Items affiliated to "2018: 4th African Organic Conference"
Number of items at this level: 41. AAbayomi, Olowoake Adebayo (2018) Influence of Compost Supplemented with Jatropha Cake on Growth, Dry Matter Accumulation and Nutrient Uptake of Maize (Zeamays L.). In: Rahmann, Gerold (Hrsg.); Olowe, Victor Idowu; Oladiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 187-192. AdeOluwa, Olugbenga O.; Oyewole, O. Matilda and Soetan, G. O. (2018) Improving Yield of Corchorus Olitorus I. with Legacy Fertility of Jack Bean Fallow and Compost Amendments in an Organic Farming System. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 53-58. Aderolu, IA; Lawal, OO; Wahab, AA; Alabi, KO; Osunlola, OS and Giwa, MA (2018) Influence of Tillage Systems on Diversity and Abundance of Insect and Nematode Pests of Maize in Malete, Kwara State, Nigeria. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 33-36. Adidja, Wivine; Ssekyewa, Charles and Muwanga-Zake, Johnnie (2018) Land degradation as an issue in Agro-ecosystems: A review of underlying causes. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 19-26. Agana, Gerard L. (2018) Organic Agriculture, Food Safety and Supply in Northern Ghana - CAOF’s Strategy. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 93-98. Anyoha, Ndidi-paschal O.; Chikaire, Jonadab U. and Atoma, C. Nwamaka (2018) Sustainable Agro-forestry practices for climate change Adaptation and Promotion of Organic Agriculture among farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor; Olabiyi, Timothy; Azim, Khalid and Adeoluwa, Olubenga O. (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 1-6. Atoma, Charity Nwamaka; Adesope, Olufemi Martins; Anyoha, Ndidi-paschal Ogochukwu and Chikaire, Jonadab Ubochioma (2018) Analysis of Use of Organic Farming Practices among Rural fish Farmers in South-South Nigeria. In: Rahman, Gerold; Olowe, Victor; Olabiyi, Timothy; Azim, Khalid and AdeOluwa, Olugbenga (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 221-226. Atungwu, J. J.; Adeoye, O. O.; Olabiyi, T. I.; Oladeji, O. A. and Eche, C. O. (2018) Potency of Arati-Obd+ Organic Fertilizer on Plant-Parasitic and Free-Living Nematodes in Peppermint (Mentha Piperita L.) Field. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 153-156. Atungwu, J. J.; Yusuf, A. O.; Oladeji, O. A.; Aruna, W. O.; Joseph-Adekunle, T. T. and Tijanni, I. (2018) Impact of Gateway Organic Fertilizer on Herbivorous and Non-Parasitic Nematodes Associated with Telfairia Occidentalis Hook F. Field. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 111-114. AyanfeOluwa, Olufemi Emmanuel; AdeOluwa, Olugbenga O. and Gbadamosi, R.O. (2018) Survey of traditional knowledge that are compliant to organic standard. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 235-240. Ayoola, Akeem Ayobami; Muhammad, Sulaiman Babatunde and Adewale, Shamsideen (2018) Comparative assessment of phytochemical properties of ethanolic extracts of barks of two herbal trees. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olibiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 115-120. DDassou, Anicet Gbèblonoudo; Vodouhe, Simplice Davo and Bokonon-Ganta, Aimé (2018) Influence of the cultivated plant diversity on the abundance of arthropod trophic groups and Helicoverpa armigera biological control in tomato cropping systems in Benin. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 231-234. Delphine, Bodjrenou (2018) De la vulnérabilité au prestige? L’agriculture écologique et biologique, un outil de négociation et d’exercice du pouvoir des femmes. [From vulnebility to prestige? Ecological and organic agriculture as a tool of power use and negociation of women.] In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 271-276. EEkunseitan, D.A.; Adeleye, A.E. and Osoyode, B.G. (2018) Faecal Analysis of Pullet Birds Administered Aqueous Lagenaria Breviflora Robert Extract. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor; Olabiyi, Timothy; Azim, Khalid and AdeOluwa, Olugbenga (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 245-250. GGeorge, Francisca O.A.; Nwaezeigwe, Franklin O.; Abdul, Waheed O. and Jegede, A. V. (2018) Development of Organic fish feeds: Case study of poultry droppings and pig feces as replacement for soybean meal in practical diets for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 121-128. HHoueto, Justin A. and Vodouhê, Simplice D. (2018) Analyse de la performance économique de production de Chou (Brassica oleracea) biologique dans les communes de Cotonou et de Sèmè Kpodji au Sud-Bénin. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 65-70. IIpinmoroti, Mabel Omowumi (2018) Ginger as an Antimicrobial Agent in the Preservation of Smoke Dried Clarias Gariepinus. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 227-230. Isa, Dr. Halima Muhammad and Bashir, H.E. (2018) Groth and Yield of Soybean (Glycine Max (L.) Merrill) as Influenced by Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 203-208. JJoseph-Adekunle, Tunerayo T. and Adelola, Ayomide S. (2018) Growth Response, Herbage yield and proximate contents of Peppermint (Mentha piperita) as influenced by Organic fertilizer types. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 199-202. KKabi, Fred; Kayima, Denis; Kigozi, Abasi; Mpingirika, Eric Zadok; Kayiwa, Ronald and Okello, Dorothy (2018) Effect of different organic substrates on reproductive biology, growth and offtake of the African night crawler earthworm (Eudrilus eugeniae). In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 37-42. Kamoga, Gerald; Mwine, Julius and Ssekyewa, Charles (2018) Efficacy Evaluation of Selected Biorational Combinations in the Management of Tomato Blight. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 27-32. Konvalina, Petr; Capouchova, Ivana and Janovska, Dagmar (2018) Participatory Plant Breeding Concept as Tool for Creating Adapted Varieties for Local Conditions. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 293-298. LLuka, Grace Lamba; Odion, Ehiabhi Cyril and Maiyaki, Mustafa Mohammad (2018) Effect of Poultry and Green Manure Sources on the Productivity of Popcorn (Zea mays everta L.). In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 259-262. MMagado, Ronald and Ssekyewa, Charles (2018) Impact of climate change on cassava farming a case study of Wabinyonyi sub county Nakasongola District. [Impacto del cambio climático en la producción de mandioca: estudio de caso del distrito de Nakasongola, sub condado de Wabinyonyi.] In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 99-110. Martin, Pierre; Sarter, Samira; Huchard, Marianne; Tagne, Appolinaire; Ilboudo, Zakaria; Marnotte, Pascal and Silvie, Pierre (2018) Connaître les plantes utiles pour l’Agriculture Biologique d’après la littérature : Construction et exploration d’une base de connaissances pour la santé végétale et animale. [Knowing the Useful Plants for Organic agriculture according to literature: Building and Exploring a Knowledge Base for Plant and Animal Health.] In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 137-142. Mogoi, Kenyanya Teresa; Moturi, Wilkister Nyaora; Nyaanga, Jane; Macharia, Joseph Kinyoro and Birech, Rhoda Jerop (2018) Determination of Pesticide Residues in Organic and Conventional Exotic Vegetables. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 47-52. Moudry, Jan (Jr.); Bernas, Jaroslav; Moudry, Jan; Konvalina, Petr and Kopecky, Marek (2018) Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of Organic Farming by LCA method - Greenhouse Gases from Corn Production. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 209-214. Muhammad, S.B; Sobayo, R.A; Oso, A.O; Sogunle, O.M; Ayoola, A.A; Basiru, Y.T and Abotinde, R.O (2018) Haematological indices of ISA brown birds fed diets containing Guinea hen weed (Petiveria alliacea) leaf and root meals. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor; Olabiyi, Timothy; Azim, Khalid and AdeOluwa, Olugbenga (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 171-174. Mwine, Julius Tedson; Murongo, Marius Flarian and Ssemakula, Joseph (2018) The use of cartoons in promoting Ecological organic agriculture among children and youths in smallholder farming communities. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 299-302. NNuutila, Jaakko; Olowe, Victor and Rembialkowska, Ewa (2018) Improving the food sovereignty in Africa – an Activity Theory approach. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 13-18. OOdeyemi, Olubukola Motunrayo; Odetola, Ibrahim Olayinka and Ojetayo, Abiola Elizabeth (2018) Physico-chemical composition of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis. cv Agege 1) with fruit maturity in an organic production system. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor; Olabiyi, Timothy; Azim, Khalid and AdeOluwa, Olugbenga (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 181-186. Odion, Ehiabhi Cyril; Ibrahim, Usman; Sambo, Banake Elisha; Ahmed, Adamu and Mukthar, Aisha (2018) Developing a Strategy for Sustainable Improved Soil Productivity in the Tropics - Efficient Management of Crop Residue/Farm Waste. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor; Olabiyi, Timothy; Azim, Khalid and AdeOluwa, Olugbenga (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 241-244. Olanrewaju, P.O.; Meludu, N.T.; Yekinni, O.T. and AdeOluwa, O.O (2018) Assessment of traditional agricultural practices in Nigeria for possible conversion to organic farming systems. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 157-164. Olowe, Victor; Adeoluwa, Olugbenga O.; Orimoloye, Julius and Yekinni, Taofeeq (2018) Towards mapping Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) research into use in Nigeria. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 193-198. Onyenali, Tobechi; Olowe, Victor; Fabunmi, Thomas and Adeniyi, Soretire (2018) Organic fertilizers improve the growth, seed quality and yield of newly released soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) varieties in the tropics. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 143-148. RRasmussen, Ilse A. (2018) Instruction on How to Submit a Full Paper Submission in Organic Eprints for the 4th African Organic Conference 2018. 4th African Organic Conference, 2018. [Submitted] TTabrika, Ilyass; Azim, Khalid; Mayad, El Hassan and Zaafrani, Mina (2018) Composting of tomato wastes and sheep manure: An eco-friendly waste valorisation for enhancing the environmental sustainability in Souss Massa region (Morocco). In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 215-220. VVodouhê, Gbèlidji T. and DavoVodouhê, Simplice (2018) Analyse du consentement des consommateurs à payer les légumes biologiques au sud du Bénin. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 59-64. WWahab, Adesina A; Dada, Olasunkanmi A; Aina, Oluseyi; Agbanna, Kola and Hamza, Abdulmajeed (2018) Influence of poultry composted manure on soil organic carbon and selected soil properties under Tomato cultivation. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 175-180. YYeboah, Paul (2018) Ecological Agriculture as an Integral Part of Permaculture. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 43-46. Yusuf, Olayinka J.; Olowoake, Adebayo A.; Ojo, James A. and Afe, Isaac A. (2018) Comparative training needs’ assessment of actors within the Ecological Organic Agriculture value chain in Northern Nigeria. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 71-76. 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