Items affiliated to "Organic farming knowledge"
Number of items at this level: 37. EnglishEU Cap Network (Ed.) (2023) EU CAP Network - Focus Group - Enhancing the biodiversity on farmland through high-diversity landscape features. EU Cap Network Final Report. . Alföldi, Thomas and Weidmann, Gilles (2013) Disseminaton: Tips, tricks and lessons learnt. Paper at: CORE Organic II Research Seminar, Amsterdam, 15. April 2013. [Unpublished] Baumgart, Lukas; Geiser, Anna; Möhring, Anke; Blumenstein, Benjamin; Baumann, Patrick; Thanner, Sophie; Carrel, Katrin; Parente, Ilaria; Teuber, Rika; Früh, Barbara; Schader, Christian and Curran, Michael (2024) AgriSustaiNet: A Digital Multi-Component Advisory Platform to Enhance Sustainability Awareness of Swiss Organic Farmers. Poster at: 187th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE), Frick, Switzerland, 12-14 June 2024. [Completed] {Tool} Organic farming: Basic principles and good practices. Creator(s): Bernet, Thomas; Weidmann, Gilles; Dierauer, Hansueli; Niggli, Jeremias; Thanner, Sophie and van de Berge, Paul. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021) Caldbeck, Janie and Sumption, Phil (2016) Mind the gap – exploring the yield gaps between conventional and organic arable and potato crops. Organic Research Centre Bulletin, December 2016 (121), pp. 9-15. {Tool} Covering as a preventive measure in organic stone fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Abdecken als vorbeugende Massnahme im Bio-Steinobst Produktion (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Dietemann, Lauren and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) Dietemann, Lauren and Harrer, Felix (2024) Organic Climate Farming defined. OrganicClimateNET Practice Abstract, no. 1. Research Institut of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick . Dietemann, Lauren; Rueger, Madelaine; Basler, Andreas and Willer, Helga (2023) Organic Farm Knowledge – connecting science and practice. Poster at: National Meeting on Integrated Protection, Portugal, 30 - 31 October, 2023. [Completed] Drexler, Dora; Möller, Carolin and Willer, Helga (2015) Survey on regional research needs. Paper at: Science Day 2015 Biofach Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, 13.02.2015. [Completed] Goggins, Gary; Zurbrügg, Corinne; Karoglan Todorović, Sonja and Moosmann, Simona (2023) EU CAP NETWORK - The role of knowledge and promotion. Mini Paper, no. 1. EU CAP Network - Focus Group - Enhancing the biodiversity on farmland through high-diversity landscape features . Nagy, Gabriella Mária; Jahrl, Ingrid; Jonasz, Gerda; Feher, Judit; Setiawan, Nuri Nurlaila; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Padel, Susanne and Krall, Attila (2023) Deliverable 1.1: Assessment of the knowledge and innovation systems for organic agriculture, aquaculture and value chain actors. IFOAM EU . Reinecke, Sabine; Jahrl, Ingrid; Willer, Helga and Lampkin, Nicolas (2023) Deliverable 1.3 - Synthesis of key drivers and lock-ins for organic sector development. OrganicTargets4EU . Spulerova, Jana; Dreisiebner-Lanz, Sabrina; Moosmann, Simona; Petrov, Petar and Karoglan Todorović, Sonja (2023) EU CAP NETWORK - Benefits of HDLFs for on-farm adaption to climate change. Mini Paper, no. 5. EU CAP NETWORK - Focus Group - Enhancing the biodiversity on farmland through high-diversity landscape features . German/DeutschBasler, Andreas (2022) Wissensplattform für den Biolandbau in Europa. Schweizer Bauer, 26 February 2022, p. 26. {Tool} Organic farming: Basic principles and good practices. Creator(s): Bernet, Thomas; Weidmann, Gilles; Dierauer, Hansueli; Niggli, Jeremias; Thanner, Sophie and van de Berge, Paul. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021) {Tool} Covering as a preventive measure in organic stone fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Abdecken als vorbeugende Massnahme im Bio-Steinobst Produktion (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Dietemann, Lauren and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) Grossrieder, Beat (2023) KABB-Projekte lassen Wissen keimen. Bioaktuell, 2023 (4), pp. 12-13. Lütold, Jeremias (2024) Forschungsergebnisse für die Praxis. Bioaktuell, 2024 (07), p. 22. Lütold, Jeremias (2024) Tiefer Bioanteil verstärkt sich selbst. Bioaktuell, 2024 (6), pp. 20-21. Danish/Dansk{Tool} Covering as a preventive measure in organic stone fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Abdecken als vorbeugende Massnahme im Bio-Steinobst Produktion (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Dietemann, Lauren and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) Czech/ČeskyBernet, Thomas; Weidmann, Gilles; Dierauer, Hansueli; Niggli, Jeremias; Thanner, Sophie and van den Berge, Paul (2022) Ekologické zemědělství. Základní principy a dobrá praxe. Dossier / Fact sheet. FiBL, Bioinstitut . {Tool} Covering as a preventive measure in organic stone fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Abdecken als vorbeugende Massnahme im Bio-Steinobst Produktion (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Dietemann, Lauren and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) Dutch/Nederlands{Tool} Covering as a preventive measure in organic stone fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Abdecken als vorbeugende Massnahme im Bio-Steinobst Produktion (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Dietemann, Lauren and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) French/Francais{Tool} Covering as a preventive measure in organic stone fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Abdecken als vorbeugende Massnahme im Bio-Steinobst Produktion (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Dietemann, Lauren and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) Lütold, Jeremias (2024) Recherche: résultats pour la pratique. Bioactualités, 2024 (07), p. 22. Lütold, Jeremias (2024) Une faible proportion de bio qui s’auto-entretient. Bioactualités, 2024 (6), pp. 18-19. Petoud, Laura; Piccot, Delphine and Bougouin, Hélène (2020) Installation d’une microferme dans le Canton de Vaud - Les formations agricoles. Dossier / Faktenblatt. Institut de recherche de l’agriculture biologique FiBL, CH-Lausanne . Pfeifer, Catherine (2021) L’agriculture biologique à l’ère du numérique. Paper at: Balade thématique et gustative : 40 ans de Bio Suisse, Courchapoix, Suisse, 21.8.2021. [Completed] Italian/Italiano{Tool} Covering as a preventive measure in organic stone fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Abdecken als vorbeugende Massnahme im Bio-Steinobst Produktion (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Dietemann, Lauren and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) Grossrieder, Beat (2023) Progetti CCG accrescono il sapere. Bioattualità, 2023 (4), pp. 8-9. Latvian/Lettish/Latviesu{Tool} Covering as a preventive measure in organic stone fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Abdecken als vorbeugende Massnahme im Bio-Steinobst Produktion (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Dietemann, Lauren and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) Polish/Polski{Tool} Covering as a preventive measure in organic stone fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Abdecken als vorbeugende Massnahme im Bio-Steinobst Produktion (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Dietemann, Lauren and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) Romanian/Română{Tool} Organic farming: Basic principles and good practices. Creator(s): Bernet, Thomas; Weidmann, Gilles; Dierauer, Hansueli; Niggli, Jeremias; Thanner, Sophie and van de Berge, Paul. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021) Russian/Russkiy{Tool} Organic farming: Basic principles and good practices. Creator(s): Bernet, Thomas; Weidmann, Gilles; Dierauer, Hansueli; Niggli, Jeremias; Thanner, Sophie and van de Berge, Paul. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021) Spanish/Español{Tool} Covering as a preventive measure in organic stone fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Abdecken als vorbeugende Massnahme im Bio-Steinobst Produktion (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Dietemann, Lauren and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) Slovak/Slovenčina{Tool} Covering as a preventive measure in organic stone fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Abdecken als vorbeugende Massnahme im Bio-Steinobst Produktion (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Dietemann, Lauren and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) Turkish/Türkiye{Tool} Covering as a preventive measure in organic stone fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Abdecken als vorbeugende Massnahme im Bio-Steinobst Produktion (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Dietemann, Lauren and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 06:24:21 2025 CET. |