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Items affiliated to "RECONCILE"

Number of items at this level: 21.

Submitted for peer-review but not yet accepted

Johansen, J.L.; Magid, Jakob; Dam, Marie; Santos, Susane Silva; Kudjorjie, Enoch; Palmqvist, A. and Vestergård, Mette (2022) Effects of long-term fertilization with contemporary Danish human urine, composted household waste and sewage sludge on soil nematode abundance and community structure. Science of The Total Environment, NA, NA. [Submitted]

Peer-reviewed and accepted

Johansen, J.L.; Magid, Jakob; Dam, Marie; Santos, Susane Silva; Kudjorjie, Enoch; Palmqvist, A. and Vestergård, Mette (2023) Effects of long-term fertilization with contemporary Danish human urine, composted household waste and sewage sludge on soil nematode abundance and community structure. Science of The Total Environment, 860, NA.

Johansen, J.L.; Magid, Jakob; Vestergaard Madsen, M. and Palmqvist, A. (2022) Omfang og effekter af mikroplast forurening i jord - med særligt fokus på recirkulering af affaldsprodukter. Københavns Universitet
Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C , Institut for Plante- og Miljøvidenskab.

Johansen, J.L.; Magid, Jakob; Vestergård, Mette and Palmqvist, Annemette (2024) Extent and effects of microplastic pollution in soil with focus on recycling of sewage sludge and composted household waste and experiences from the long-term field experiment CRUCIAL. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 171, pp. 2-9.

Not peer-reviewed

Johansen, J.L.; Sandgaard, M. H.; Magid, J.; Madsen, M. V and Palmqvist, A. (2023) Effects of long-term organic waste fertilization of agricultural soils on the endogeic earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa – with special emphasis on soil microplastic pollution. Not submitted, pp. 1-20. [draft]

Kristensen, Helene (2021) Kalder økologien på human urin, spildevandsslam og husholdningsaffald? Økologisk Nu, 24 September 2021, pp. 1-2.

Kristensen, Helene Uller (2022) Viden kan bane vejen for forbrugeraccept af recirkulerede affaldsprodukter. Økologisk Landbrug, 28 January 2022 (672), p. 9.

Liengård Johansen, Jesper; Magid, Jakob; Palmqvist, Annemette and Vestergård, Mette (2022) Bør spildevandsslam anvendes som gødning på marker? Speech at: DANSK VAND KONFERENCE 2022, 23. november 2022.

Magid, Jakob (2024) Recirkulering, Troværdighed for Forbrugere og Økosystemets Sundhed (RECONCILE projektet). Speech at: ICROFS bestyrelsesmøde, 28. maj 2024. [Unpublished]

Magid, Jakob (2022) CRUCIAL -Closing the Rural-Urban Nutrient Cycle -Investigations through Agronomic Long-term experiments. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed]

Magid, Jakob (2021) Recirkulering, Troværdighed for Forbrugere og Økosystemets Sundhed (RECONCILE projektet). Lecture at: Økologikongres 2021, Vingsted, Danmark, 25.-26. november 2021. [Completed]

Magid, Jakob (2020) Den økologiske forbruger og recirkulering. Økologisk Landbrug, August 2020, p. 13.

Magid, Jakob (2020) Forskere blåstempler brug af biogødning i økologisk landbrug. Økologisk.nu, August 2020, p. 6.

Magid, Jakob; Vestergård, Mette and Palmqvist, Annemette (2023) Skal vi bekymre os om mikroplast i jord? Speech at: Vidensseminar om mikroplast i jord, Københavns Universitet, 2 Oktober. [draft]

Palmqvist, Annemette (2021) Betragtninger omkring mikroplast og anvendelse af organiske ressourcer i økologisk jordbrug. Lecture at: Økologikongres 2021, Vingsted, Danmark, 25.-26. november 2021. [Completed]

Preus, Nina (2021) Organic Consumers Opinions about New Types of Recirculation in Organic Production. Danish Agriculture and Food Council.

Preus, Nina (2021) Økologi-forbrugeres holdninger til nye former for recirkulering i økologisk jordbrug. Landbrug & Fødevarer, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Smed, Sinne (2024) The organic consumers’ willingness to Pay for food produced with re-circulated nutrients, barriers and facilitators. Speech at: 188th EAAE seminar, 12-13 September 2024.

Smed, Sinne (2023) Willingness to pay (WTP) for food produced with recirculated nutrients. Poster at: EAAE Congress, Rennes, September 2023.

Smed, Sinne (2023) Willingness to Pay for Food Produced with re-circulated nutrients - A choice Experiment, estimation details. Speech at: IFRO EVVA seminars, Københavns Universitet, 13th of June 2023.

Smed, Sinne (2023) Willingness to Pay for Food Produced with re-cirulated nutrients - A choice Experiment. Presentation at IFRO lunch seminar. Speech at: IFRO ordinary lunch seminars, 31rd of March 2023.

This list was generated on Sat Mar 8 23:28:32 2025 CET.