Items affiliated to "LCA"Number of items at this level: 21. Armengot, Laura; Beltrán, María J.; Schneider, Monika; Simón, Xavier and Pérez-Neira, David (2021) Food-energy-water nexus of different cacao production systems from a LCA approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 304, p. 126941. Baumgart, Lukas (2023) Methoden der Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung für landwirtschaftliche Betriebe, Teil 2 (Multikriterienbewertung). Lecture at: Modul: Digitale Agrodiagnostik UI20 HS22, ZHAW Wädenswil, Schweiz, 13.11.2023. [Completed] Davison, Nicholas; Smith, L.; Gredler-Grandl, B.; van Zanten, H.H.E.; Parodi, A.; Newbold, J.R.; Ramos, Carolina; Estellés, Fernando; Röös, Elin; Fernández-Fígares, Ignazio; Nieto, Rosa; Pfeifer, C.; Fontanesi, L.; Moretti, Michele; Lopez-Francos, Antonio; Kongsted, Anne Grete; Romero-Helva, M.; Schlageter Tello, A. A.; Rivelli, Ines and Yanez-Ruiz, D. R. (2023) Re-Livestock – Facilitating innovations for resilient livestock farming systems. Paper at: Agroecology Europe Forum, Gyöngyös, Hungary, 16 - 18 November 2023. [Completed] de Baan, Laura; Rojas, Zaray Conzuelo; Pfeifer, Catherine; Müller, Adrian; Gossel, Christian; Davison, Nicholas; Rolo, Victor; Einarsson, Rasmus and Röös, Elin (2024) Methodological development report for carbon sequestration and GHG metrics in LCAs. Deliverable 5.1: Re-Livestock project. . Goglio, Pietro; Trydemann Knudsen, Marie; Van Mierlo, Klara; Röhrig, Nina; Fossey, Maxime; Maresca, Alberto; Hashemi, Fatemeh; Ahmed Waqas, Muhammad; Yngvesson, Jenny; Nassy, Gilles; Broekema, Roline; Moakes, Simon; Pfeifer, Catherine; Borek, Robert; Yanez-Ruiz, David; Quevedo Cascante, Monica; Syp, Alina; Zylowsky, Tomasz; Romero-Helva, Manuel and Smith, Laurence G. (2023) Defining common criteria for harmonizing life cycle assessments of livestock systems. Cleaner Production Letters, 4 (100035), pp. 1-9. Gredler-Grandl, B.; Newbold, John; Smith, Laurence G.; van Zanten, H.H.E.; Ramos, Carolina; Estellés, Fernando; Röös, Elin; Fernández-Fígares, Ignazio; Nieto, Rosa; Pfeifer, C.; Parodi, A.; Fontanesi, L.; Moretti, Michele; Schlageter Tello, A. A.; Rivelli, Ines and Yanez-Ruiz, D. R. (2023) Re-Livestock – Facilitating innovations for resilient livestock farming systems. In: Proceedings of the 46th ICAR Annual Conference (ICAR Technical Series), ICAR (27). Heidenreich, Anja; Müller, Adrian; Oggiano, Philipp; Pfeifer, Catherine; Moakes, Simon; Six, Johan and Stolze, Mathias (2024) Model-based agricultural landscape assessments: a review. Environmental Research Letters, 19 (073005), pp. 2-21. Heitkamp, Sven; Müller, Adrian and Bautze, Lin (2024) "Es muss keine brasilianische Flug-Orange sein". Öko Test Magazin, 2024 (2), pp. 122-124. Landert, Jan; Andreola, Corinne and de Baan, Laura (2023) Identifying environmental hotspots of fertilizers produced from fish and mollusc waste. [Identifizierung von Umwelt-Hotspots bei der Herstellung von Recycling-Düngern aus Fisch- und Muschelabfällen.] Sea2Land Practice Abstract, no. 57. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL; Università Politecnica delle Marche . Landert, Jan; Andreola, Corinne and de Baan, Laura (2023) Life cycle assessment (LCA) of bio-based fertilizers from fisheries and aquaculture sidestreams. Paper at: ESPP WARM Research Meeting, Brussels (BE) & Rotterdam (NL), 6-9 June, 2023. [Completed] Landert, Jan and Baumgart, Lukas (2023) Methoden der Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung für landwirtschaftliche Betriebe, Teil 1 (Quantitative Methoden). Lecture at: Modul: Digitale Agrodiagnostik UI21 HS23, ZHAW Wädenswil, Schweiz, 6.11.2023. [Completed] Leiber, Florian; Müller, Adrian; Pfeifer, Catherine and Steffens, Markus (2022) Warum Klimaschutz keine Milchbüchleinrechnung ist. Bioaktuell, 2022 (9), pp. 10-13. Meier, Matthias; Hörtenhuber, Stefan; Schader, Christian and Stolze, Matthias (2017) Ökobilanzierung biologischer Lebensmittel. FiBL-Faktenblatt. Forschungsinsitut für biologischen Landbau, CH-5070 Frick. Reinecke, Sabine; Vanni, Francesco; Gava, Oriana and Schwarz, Gerald (2024) Governance networks for agroecology transitions in rural Europe. Journal of Rural Studies, 114, pp. 3-20. Sandrock, C.; Walter, C.; Wohlfahrt, J.; Amelchanka, S.L.; Kreuzer, M. and Leiber, F. (2021) Greenhouse gas emissions during black soldier fly larval development in relation to different feeding substrates. In: Kube, Kristina and Gierus, Martin (Eds.) Tagungsband 19. BOKU-Symposium Tierernährung "Tierernährung zwischen Tierwohl und Umweltschutz", 15. April 2021, Wien, Eigenverlag: Institut für Tierernährung, Tierische Lebensmittel und Ernährungsphysiologie, pp. 11-17. Schader, Christian (2022) Enhancing supply chain stability, resilience and sustainability through improved sub-supplier management –chocolate and cotton apparel case studies. NRP 73 "Sustainable Economy". Final scientific report. . Schader, Christian (2020) Gesund & nachhaltig. Markantes, 2020 (12), pp. 14-16. Schader, Christian; Frehner, Anita; Müller, Adrian; Nathani, Carsten; Kopainska, Birgit; Alig, Martina; Rohrmann, Sabine and Brombach, Christine (2020) Trade-offs and synergies between human health and sustainability of Swiss dietary scenarios. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food, pp. 269-272. Schader, Christian; Stolze, Matthias; Müller, Adrian; Frehner, Anita; Kopainsky, Birgit; Nathani, Carsten; Brandes, Julia; Rohrmann, Sabine; Krieger, Jean-Philippe; Pestoni, Giulia; Brombach, Christine; Flückiger, Stefan; Stucki, Matthias; Frischknecht, Rolf and Alig, Martina (2020) Nachhaltige und gesunde Ernährung: Zielkonflikte und Synergien. Paper at: Webinar Agrarallianz, online, 25. November 2020. Tennhardt, Lina M.; Lambin, Eric F.; Curran, Michael and Schader, Christian (2023) Implementation of sustainable farming practices by cacoa farmers in Ecuador and Uganda: the influence of value chain factors. Frontiers in Sustainable Food System, 7, pp. 1-17. Thompson, Michael and Moakes, Simon (2021) Environmental assessment: LCA of innovative agroecological protected vegetable cropping systems. GreenResilient Deliverable 5.9.. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick. This list was generated on Tue Apr 1 00:51:59 2025 CEST. |