Items affiliated to " I.16 (OKOVAND) Regional groundwater protection by optimised organic farming systems"
Number of items at this level: 34. Journal paperGjettermann, B.; Styczen, M.; Hansen, H.C.B.; Vinther, F.P. and Hansen, S. (2008) Challenges in modelling dissolved organic matter dynamics in agricultural soil using DAISY. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 40, pp. 1506-1518. Gjettermann, B.; Styczen, M.; Hansen, S.; Borggaard, O.K. and Hansen, H.C.B. (2007) Sorption and fractionation of dissolved organic matter and associated phosphorus in agricultural soil. Journal of Environmental Quality , 36 (3), pp. 753-763. Hansen, E.M.; Eriksen, J. and Vinther, F.P. (2005) High yield and low N leaching with barley as a green crop for silage after grass-clover. DARCOFenews (1). Hansen, E.M.; Eriksen, J. and Vinther, F.P. (2005) Stor produktion af grovfoder og lav nitratudvaskning ved dyrkning af grønbyg med italiensk rajgræs efter kløvergræs. FØJOenyt, 1. Hansen, E.M.; Eriksen, J. and Vinther, F.P. (2007) Catch crop strategy and nitrate leaching following grazed grass-clover. Soil Use and Management, 23, pp. 348-358. Jørgensen, P.R.; Urup, J.; Helstrup, T.; Jensen, M.B.; Eiland, F. and Vinther, F.P. (2004) Transport and reduction of nitrate in clayey till underneath forest and arable land. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 73, pp. 207-226. Munkholm, L.J.; Schjønning, P.; Jørgensen, M.H. and Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2005) Mitigation of subsoil recompaction by light traffic and on-land ploughing. II: Root and yield response. Soil & Tillage Research (80), pp. 159-170. Munkholm, L.J.; Schjønning, P. and Rüegg, K. (2005) Mitigation of subsoil recompaction by light traffic and on-land ploughing. I. Soil response. Soil & Tillage Research (80), pp. 149-158. Rasmussen, Jim; Eriksen, Jørgen; Jensen, Erik Steen; Esbensen, Kim H. and Høgh-Jensen, Henning (2007) In situ carbon and nitrogen dynamics in ryegrass-clover mixtures: Transfers, deposition and leaching. [In situ kulstof og kvælstof dynamik i kløvergræs: tranfer, deposition og udvaskning.] Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 39, pp. 804-815. Schjønning, P.; Iversen, B.V.; Munkholm, L.J.; Labouriau, R. and Jacobsen, O.H. (2005) Pore characteristics and hydraulic properties of a sandy loam supplied for a century with either animal manure or mineral fertilizers. Soil Use and Management, 21, pp. 265-275. Vinther, F.P. (2006) Effects of cutting frequency on plant production, N-uptake and N2 fixation in harvested and below-harvest plant biomass of grass clover. Grass and Forage Science, 61, pp. 154-163. Vinther, F.P.; Hansen, E.M. and Eriksen, J. (2006) Leaching of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in sandy soils after cultivating grass-clover swards. Biology and Fertility of Soils (43), pp. 12-19. Vinther, F.P.; Hansen, E.M.; Eriksen, J. and Jacobsen, O.H. (2004) Udvaskning af organisk bundet kvælstof og kulstof. [Leaching of organic nitrogen and carbon.] FØJOenyt (6). Newspaper or magazine articleHansen, E.M.; Eriksen, J. and Vinther, F.P. (2004) Øget udnyttelse af kvælstof efter ompløjning af afgræsset kløvergræs. Grøn Viden, Markbrug, November 2004. Schjønning, P.; Iversen, B.V. and Jacobsen, O.H. (2004) Driftsformen har begrænset effekt på jordens evne til at holde på vandet. FORSKNINGSNYTT om økologisk landbruk i Norden, December 2004, 4, pp. 19-20. Schjønning, P.; Iversen, B.V. and Jacobsen, O.H. (2004) Driftsformen har begrænset effekt på jordens evne til at holde på vandet. [Crop rotation and animal manuring only slightly influence the soil's water holding capacity.] FORSKNINGSNYTT om økologisk landbruk i Norden, 2004, 4, pp. 19-20. Vinther, F.P. (2004) Organisk kvælstof kan også udvaskes. [Organic nitrogen can also be leached.] Økologisk Jordbrug, November 2004 (325), p. 6. Vinther, F.P. (2003) Hvor bliver kvælstoffet af? [Where does the nitrogen go?] FØJOenyt, October 2003, - . Vinther, F.P. (2003) Kvælstof forsvinder. [Nitrogen disappeas.] Økologisk Jordbrug, 2003 (297), p. 8. Vinther, F.P.; Hansen, E.M. and Eriksen, J. (2005) Leaching of organic nitrogen and carbon after cultivating grass-clover pastures. DARCOFenews, June 2005, 1, - . Conference paper, poster, etc.Gjettermann, Birgitte; Styczen, Merete; Hansen, Søren; Borggaard, Ole K. and Hansen, Hans C.B. (2004) Sorption of dissolved organic C and P to agricultural top- and subsoil. In: Bruun, Bente (Ed.) ATV Jord og Grundvand. Vintermøde om jord- og grundvandsforurerening., ATV-fonden for jord og grundvand. DTU., pp. 435-444. Hansen, E.M.; Eriksen, J. and Vinther, F.P. (2005) Nitrogen leaching following cultivation of grazed grass-clover on coarse sandy soil. Poster at: N-workshop, Maastricht, 23-26 Sept. 2005. Jacobsen, O.H.; Vinther, F.P.; Schjønning, P.; Hansen, E.M. and Eriksen, J. (2004) Økologisk jordbrug til beskyttelse af grundvand. [Organic farming for protection of the ground water quality.] Speech at: Økologi-kongres 2004, Odense Kongrescenter, 16-17. November 2004. Munkholm, L.J. and Schjønning, P. (2003) Mechanical subsoiling: Mitigation of recompaction by light traffic and on-land ploughing. In: Proceedings, 16th International Conference of the International Soil Tillage Research Organization (CD-ROM). Rasmussen, Jim and Høgh-Jensen, Henning (2005) DOC and DON from grass-clover - results from a field experiment. Poster at: Cost Action 852 - Workshop, Grado, Italy, November 9-11, 2005. Rasmussen, Jim and Høgh-Jensen, Henning (2004) Origin and composition of Dissolved Organic C and N from grass-clover mixtures. Poster at: Cost Action 627 - Carbon Storage in European grasslands, Ghent, Belgium, June 3-6 2004. [Unpublished] Vinther, F.P. (2005) SimDen – A simple empirical model for quantification of N2O emission and denitrification. Paper at: Manure - an agronomic and environmental challenge. NJF-seminar no. 372, Nils Holgerssongymnasiet, Skurup, Sweden. Abstract of oral presentation, 5-6 September 2005. Vinther, F.P.; Eriksen, J. and Hansen, E.M. (2004) Leaching of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) from grass-clover pastures after ploughing. Speech at: DOM 2004 - International workshop: Dissolved Organic Matter and the Cycling of Carbon, Nutrients and Metals, Bayreuth, Germany, October 3-6 2004. ReportGjettermann, Birgitte (2005) Modeling dissolved organic matter mobilization and immobilization in the root zone: Effect of soil treatment on denitrification and N leaching. The Royal Veterinary and Agricultual University , Department of Agricultural Science. Styczen, M.; Poulsen, R.N.; Gudbjerg, J. and Gjettermann, B. (2005) Simulering af DOC og DON i indsatsområde "Søndersø" på Fyn: Endelig rapport for Arbejdspakke 6 i projektet "Regional Grundvandsbeskyttelse ved hjælp af optimerede Økologiske Dyrkningssystemer". [Simulation of DOC and DON in groundwater protection area "Søndersø" on Funen: Final report for work package 6 of the project "Regional Groundwater Protection by optimised organic farming systems".] DHI Water & Environment , Hydrology, Soil and Waste. Vinther, Finn P. and Hansen, Søren (2004) SimDen - en simpel model til kvantificering af N2O-emission og denitrifikation. [SimDen - a simple model for quantification of N2O-emission and denitrification.] DJF rapport, no. 104. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences , Department for Agroecology. Report chapterVinther, F.P.; Hansen, E.M. and Eriksen, J. (2005) Udvaskning af organisk kulstof efter kløvergræs. [Leaching of organic carbon and nitrogen.] In: Olesen, J.E. (Ed.) Drivhusgasser fra jordbruget - reduktionsmuligheder. DJF rapport, no. Markbrug nr. 113. Danmarks JordbrugsForskning , Afdeling for Jordbrugsproduktion og Miljø, chapter 11, pp. 129-140. Book chapterSchjønning, P.; Munkholm, L.J. and Elmholt, S. (2003) Jordkvalitet og dyrkningsmetoder. [Soil quality and management.] In: Holmstrup, M. (Ed.) Økologisk landbrug og naturen - gør økologisk landbrug en forskel for natur og miljø?. Miljøbiblioteket, no. 1. Gads Forlag, chapter 1, pp. 9-19. ThesisRasmussen, Jim (2007) Below ground C and N transformation processes in perennial grass-clover mixtures. Thesis, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen , Department of Agricultural Sciences. . This list was generated on Sun Feb 9 19:12:31 2025 CET. |