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Items affiliated to " I.10 (VegCatch) Organic vegetable cultivation methods and use of catch crops"

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Number of items at this level: 76.


Askegaard, Margrethe (2002) Forsøg med efterafgrøder på sandjord. Økologisk Jordbrug, November 2002 (275), p. 6.

Askegaard, Margrethe; Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2004) Resultater med efterafgrøder i økologiske forsøg – hvordan kan disse resultater udnyttes på økologiske og konventionelle bedrifter. Speech at: Planteproduktion 2004, Herning, 13-14 Januar.

Askegaard, M. and Eriksen, E. (2007) Growth of legume and nonlegume catch crops and residual-N effects in spring barley on coarse sand. J. Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 170, pp. 733-780.

Askegaard, Margrethe (2008) Residual effect and leaching of N and K in cropping systems with clover and ryegrass catch crops on a coarse sand. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Enviroment, 123, pp. 99-108.

Axelsen, J (2005) Efterafgrøder gavner smådyr - og dermed landmanden. Agrologisk, April 2005, 23 (1), pp. 14-15.

Axelsen, J.; Thorup-Kristensen, K.; Askegaard, M. and Krogh, P.H. (2006) High densities of Collembola and mites in organic fields with undersown catch crops.

Axelsen, Jørgen Aagaard (2003) Efterafgrøder og grøngødning giver masser af liv i jorden. [Nitrogen catch crops and green manuere causes a lot of life in the soil.] Tidsskriftet Praktisk Økologi, 2003 (6), pp. 18-19.


Bjørn, Gitte and Fruekilde, Anne Mette (2003) Kepaløg (Allium cepa L) dyrket konventionelt og økologisk - ligheder og forskelle. [Cepa onions (Allium cepa L) grown convetniollay and organically - similarities and differences.] Grøn Viden (153), pp. 1-6.


Christiansen, J.S.; Thorup-Kristensen, K. and Kristensen, H.L. (2006) Root development of beetroot, sweet corn and celeriac, and soil N content after incorporation of green manure. [Rodudvikling hos rødbede, sukkermajs og rodselleri, samt jordens kvælstofindhold efter nedpløjning af grøngødning.] Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 81 (5), pp. 831-838.

Christiansen, Julie S.; Kristensen, Hanne L. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2003) Rodsystemer hos rødbede, sukkermajs og knoldselleri efter grøngødning. [Root systems of beetroot, sweet corn and celleriac after green manure.] Forskningsnytt, 2003, 4, pp. 20-21.


Dresbøll, D.B.; Bjørn, G.K. and Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2008) Yields and the extent and causes of damage in cauliflower, bulb onion, and carrot grown under organic or conventional regimes. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 83, pp. 770-776.


Eriksen, J (2002) Svovl til korn. Planteavlsorientering, 2002, 07-427.

Eriksen, J (2001) Effects of timing of sulfur application and nitrogen fertilization on yield and quality of barley. In: Book of abstracts from COST Action 829 meeting Sulfur-Nitrogen Interactions in Plants.

Eriksen, J and Askegaard, M (2002) Pas på kalium og svovl i økologiske sædskifter. Landsbladet, 2002, 36, p. 28.

Eriksen, J and Thorup-Kristensen, K (2002) The effect of catch crops on sulphate leaching and availability of S in the succeeding crop. In: Book of abstracts, p. 98.

Eriksen, J and Thorup-Kristensen, K (2002) The effect of catch crops on sulphate leaching and availibility of S in the succeeding crop on sandy loam soil in Denmark. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 90, pp. 247-254.

Eriksen, J. (2004) Svovl i økologiske sædskifter. . Online at http://www.foejo.dk/enyt2/enyt/jan04/svovl.html.

Eriksen, J. (2004) Svovl i økologiske sædskifter? Økologisk Jordbrug, January 2004 (305), p. 6.

Eriksen, J. (2004) Gross sulphur mineralisation-immobilisation turnover in soil amended with plant residues. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 37, pp. 2216-2224.

Eriksen, J. (2004) Hvordan undgås svovlmangel i økologiske sædskifter. In: Månedsmagasinet Mark (1), p. 1.

Eriksen, J. (2002) Svovl til husdyrgødet vårbyg og forfrugtseffekt af græsmarker. In: Bilag til Gødningsseminar 2002.

Eriksen, J. (2001) Organic manures as sources of fertiliser sulphur. In: International Fertiliser Society Proceedings, 505, pp. 1-19.

Eriksen, J.; Thorup-Kristensen, K. and Askegaard, M. (2004) Plant-availability of catch crop S following spring incorporation. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 167, pp. 609-615.

Eriksen, J. and Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2003) The effect of catch crops on sulphate leaching and availability of S in the succeeding crop. In: Davidian, J.C.; Grill, D.; De Kok, L.J.; Stulen, H.; Hawkesford, M.J.; Schnug, E. and Rennenberg, H. (Eds.) Sulfur Transport and Assimilation in Plants: Regulation, Interaction and Signaling. Backhuys Publishers, pp. 205-207.


Fruekilde, Anne Mette and Bjørn, Gitte (2003) Mindre sygdom i økologisk dyrkede kepaløg. [Less diseases in oganically grown onions.] Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden, 2003 (4), pp. 16-17.


Georgieva, S.; Christensen, S.; Petersen, H.; Gjelstrup, P. and Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2005) Early decomposer assemblages of soil organisms in litterbags with vetch and rye roots. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 37, pp. 1145-1155.


Jensen, Lars Stoumann (2005) Lille effekt af fangafgrøder. [Little effect of catch crops.] Økologisk Jordbrug, October 2005 (345), p. 6.

Jensen, Lars Stoumann; Pedersen, Anders; Magid, Jakob and Nielsen, Niels Erik (2006) Influence of catch crops on phosphorous and potassium availability in a depleted loamy soil. Soil Use and Management, (draft manuscript). [Unpublished]

Jensen, Lars Stoumann; Pedersen, Anders; Magid, Jakob and Nielsen, Niels Erik (2005) Catch crops have little effect on P and K availability of depleted soils. [Efterafgrøder har ringe effekt på P og K forsyningen på udpint lerjord.] DARCOFenews.

Jensen, Lars Stoumann; Pedersen, Anders; Magid, Jakob and Nielsen, Niels Erik (2005) Efterafgrøder har ringe effekt på P og K forsyningen på udpint lerjord. [Catch crops have little effect on P and K availability of depleted soils.] FØJOenyt.


Kristensen, H.L. and Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2007) Effects of vertical distribution of soil inorganic nitrogen on root growth and subsequent nitrogen uptake by field vegetable crops. [Betydning af dybdefordeling af uorganisk kvælstof i jorden for rodvækst og kvælstofoptagelse hos grønsagsafgrøder.] Soil Use and Management, 23, pp. 338-347.

Kristensen, H.L. and Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2006) Deep roots of Brassica oleracea have high uptake of 15N-nitrate to 2 meters soil depth. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Kristensen, H.L. and Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2003) Olieræddike kan optage tabt nitrat fra 2,5 meters dybde. [Fodder radish takes up lost nitrate from 2.5 meters depth.] Månedsmagasinet Mark, 2003, 7, pp. 14-15.

Kristensen, Hanne L. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2005) Grønkål optager nitrat fra mere end 2 meters dybde. [Curly kale takes up nitrate from more than 2 meters depth.] FØJOenyt, 4.

Kristensen, Hanne L. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2003) Geotekstiler som rodspærre. [Geotextiles as root barriers.] Miljøprojekt, no. 773. Miljøstyrelsen .


Müller, Torsten; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian; Magid, Jakob; Jensen, Lars Stoumann and Hansen, Søren (2006) Catch Crops in Organic Farming Systems without Livestock Husbandry - Simulations with the DAISY model. Ecological Modelling, 191, pp. 538-544.

Müller, Dr. Torsten and Thorup-Kristensen, Dr. Kristian (2002) Total N difference method and 15N isotope dilution methode - A comparative study on N-fixation. In: Mitteilgn. Dtsch. Bodenkundl. Gesellsch.,, 98, pp. 23-24.


Nielsen, Otto (2001) Entomopathogenic nematodes in agricultural cropping systems. In: Conference abstract book.

Nielsen, Otto and Philipsen, Holger (2005) Abundance of naturally occurring entomopathogenic nematodes and establishment of inoculated Steinernema feltiae in an organic cropping system. In: IOBC Bulletin, 28 (3), pp. 31-34.

Nielsen, Otto and Philipsen, Holger (2004) Seasonal population dynamics of inoculated and indigenous steinernematid nematodes in an organic cropping system. Nematology, 6 (6), pp. 901-909.

Nielsen, Otto; Skovgaard, Ib Michael and Philipsen, Holger (2004) Estimating the incidence of entomopathogenic nematodes in soil by the use of bait insects. Nematology, 6 (6), pp. 891-900.


Pedersen, Anders (2008) Modelling crop root development and nitrate uptake. PhD thesis, The Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen , Department of Agricultural Sciences. .

Pedersen, Anders (2007) Simulating Root Density Dynamics and Nitrogen Uptake – Can a Simple Approach be Sufficient? Speech at: 37th Annual Biological Systems Simulation Conference, Holiday Inn, College Park, Maryland USA, 17-19 april.

Pedersen, Anders (2005) If modelling modelling with Daisy. Speech at: 14th N WORKSHOP “N management in agrosystems in relation to the Water Framework Directive”, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 24-26 October 2005.

Pedersen, Anders; Stoumann Jensen, Lars and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2005) A model analysis on nitrate leaching under different soil and climate conditions and use of catch crops. Poster at: at 14th N WORKSHOP “N management in agrosystems in relation to the Water Framework Directive”, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 24-26 October 2005,. [Unpublished]

Pedersen, Anders and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2006) Hvornår kan udtagning af Nmin prøver betale sig? [When will it be valuable to make mineral N samples?] Frugt og Grønt, September 2006 (9), pp. 378-379.

Pedersen, Anders and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2004) Modelling root distribution and nitrogen uptake. Poster at: International Congress Rhizophere, Perspective and Challenges - A tribute to Lorenz Hiltner, Munich, Germany, 12-17 september 2004. [Unpublished]

Pedersen, Anders; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Jensen, Lars Stoumann (2009) Simulating nitrate retention in soils and the effect of catch crop use and rooting pattern under the climatic conditions of Northern Europe. Soil Use and Management, 25, pp. 243-254.

Pedersen, Anders; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian; Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg and Berntsen, Jørgen (2004) Simulating root growth. DARCOFenews.

Pedersen, Anders; Zhang, Kefeng; Jensen, Lars Stoumann and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2007) Simulating Root Density Dynamics and Nitrogen Uptake -Field Trials and Root Model Approach in Denmark. Poster at: 37th Biological Systems Simulation Conference, Holiday Inn, College Park, Maryland,, 17-19 April.

Pedersen, Anders; Zhang, Kefeng; Jensen, Lars Stoumann and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2007) Simulating Root Density Dynamics and Nitrogen Uptake – Can a Simple Approach be Sufficient? In: 37th Annual Biological Systems Simulation Conference, Program and Abstract, USDA-ARS, pp. 11-12.

Pedersen, Anders; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Jensen, Lars Stoumann (2009) Simulating nitrate retention in soils and the effect of catch crops use and rooting pattern under the climatic conditions of Northern Europe. Soil Use and Management, 28, pp. 243-254.

Philipsen, Holger and Nielsen, Otto (2003) Host potential of insects from cruciferous crops to entomopathogenic nematodes and augmentation of nematodes through oil seed rape growing. In: IOBC Bulletin, 26 (1), pp. 141-146.

Philipsen, Holger and Nielsen, Otto (2003) Host potential of insects from cruciferous crops to entomopathogenic nematodes and augmentation of nematodes through oil seed rape growing. In: IOBC Bulletin, 26 (1), pp. 141-146.


Ravnskov, Sabine; Jensen, Birgit; Nielsen, Steen Lykke and Larsen, John (2004) Quantification of root fungi using signature fatty acids. Poster at: Rhizosphere Congress, Perspectives and Challenges – a tribute to Lorenz Hiltner”, September 12-17, 2004, Munich, Germany, Munich, Germany, September 12-17, 2004. [Unpublished]


Sørensen, Dr. Jørn Nygaard and Thorup-Kristensen, Dr. Kristian (2003) Undersåning af bælgplanter til grøngødskning. Frugt & Grønt, 2 (4), pp. 164-166.

Sørensen, Jørn Nygaard and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2003) Undersowing legume crops for green manuring of lettuce. [Undersåning af bælgplanter til grøngødskning af salat.] Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 21 (4), pp. 399-414.


Thorup-Kristensen, K (2002) Utilising differences in rooting depth to design vegetable crop rotations with high nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). In: Booij, R and Neeteson, J (Eds.) Acta Horticulturae, ISHS, 571, pp. 249-254.

Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2006) Effect of deep and shallow root systems on the dynamics of soil inorganic N during 3-year crop rotations. Plant and Soil (288), pp. 233-248.

Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2006) Root growth and nitrogen uptake of carrot, early cabbage, onion and lettuce following a range of green manures. [Rodvækst og kvælstofoptagelse hos gulerod, tidlig kål, løg og salat efter forskellige grøngødningsafgrøder.] Soil Use and Management, 22, pp. 29-38.

Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2005) Biodiversity as a tool in crop nutrition. Paper at: Ecosystem services as a tool for production improvement in organic farming - the role and impact of biodiversity, FiBL, Schweitz, April 2005.

Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2005) Use of green manure, catch crops, and deep rooted crops for nutrient management in an organic vegetable crop rotation. [Brug af grøngødning, efterafgrøder og afgrøder med dyb rodvækst til forbedret næringsstofhusholdning i et økologisk grønsagssædskifte.] In: Book of abstracts.

Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2001) Root growth and soil nitrogen depletion by onion, lettuce, early cabbage and carrot. In: Rahn, CR; Lillywhite, RD; De Neve, S; Fink, M and Ramos, C (Eds.) Acta Horticulturae, ISHS, 563, pp. 201-205.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2007) Bedre sædskifter med dybe rødder. [Better rotations with deep roots.] Økologisk Jordbrug, 2007, 27 (378), p. 10.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2005) Brug efterafgrøder rigtigt i sædskiftet. [Optimal use of catch crops in rotations.] Mark, December 2005 (12), pp. 16-19.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2005) Kapitel 1: Grøngødning og efterafgrøder, Kapitel 2: Grøngødningens biologi, og Kapitel 3: Grøngødningens virkninger. In: Bjerg, Anna-Christa (Ed.) Grøngødning, efterafgrøder og dækafgrøder. Landbrugsforlaget, chapter 1-2-3, pp. 1-37.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2004) Om at vende chikanegræsset til egen fordel. [How to turn legally required catch crops to your own advantage.] Agrologisk, November 2004, pp. 8-10.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2004) Crop cover improves the nitrogen status in vegetable crop rotations. DARCOFenews (1).

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2004) Forslag til øget kvælstofeffekt af efterafgrøder ved optimeret artsvalg, management og placering. In: Jørgensen, Uffe (Ed.) Forberedelse af Vandmiljøplan III. Rapport fra Kvælstofgruppen (F10). Forbedret kvælstofudnyttelse i mark og effekt på kvælstoftab. , chapter 4.5, pp. 100-110.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2004) Ny lovende efterafgrøde. [New promising catch crop.] Økologisk Jordbrug, 2004, 24 (309), p. 10.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2004) Plantedække øger udnyttelsen af N i økologiske grønsager. [Crop cover improves the nitrogen status in vegetable crop rotations.] FØJOenyt.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2003) Efterafgrøder med mange formål. Økologisk Jordbrug, 2003, 23 (285), p. 6.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2002) Six years results from an organic vegetable crop rotation aimed at self-sufficiency in nitrogen. Speech at: XXVIth International Horticultural Congress & Exhibition (IHC2002), Toronto, Canada, Agust 2002.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2002) Viden om rodvækst er nyttig. Økologisk Jordbrug, 2002, 22 (277), p. 14.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Tersbøl, Michael (2005) Grøngødning og efterafgrøder. Landbrugsforlaget, Århus.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian; Magid, Jacob and Jensen, Lars Stoumann (2003) Catch crops and green manures as biological tools in nitrogen management in temperate zones. Elsevier, .

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