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Items affiliated to "FOODLEVERS"

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Number of items at this level: 16.


Alonso Adame, Alba (2023) D3.2_Generic Agent-based Model. ILVO, Belgium .

Alonso Adame, Alba and Farahbakhsh, Siavash (2022) Simulating the leverage points for the upscaling of innovative organic agri-food systems. Paper at: Social Simulation Conference, Milan, 2022. [draft]


Borek, Robert and Syp, Alina (editor): Holzner, Valerie; Herder, Michael; Consalvo, Claudia; Wustenberghs, Hilde; Gliga, Adrian and Smith, Laurence (Eds.) (2022) D1.2_Report on reference farming system. IUNG-PIB, Poland .


Ciolfi, Marco; Consalvo, Claudia; Lorenzoni, Deborah; Petrangeli, Enrico; Pisanelli, Andrea and Russo, Giuseppe (2023) Mental Modeler Matrix Analysis. Working paper, National Research Council (CNR) Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET), Italy . [Completed]

Ciolfi, Marco; Lorenzoni, Deborah and Petrangeli, Enrico (2023) FOODLEVERS Milestone 3.1: Report on Fuzzy CogniEve Mapping. National Research Council (CNR) Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET), Italy .


den Herder, Michael; Smith, Laurence; Arguile, Lisa; Dumper-Pollard, Rowan; Borek, Robert; Syp, Alina; Pisanelli, Andrea; Consalvo, Claudia; Rois-Diaz, Mercedes; Mignon, Sandor; Gliga, Adrian; Wustenberghs, Hilde; Alonso Adame, Alba; Michel-Villarreal, Rosario; Tiilikainen, Antti; Orfanidou, Timokleia and Holzner, Valerie (2022) Incorporating ecosystem services in evaluating the sustainability of innovative organic farming systems using the Public Goods tool. In: EURAF 2022 - Book of Abstracts.


Farahbakhsh, Siavash; Wustenberghs, Hilde; Lorenzoni, Deborah and Petrangeli, Enrico (2023) D2.4_Report on consumer behaviour change. EV ILVO (Belgium), CNR (Italy) .


Holzner, Valerie (2022) Mid-term presentation - FOODLEVERS. Speech at: SF-CO Joint Project Seminar, Brussels, 16th - 17th November 2022. [Completed]

Holzner, Valerie (2021) Learning from Innovation in organic & sustainable food systems. Die Kooperative - The German Case Study. Philipps Universität Marburg, Deutschland . [Completed]

Holzner, Valerie and Hassler, Markus (2023) FOODLEVERS - Hebelpunkte für ökologische und nachhaltige Lebensmittelsysteme. Philipps-Universität Marburg, Deutschland . [Completed]

Holzner, Valerie and Riekötter, Nicklas (2022) Status report on value chain analysis. Working paper. [Completed]

Holzner, Valerie; Riekötter, Nicklas; Chen, Hoi Ki Stefan and Cullen, Ruth (2023) D2.3_Report on value chain assessment. FOODLEVERS Consortium .


Pisanelli, Andrea and Consalvo, Claudia (2021) D1.3_Data collection protocols. Working paper, National Research Council (CNR) Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET), Italy . [Completed]

Pisanelli, Andrea; Holzner, Valerie; Borek, Robert; Gliga, Adrian; den Herder, Michael; Arguille, Lisa and Wustenberghs, Hilde (2022) FOODLEVERS project: Leverage points for organic and sustainable food systems. In: EURAF 2022 - Book of Abstracts.


Smith, Laurence (2021) Creation of a network of stakeholders. Working paper. [Completed]


Zylowsky, Tomasz and Westaway, Sally (2023) Task 2.2: Report on Life Cycle and Emergy Assessment. Final report. Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation - State Research Institute, Poland .

This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 03:40:24 2025 CET.