Treatment on Soil Fertility. Earth Sciences, 4 (6), pp. 275-279. Meinshausen, Florentine; Vergara, Alejandra and Santillan, Veronica (2024) Informe final sobre las implicaciones del reglamento orgánico (UE) 2018/848 en Ecuador. Research Institute for Organic Agriculture FiBL FiBL, CH-Frick . Minin, Vladislav; Ustroev, Anatoly; Mbaiholoie, Esteme and Subbotin, Igor (2017) Technical provision of organic farming in Russia: problems and prospects. [Техническое обеспечение органического земледелия в России: проблемы и перспективы.] In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 133-134. Mokrane, Selma; Cavallo, Giuseppe; Tortorici, Francesco; Romero, Elena; Fereres, Alberto; Djelouah, Khaled; Verrastro, Vincenzo and Cornara, Daniele (2020) Behavioral effects induced by organic insecticides can be exploited for a sustainable control of the Orange Spiny Whitefly Aleurocanthus spiniferus. Scientific Reports, 10, p. 15746. PPak, Chang Nam (2014) Organic Agriculture in DPRK. A Strategy for Sustainable Development. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed] Piepho, Hans Peter; Gabriel, Doreen; Hartung, Jens; Büchse, Andreas; Grosse, Meike; Kurz, Sabine; Laidig, Friedrich; Michel, Volker; Proctor, Iain; Sedlmeier, Jan Erik; Toppel, Kathrin and Wittenburg, Dörte (2022) One, two, three: portable sample size in agricultural research. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 1, pp. 1-24. Pöytäniemi, Pinja O. V. (2022) Communication for development: The case of promoting organic farming in northern Ghana. Bachelor's Degree Work thesis, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences , Life Sciences. . [Submitted] RReckling, Moritz and Grosse, Meike (2022) On-farm Research to Diversify Organic Farming Systems. Organic Farming, 8 (1), pp. 1-2. Richter, Toralf; Vaclavik, Tom and Garibay, Salvador (2007) Retailing organic food in Europe – latest trends in the distribution channels for organic products in Europe. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2007, Nürnberg Messe Convention Center, Nuremburg, Germany, February 15-17, 2007. SSantos e Silva, João P.; Enes, Maria A.; Figueiredo, Felisbela O.; Pires da Costa, José S. and Abreu, José M. (2005) GRASS UTILIZATION IN GROWING FINISHING BÍSARO PIGS (85-107 KG). PERFORMANCE AND CARCASS COMPOSITION. Poster at: III Symposium International sur le Porc Méditerranéen, Tarbes - France, 16-19 novembre 2004. [In Press] SAYGILI, SEVİNÇ (2014) THE IMPORTANCE OF PRODUCER ORGANIZATIONS IN ORGANIC FARMING. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed] Shaikh Tanveer, Hossain; Md. Sakirul Islam, Khan and Sheikh Mohammad Fazle, Akbar (2020) Consumers' Preferences for Safe and Organic Food during and Post-COVID-19. Paper at: Food Science Virtual 2020, Virtual (UK), 13-14 July 2020. TTEWARI, HARISH CHANDER and TEWARI, POONAM (2014) ORGANIC FARMING INTERNSHIP AND VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS IN INDIA. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed] Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2013) Combining agronomic and breeding approaches for improved nutrient use efficiency. In: Bekker, Heiko (Ed.) Proceedings of the EUCARPIA conference "Breeding for nutrient use efficiency", p. 5. WWiller, Helga; Sampson, Gregory; Voora, Vivek; Dang, Duc and Lernoud, Julia (2019) The State of Sustainable Markets 2019 - Statistics and Emerging Trends. International Trade Centre (ITC), International Institute for Sustainable (IISD), Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Geneva, Switzerland. ZZnaor, Darko (2009) Vulnerability in Agriculture. In: Landau, S.; Legro, S. and Vlašić, S. (Eds.) A Climate for Change: Climate Change and its Impacts on Society and Economy in Croatia: UNDP’s National Human Development Report 2008. United Nations Development Programme, Country Office Croatia, Zagreb, pp. 119-148. Znaor, Darko (2009) Vulnerability of Water Resources. In: Landau, S; Legro, S and Vlašić, S (Eds.) A Climate for Change: Climate Change and its Impacts on Society and Economy in Croatia: UNDP’s National Human Development Report 2008. United Nations Development Programme, Country Office Croatia, Zagreb, pp. 95-118. This list was generated on Mon Jan 20 23:23:45 2025 CET. |