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Items affiliated to "ProPIG"

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Number of items at this level: 40.

Newspaper or magazine article

Bonde, Marianne; Kongsted, Anne Grete; Mejer, Helena; Rousing, Tine and Serup, Tove (2013) Fremtidens udfordringer i svineproduktionen. Økologisk Nyhedsbrev, December 2013, 10, pp. 12-13.

Leeb, C. (2013) Organic pig farmers and researchers working in eight European countries on animal Health, welfare and Nutrition to reduce environmental impact. CORE Organic newsletter, October 2013, pp. 4-5.

Rousing, T. (2015) Ny håndbog i øko-svins velfærd kan nu bestilles. Økologi & Erhverv, 15 September 2015, 574, p. 11.

Rousing, Tine and Sørensen, J.T. (2015) Ny håndbog for økologiske svineproducenter viser vej til bedre dyrevelfærd og mindre miljøpåvirkning. Økologi & Erhverv, 6 March 2015, 562, p. 14.

Conference paper, poster, etc.

Butler, Gillian (2014) Lessons from LowInputBreeds and ProPIG projects for pig and poultry producers. Conference presentation at: Organic Research Centre, Organic producers conference , Solihull, UK, 26th-27th November 2014. [draft]

Dippel, Sabine; Bochicchio, Davide; Holinger, Mirjam; Holmes, Diane; Knop, Denise; Prunier, Armelle; Rudolph, Gwendolyn; Silerova, Jitka and Leeb, Christine (2014) Trough or bowl? Observers need training for assessing resource as well as clinical parameters. In: Mounier, Luc and Veissier, Isabelle (Eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, NL, p. 182.

Illmann, Gudrun and Melisova, Misa (2014) Snížení dopadů zemědělské činnosti zlepšením zdraví, welfare a výživy prasat v ekologickém zemědělství. [Improving animal health and welfare reduces environmental impacts through decreased medicine use, improved growth rates and feed conversion efficiency.] Paper at:

Leeb, C. (2011) ProPIG. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 November 2011. [Submitted]

Leeb, Christine (2014) Presentation at Research Seminar - Farm specific strategies to reduce environmental impact by improving health, welfare and nutrition of organic pigs. Paper at: Core Organic II Research Seminar, Stockholm, 1st October 2014.

Leeb, Christine (2013) Assessment of animal welfare and environmental impact. Paper at: Scientific Workshop on Organic Pig Production, Hovborg, Denmark, 12.-13.6.2013.

Leeb, Christine (2013) Introduction and First Results of ProPIG at 2nd CoreOrganic II Research Seminar. Paper at: 2nd CoreOrganic II Research Seminar, Amsterdam, 15.May 2013.

Leeb, Christine; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Edwards, Sandra; Früh, Barbara; Illmann, Gudrun; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Dippel, Sabine (2014) PigSurfer – SURveillance, FEedback & Reporting within ProPIG for communication with 75 pig farmers. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group level.

Leeb, Christine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Dourmad, Jean Yves; Edwards, Sandra; Früh, Barbara; Illmann, Gudrun; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine and Winckler, Christoph (2014) Betriebsspezifische Strategien zur Reduktion des Umwelteinflusses durch Verbesserung von Tiergesundheit, Wohlergehen und Ernährung von Bioschweinen. Paper at: Fachtagung für biologische Landwirtschaft 2014, HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Austria, 06.11.2014.

Leeb, Christine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Zollitsch, Werner and Winckler, Christoph (2015) Wohlergehen von Bioschweinen und Umweltwirkungen – (k)ein Widerspruch? Haltungssysteme der Bio-Schweine in Europa im Vergleich. [Welfare of organic pigs and environmental impact - (no)contradiction? Husbandry systems of organic pigs in Europe - a comparison.] In: Tagungsband der Freilandtagung, Wien.

Prunier, Armelle; Rudolph, Gwendolyn; Bodicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine and Leeb, Christine (2014) Nutritional characteristics of the diets in organic pig production. In: Book of Abstracts of the 65th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, NL, p. 249.

Rousing, T. and Sørensen, J.T. (2011) PROPIG. Presentation at: Statusmøde Organic RDD og CORE Organic II, Horsens, Denmark, 16 November 2011. [Submitted]

Rudolph, Gwendolyn; Bochicchio, Davide; Brandhofer, Roland; Berner, Alfred; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Dourmad, Jean Yves; Edwards, Sandra; Früh, Barbara; Holinger, Mirjam; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Knop, Denise; Meier, Matthias; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Salomon, E.; Silerova, Jitka; Sorensen, J.T.; Urban, Jiri; Vertes, Francois; Winckler, Christoph and Leeb, Christine (2014) ‘ProPIG’ Challenges and opportunities for on farm pig researchers: How to collect sound scientific data on animal health, welfare, nutrition and environmental impact AND act as a facilitator to improve these aspects at the same time? Poster at: The 11th European IFSA Symposium, Berlin, 1.4.-4.4.2014.

Rudolph, Gwendolyn; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Dourmad, Jean Yves; Edwards, Sandra; Früh, Barbara; Illmann, Gudrun; Meier, Matthias; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Silerova, Jitka; Salomon, Eva; Sorensen, J.T.; Urban, Jiri; Vertes, Francois; Winckler, Christoph and Leeb, Christine (2012) ProPIG – Betriebsspezifische Strategien zur Reduktion der Umweltauswirkung von Bioschweine Betrieben durch Verbesserung von Tiergesundheit, Wohlergehen und Ernährung von Bioschweinen. [Farm specific strategies to reduce environmental impact by improving health, welfare and nutrition of organic pigs.] Poster at: Tagung Forschung und Lehre zur Ökologischen Landwirtschaft an der Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien, Österreich, 18.10.2012.

Rudolph, Gwendolyn; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel , Sabine; Dourmad, Jean Yves; Edwards , Sandra; Früh, Barbara; Illmann, Gudrun; Meier, Matthias; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Salomon, Eva; Silerova, Jitka; Sorensen, J.T.; Urban, Jiri; Vertes, Francois; Winckler, Christoph and Leeb, Christine (2012) ProPIG - Organic pig health, welfare and environmental impact across Europe. Poster at: Minding Animals, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 4-6 July 2012.

Rudolph, Gwendolyn; Brandhofer, Roland and Leeb, Christine (2014) Treibhausgase vermindern? Ergebnisse und Erkenntnisse aus der Praxis. [Reducing green house gases? Results and insights from on farm research.] Paper at: BioAustria Bauerntage, Wels, 30.1.2014.

Rudolph, Gwendolyn; Dippel, Sabine; Leeb, Christine and Winckler, Christoph (2014) Was erkunden Bioschweine in Freiland- und Stallhaltung? In: Freiland Verband (Ed.) Tierhaltung und Beschäftigung bei Tieren.


Dippel, Sabine and Leeb, Christine (2015) Gesundheit, Wohlergehen und Umweltauswirkungen von Bioschweinen: Ist Freilandhaltung besser? - Das ProPIG-Projekt. Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit, Institut für Tierschutz und Tierhaltung, D-Celle .

Leeb, Christine; Butler, Gillian; Bochicchio, Davide; Früh, Barbara; Illmann, Gudrun; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Urban, Jiri and Dippel, Sabine (2015) ProPIG - Farm specific strategies to reduce environmental impact by improving health, welfare and nutrition of organic pigs - Final project report. .


Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertius, Florence; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara (2025) Mejora de la salud y el bienestar del porcino. Manual para ganaderos de porcino ecológico. FiBL y Universitat de Lleida, Departament Ciència Animal, Catalunya, CH-Frick y E-Lleida.

Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara (2020) Përmirësimi i shëndetit dhe mirëqënies së derrave - Manual për fermerët e mbarështimit të derrave. [Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers.] FiBL-Handbook. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara (2020) Poboljšanje zdravlja i dobrobiti svinja - Prirucnik za organski uzgoj svinja. [Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers.] FiBL-Handbook. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara (2018) Een betere gezondheid en welzijn voor varkens. [Improving health and welfare of pigs.] Handbook. Departement Landbouw en Visserij van de Vlaamse overheid, FiBL, CH-Frick.

Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara (2015) Améliorer le bien-être et la santé des porcs - Un livret pour les éleveurs de porcs biologiques. [Improving health and welfare of pigs.] FiBL, Bioinstitut, BOKU, CRA-SUI, Aarhus University, Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Institute of Animal Science, INRA and School of Agriculture, CH-Frick, CZ-Olomouc, A-Wien, I-Rom, DK-Aarhus, D-Celle, CZ-Prag, F-Saint-Gilles and UK-Newcastle upon Tyne.

Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara (2015) Verbesserung der Tiergesundheit und des Tierwohls in der Bioschweinehaltung - Ein Handbuch für Tierhalterinnen und Tierhalter. FiBL, Bioinstitut, BOKU, CRA-SUI, Aarhus University, Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Institute of Animal Science, INRA and School of Agriculture, CH-Frick, CZ-Olomouc, A-Wien, I-Rom, DK-Aarhus, D-Celle, CZ-Prag, F-Saint-Gilles and UK-Newcastle upon Tyne.

Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová , Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara (2015) Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers. FiBL, Bioinstitut, BOKU, CRA-SUI, Aarhus University, Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Institute of Animal Science, INRA and School of Agriculture, CH-Frick, CZ-Olomouc, A-Wien, I-Rom, DK-Aarhus, D-Celle, CZ-Prag, F-Saint-Gilles and UK-Newcastle upon Tyne.

Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová , Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara (2015) Migliorare benessere e salute dei suini - Manuale per allevatori bio. [Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers.] Istituto di ricerche dell’agricoltura biologica (FiBL), CH-Frick.

Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová , Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara (2015) Zlepšování zdraví a životní pohody prasat - Příručka pro ekologické chovatele prasat. FiBL, Bioinstitut, BOKU, CRA-SUI, Aarhus University, Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Institute of Animal Science, INRA and School of Agriculture, CH-Frick, CZ-Olomouc, A-Wien, I-Rom, DK-Aarhus, D-Celle, CZ-Prag, F-Saint-Gilles and UK-Newcastle upon Tyne.

Holinger, Mirjam; Edwards, Sandra; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara (2015) Améliorer le bien-être et la santé des porcs - Un guide pour les éleveurs de porcs biologiques. [Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers.] 2105 edition. Guide. Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique (FiBL) , CH-Frick.

Holinger, Mirjam; Edwards, Sandra; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara (2015) Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers. 2015 edition. Handbook. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick, CH-Frick.

Holinger, Mirjam; Edwards, Sandra; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara (2015) ZLEPŠOVÁNÍ ZDRAVÍ A ŽIVOTNÍ POHODY PRASAT - Prírucka pro ekologické chovatele prasat. [Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers.] 2015 edition. Handbook. Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique (FiBL) , CH-Frick.

Project description

{Project} ProPIG: Farm specific strategies to reduce environmental impact by improving health, welfare and nutrition of organic pigs. Runs 2011 - 2014. Project Leader(s): Leeb, Dr. Christine, University of Natural ressources and Life Sciences (BOKU) .

{Project} ProPIG - A research project to help organic pig production - leaflet for farmers. Runs 2011 - 2014. Project Leader(s): Leeb, Dr. Christine, CoreOrganic2 .

Practice tool

{Tool} Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers. Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2015)


Prunier, Armelle; Bodicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Dourmad, Jean Yves; Edwards, Sandra; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn; Illmann, Gudrun and Leeb, Christine (2015) Présentation du projet Propig et des principaux résultats. . [Unpublished]

Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Leeb, Christine (2012) ProPIG - Informationen über das Projekt für LandwirtInnen- BioAustria Bauerntage. [ProPIG - Project Information for Farmers - BioAustria Bauerntage.] .

This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 16:14:08 2025 CET.