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Items affiliated to "RECONCILE"

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Number of items at this level: 30.

Journal paper

Johansen, J.L.; Magid, Jakob; Dam, Marie; Santos, Susane Silva; Kudjorjie, Enoch; Palmqvist, A. and Vestergård, Mette (2023) Effects of long-term fertilization with contemporary Danish human urine, composted household waste and sewage sludge on soil nematode abundance and community structure. Science of The Total Environment, 860, NA.

Johansen, J.L.; Magid, Jakob; Dam, Marie; Santos, Susane Silva; Kudjorjie, Enoch; Palmqvist, A. and Vestergård, Mette (2022) Effects of long-term fertilization with contemporary Danish human urine, composted household waste and sewage sludge on soil nematode abundance and community structure. Science of The Total Environment, NA, NA. [Submitted]

Johansen, J.L.; Magid, Jakob; Vestergård, Mette and Palmqvist, Annemette (2024) Extent and effects of microplastic pollution in soil with focus on recycling of sewage sludge and composted household waste and experiences from the long-term field experiment CRUCIAL. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 171, pp. 2-9.

Johansen, J.L.; Sandgaard, M. H.; Magid, J.; Madsen, M. V and Palmqvist, A. (2023) Effects of long-term organic waste fertilization of agricultural soils on the endogeic earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa – with special emphasis on soil microplastic pollution. Not submitted, pp. 1-20. [draft]

Newspaper or magazine article

Kristensen, Helene (2021) Kalder økologien på human urin, spildevandsslam og husholdningsaffald? Økologisk Nu, 24 September 2021, pp. 1-2.

Kristensen, Helene Uller (2022) Viden kan bane vejen for forbrugeraccept af recirkulerede affaldsprodukter. Økologisk Landbrug, 28 January 2022 (672), p. 9.

Magid, Jakob (2020) Den økologiske forbruger og recirkulering. Økologisk Landbrug, August 2020, p. 13.

Magid, Jakob (2020) Forskere blåstempler brug af biogødning i økologisk landbrug. Økologisk.nu, August 2020, p. 6.

Preus, Nina (2021) RECIRKULERING KAN VÆRE VEJEN FREM FOR ØKOLOGIEN. Økologi – Inspiration til Jordbruget, 6 November 2021, p. 9.

Working paper

Magid, Jakob (2020) Information til brug ved kvalitative interviews i RECONCILE projektet. Working paper. [draft]

Conference paper, poster, etc.

Liengård Johansen, Jesper; Magid, Jakob; Palmqvist, Annemette and Vestergård, Mette (2022) Bør spildevandsslam anvendes som gødning på marker? Speech at: DANSK VAND KONFERENCE 2022, 23. november 2022.

Magid, Jakob (2024) Recirkulering, Troværdighed for Forbrugere og Økosystemets Sundhed (RECONCILE projektet). Speech at: ICROFS bestyrelsesmøde, 28. maj 2024. [Unpublished]

Magid, Jakob (2022) CRUCIAL -Closing the Rural-Urban Nutrient Cycle -Investigations through Agronomic Long-term experiments. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed]

Magid, Jakob (2021) Recirkulering, Troværdighed for Forbrugere og Økosystemets Sundhed (RECONCILE projektet). Lecture at: Økologikongres 2021, Vingsted, Danmark, 25.-26. november 2021. [Completed]

Magid, Jakob; Vestergård, Mette and Palmqvist, Annemette (2023) Skal vi bekymre os om mikroplast i jord? Speech at: Vidensseminar om mikroplast i jord, Københavns Universitet, 2 Oktober. [draft]

Palmqvist, Annemette (2021) Betragtninger omkring mikroplast og anvendelse af organiske ressourcer i økologisk jordbrug. Lecture at: Økologikongres 2021, Vingsted, Danmark, 25.-26. november 2021. [Completed]

Smed, Sinne (2024) The organic consumers’ willingness to Pay for food produced with re-circulated nutrients, barriers and facilitators. Speech at: 188th EAAE seminar, 12-13 September 2024.

Smed, Sinne (2023) Willingness to pay (WTP) for food produced with recirculated nutrients. Poster at: EAAE Congress, Rennes, September 2023.

Smed, Sinne (2023) Willingness to Pay for Food Produced with re-circulated nutrients - A choice Experiment, estimation details. Speech at: IFRO EVVA seminars, Københavns Universitet, 13th of June 2023.

Smed, Sinne (2023) Willingness to Pay for Food Produced with re-cirulated nutrients - A choice Experiment. Presentation at IFRO lunch seminar. Speech at: IFRO ordinary lunch seminars, 31rd of March 2023.


Johansen, J.L.; Magid, Jakob; Vestergaard Madsen, M. and Palmqvist, A. (2022) Omfang og effekter af mikroplast forurening i jord - med særligt fokus på recirkulering af affaldsprodukter. Københavns Universitet
Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C , Institut for Plante- og Miljøvidenskab.

Preus, Nina (2021) Organic Consumers Opinions about New Types of Recirculation in Organic Production. Danish Agriculture and Food Council.

Preus, Nina (2021) Økologi-forbrugeres holdninger til nye former for recirkulering i økologisk jordbrug. Landbrug & Fødevarer, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Project description

{Project} RECONCILE: Recirkulering af affaldsprodukter i økologisk landbrug - forbrugertroværdighed og øko-systemsundhed. Runs 2020 - 2023. Project Leader(s): Magid, Jakob, Københavns Universitet (KU) .

Web product

Helene, Kristensen (2022) Consumer opinions on the opportunities for recirculation in organic food production. ICROFS. Online at https://icrofs.dk/en/aktuelt/nyheder/viewnews/artikel/consumer-opinions-on-the-opportunities-for-recirculation-in-organic-food-production, accessed on: 28 February 2022.

Uller-Kristensen, Helene (2021) Forbrugerholdninger til biogødning kortlægges. . Online at https://icrofs.dk/aktuelt/nyheder/nyhed/artikel/forbrugerholdninger-til-biogoedning-kortlaegges, accessed on: 20 December 2021.

Uller-Kristensen, Helene (2021) Hør om effekter af 20-års forsøg med recirkulering. . Online at https://icrofs.dk/aktuelt/nyheder/nyhed/artikel/hoer-om-effekter-af-20-aars-forsoeg-med-recirkulering, accessed on: 21 May 2021.


Magid, Jakob (2021) Jubilæumsfejring af CRUCIAL forsøget. Genanvend Biomasse - Affald til ressource.


Magid, Jakob (2021) Recycling, Consumer Credibility and Ecosystem integrity Discussions and developments in the last 20 years on recycling nutrients from society in organic farming in Denmark. .

Palmqvist, Annemette (2024) Status report on microplastic content in CRUCIAL soils and organic fertilizers amended to the soils. . [draft]

This list was generated on Sat Mar 8 23:28:32 2025 CET.