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Items affiliated to "REFUGIA - The role of Organic Farms as refugia for biodiversity"

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Number of items at this level: 55.

Ahanchédé, J.E.; Alfaya, F.; Andersen, L.W.; Azam, D.; Bautista, MA.A.M.; Besnard, A.-L.; Bigatti, G.; Bouetard, A.; Coutellec, M.-A.; Ewédjé, E.-E.B.K.; Fuseya, R.; Carcia-Jiménez, R.; Haratian, M.; Hardy, O.J.; Holm, L.-E.; Hoy, C.W.; Koshimizu, E.; Loeschcke, V.; López-Márquez, V.; Machado, C.A.; Machordom, A.; Marchi, C.; Michel, A.P.; Micheneau, C.; Mittapalli, O.; Nagai, T.; Okamoto, N; Pan, Y.; Panitz, F.; Safaie, N.; Sakamoto, T.; Sharifnabi, B.; En-Weitian, and Yu, H. (2013) Permanent genetic resources note. Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 August 2012-30 September 2012. Molecular Ecology Resources, 13, pp. 158-159.

Andersen, L.W. (2011) Økologisk jordbrug som refugier for biodiversitet (Refugia). In: Sørensen, L.S. and Rebsdorf, S.O. (Eds.) Resultater fra den økologiske forskning 2006-2010. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), pp. 50-53.

Andersen, Liselotte Wesley; Jacobsen, Magnus; Kahlert, Johnny; Fjeldså, Jon and Odgaard, Bent Vad (2013) Origin of cultural landscape biota of Central and Northwest Europe: genetic evidence of population expansions of Perdix perdix at the introduction and expansion of agriculture. not decided yet, , . [Completed]

Andersen, Liselotte Wesley; Jacobsen, Magnus; Kahlert, Johnny and Odgaard, Bent (2011) Following the plough: genetic evidence of population expansions of Perdix perdix during early transition and late intensification of agriculture in Denmark and Western Europe. not decided yet, ?, ?. [Completed]

Andersen, Liselotte Wesley and Kahlert, Johnny (2011) Genetic indications of translocated and stocked grey partridges (Perdix perdix): Does the indigenous Danish grey partridge (Perdix perdix) still exist? Biological Journal of Linnean Society intended, 105 (3), pp. 694-710.

Andersen, Liselotte Wesley; Marchi, Chiara ; Strandberg, Beate; Bruus Pedersen, Marianne; Damgaard, Christian; Jensen, Thomas Secher; Olsen, Kent; Dalgaard, Tommy and Topping, C.J. (2010) Økologisk jordbrug som refugier for biodiversitet (Refugia). .

Andersen, Liselotte Wesley; Marchi, Chiara ; Strandberg, Beate; Damgaard, Christian; Pedersen Bruus, Marianne; Jensen Secher, Thomas; Olsen, Kent; Dalgaard, Tommy; Bøcher Klit, Peder and Topping, C.J. (2010) REFUGIA. Organic farming and biodiversity - the impact of organic farming on nature. Speech at: ICROFS programme commitee in Silkeborg. [Completed]

Andersen, Liselotte Wesley; Marchi, Chiara ; Strandberg, Beate; Topping, C.J.; Jensen, Thomas Secher; Olsen, Kent; Bruus Pedersen, Marianne; Damgaard, Christian and Dalgaard, Tommy (2008) Organic farming and biodiversity - the impact of organic farming on nature. .

Andersen, Liselotte Wesley; Marchi, Chiara ; Strandberg, Beate; Topping, C.J.; Pedersen Bruus, Marianne; Damgaard, Christian F.; Jensen Secher, Thomas; Olsen, Kent; Dalgaard, Tommy and Bøcher Klit, Peder (2010) REFUGIA. Økologisk jordbrug og biodiversitet - effekten af økologisk jordbrug på naturen. Speech at: FØJO III Formidlingsdag, Horsens, Denmark, 4. oktober 2010. [Completed]

Andersen, Liselotte Wesley; Marchi, Chiara ; Topping, C.J.; Strandberg, Beate; Bruus Pedersen, Marianne; Damgaard, Christian; Jensen, Thomas Secher; Olsen, Kent and Dalgaard, Tommy (2013) Does organic farming enhance biodiversity? Complex issues and modelling approaches. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Bianconi, A.; von Zuben, C.J.; Habberman, G.; Govone, J.S. and Dalgaard, T. (2013) SOME METHODOLOGICAL DIFFICULTIES OF CONDUCTING AGROECOLOGICAL STUDIES FROM A STATISTICAL PERSPECTIVE. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 37 (4), pp. 485-506.

Boegh, E.; Houborg, R.; Bienkowski, J.; Braban, C.; Dalgaard, T.; van Dijk, N.; Dragosits, U.; Holmes, E.; Magliulo, V.; Schelde, K.; Di Tommasi, P. and Vitale, V. (2011) Remote sensing based mapping of leaf nitrogen and leaf area index in European landscapes using the REGularized canopy reFLECtance (REGFLEC) model. Nitrogen & Global Change, Key findings - future challenges, Edinburgh, 11-15 April 2011. [Unpublished]

Boegh, E.; Houborg, R.; Bienkowski, J.; Dalgaard, Tommy; Dragisits, U. and Magliulo, E. (2011) Mapping leaf nitrogen and leaf area index in European landscapes using high spatial resolution satellite data and the REGularized canopy reFLECtance (REGFLEC) model. Paper at: Geophysical Research Abstracts EGU2011-11534. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011., Vienna, 2011. 3-8 April.

Boutin, Céline; Strandberg, Beate; Carpenter, David; Mathiassen, Solvejg Kopp and Thomas, P.J. (2014) Herbicide impact on non-target plant reproduction: what are the toxicological and ecological implications? Environmental Pollution, 185, 295- 306.

Bruus, Marianne; Axelsen, Jørgen Aagaard and Tybirk, Knud (2013) Weeds, insects and food chains in organic cereal fields. , ( ). [Completed]

Bruus, Marianne; Axelsen, Jørgen Aagaard and Tybirk, Knud (2013) Weeds, insect fauna, and the lack of food chains in conventional cereal fields. , , - . [Completed]

Bruus Pedersen, M.; Axelsen, Jørgen Aagaard and Tybirk, Knud (2011) Food chains in cereal fields. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Bruus Pedersen, Marianne (2010) REFUGIA WP 3. Food chains within organic cereal fields. Speech at: ICROFS international board, visit to Denmark, Silkeborg, Denamrk, May 25, 2010. [Completed]

Bruus Pedersen, Marianne; Axelsen, Jørgen Aagaard and Tybirk, Knud (2011) Biomass of weeds, crops and arthropods in conventional and organic cereal fields. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Bruus Pedersen, Marianne; Axelsen, Jørgen Aagaard and Tybirk, Knud (2011) Er der mere liv i økologiske kornmarker? Landbrugsavisen, 22 December 2011, , - .

Christen, Ben (2009) Possible beneficial effects of biomass for bioenergy crops. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, Sweden, 5 (3), p. 28.

Christen, Ben and Dalgaard, Tommy (2013) Buffers for biomass production in temperate European agriculture: A review and synthesis on function, ecosystem services and implementation. Biomass and Bioenergy, 55, pp. 53-67.

Christensen, K.K. (2008) Herbicidet Starane 180S’ effekt på pollenproduktionen hos mælkebøtte og rødkløver - påvirkninger af fødeudbudet i markhegn på konventionelle og økologiske brug. Masters thesis, Københavns Universitet & Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser . .

Dalgaard, T.; Kjeldsen, C. and Kristensen, I.T. (2008) Hvordan kan økologisk jordbrug være med til at styrke vækst og udvikling i landdistrikterne? In: Sammendrag af indlæg: Plantekongres 2008., Dansk Landbrugsrådgivning & Det Jordbrugsvidenskabelige Fakultet., 1, pp. 164-165.

Dalgaard, Tommy; Haugaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Kjeldsen, Chris; Kristensen, Inge; Jørgensen, Uffe and Pugesgaard, Siri (2009) Synergies between the expansion of biogas production and organic farming. In: Energy Conversion from Biomass Production. NJF Report nr.3. vol 5, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, Sweden, pp. 36-37.

Dalgaard, Tommy; Kjeldsen, Chris; Kristensen, Inge T. and Kristensen, Ib Sillebak (2008) Potentialet for omlægning til økologisk jordbrug i Danmark. In: Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Halberg, Niels (Eds.) Udvikling, vækst og integritet i den danske økologisektor. Vidensyntese om muligheder og barrierer for fortsat udvikling og markedsbaseret vækst i produktion, forarbejdning og omsætning af økologiske produkter.. Internationalt Center for Forskning i Økologisk Jordbrug og Fødevaresystemer, ICROFS, Foulum, chapter 3, pp. 131-152.

Dalgaard, T.; Hutchings, N. and Kjeldsen, C. (2008) Samspillet mellem landbrugets strukturudvikling og naturbeskyttelse i forskellige EU-lande. In: Sammendrag af indlæg: Plantekongres 2008., Dansk Landbrugsrådgivning & Det Jordbrugsvidenskabelige Fakultet., 1, pp. 288-289.

Dalgaard, Tommy (2011) Hvordan beskytter økologisk jordbrug biodiversiteten? Landbrugsavisen, 4 February 2011.

Dalgaard, Tommy (2011) Materials and Methods REFUGIA project working paper. Working paper, Agroecology, Aarhus University . [Completed]

Dalgaard, Tommy (2010) Økologisk jordbrug beskytter biodiversiteten. Økologi og Erhverv, 5 February 2010, pp. 1-2.

Dalgaard, Tommy (2009) Landscape Agroecology: managing interactions between agriculture, nature and socio-economy. In: Schaft, F and Balman, A (Eds.) Multi-level processes of integration and disintegration. Monograph Series: Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, no. 52. Liebnitz Institut für Agrarentwicklung (IAMO), Halle an der Saale, Germany, pp. 3-12.

Dalgaard, Tommy; Hutchings, Nicholas J.; Dragosits, U.; Olesen, J.E.; Kjeldsen, Chris; Drouet, J.L. and Cellier, P. (2011) Effects of farm heterogeneity and methods for upscaling on modelled nitrogen losses in agricultural landscapes. Environmental Pollution, 159 (11), 3183-3192.

Holm, Lars-Erik; Panitz, Frank; Bendixen, Christian; Talbot , R.; Smith, S.; Andersen, Liselotte Wesley and Burt, D. (2013) Whole genome de novo sequencing of common quail and grey partridge. Animal Genetics, (?), pp. 1-7. [Unpublished]

Holm, Lars-Erik; Panitz, Frank; Burt, D.; Talbot , R.; Smith, S.; Andersen, Liselotte Wesley and Bendixen, Christian (2011) Whole genome de novo sequencing of quail and grey partridge. Poster at: Plant and Animal Genome XIX, San Diego, CA, USA,, January 15-19, 2011.

Høye, T.T.; Skov, F. and Topping, C.J. (2011) Evaluating and communicating simulated wildlife responses to land-use scenarios. Ecological Indicators, 20, 221-227.

Jensen, Thomas Secher; Hansen, Tine Sussi and Olsen, Kent (2009) ORGANIC FARMS AS REFUGES FOR SMALL MAMMAL BIODIVERSITY. Poster at: The 10th International Mammalogical Congress, Mendosa, Argentina, 9-14 of August 2009.

Jensen, Thomas Secher; Hansen, Tine Sussi and Olsen, Kent (2011) Organic farms as refuges for small mammal biodiversity in agro ecosystems. Working paper. [Completed]

Jensen, Thomas Secher and Olsen, Kent (2010) Vole spatial distribution and dispersal in European organic and conventional farming systems. Poster at: The 90th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Laramie, Wyoming, USA, 11-15 of June 2010.

Jensen, Thomas Secher; Olsen, Kent; Hansen, Tine Sussi and Vedel-Smith, Christina (2012) Home range and dispersal of the field vole Microtus agrestis in an organic agro-ecosystem. Mammalian Biology, , - . [Submitted]

Marchi, Chiara; Andersen, Liselotte Wesley; Damgaard, Christian F.; Olsen, Kent; Jensen Secher, Thomas and Loeschcke, Volker (2013) Gene flow and population structure of a common agricultural wild species (Microtus agrestis) under different land management regimes. Heredity, 111, pp. 486-494.

Marchi, C.; Andersen, L.W.; Panitz, F; Holm, L.-E. and Loeschcke, V. (2012) Characterization of microsatellite primers for Bembidion lampros through 454-sequencing of the genome. Molecular Ecology Resources, , - . [Submitted]

Marchi, Chiara (2012) Landscape genetics: applications to the agricultural habitat. PhD thesis, Aarhus University . .

Marchi, Chiara (2010) Landscape genetics and the role of organic farming. PhD thesis, Dept. of Wildlife Ecology and Biodiversity Aarhus University . . [Completed]

Marchi, Chiara ; Andersen, Liselotte Wesley; Damgaard, Christian F.; Olsen, Kent; Jensen Secher, Thomas and Loeschcke, Volker (2010) Wildlife friendly agriculture: which factors do really matter? A genetic study on field vole. Poster at: 90th Annual Meeeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Laramie, Wyoming, USA, 11th-15th June 2010.

Marchi, Chiara ; Andersen, Liselotte Wesley; Holm, Lars-Erik and Loeschcke, Volker (2009) Landscape population genetics and the role of organic farming. Poster at: Conservation Genetics, Trondheim, Norway, 23 May - 26 May 2009.

Marchi, Chiara ; Andersen, Liselotte Wesley and Loeschcke, V. (2013) Effects of Land Management Strategies on the Dispersal Pattern of a Beneficial Arthropod. Plos One, 8 (6), e66208.

Marchi, Chiara ; Andersen , Liselotte Wesley; Damgaard, Christian; Olsen, Kent; Jensen, Thomas Secher and Loeschcke, Volker (2013) Gene flow and population structure of a common agricultural wild species (Microtus agrestis) under different land management regimes. Heredity, ., pp. 1-9.

Nielsen, Karen Munk (2013) Pesticider giver færre blomster i hegn. Økologi & Erhverv, 21 March 2013.

Pugesgaard, S.; Dalgaard, T.; Jørgensen, U.; Olesen, J.E.; Møller, H. and Jensen, E.S. (2008) Can on-farm bioenergy production make organic farming more sustainable? - A model for energy balance, nitrogen losses, and green house gas emissions in a 1000 ha energy catchment with organic dairy farming and integrated bioenergy production. Poster at: FAO Workshop on Organic Agriculture and Climate Change. , Modena, Italy., June 18 2008.

Pugesgaard, Siri; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Dalgaard, Tommy and Jørgensen, Uffe (2013) Biogas in organic agriculture - effects on productivity, energy self-sufficiency and greenhouse gas emissions. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, ( ), pp. 1-14.

Strandberg, Beate (2010) REFUGIA WP4 Hedgerows as refugees for biodiversity. Speech at:

Strandberg, Beate and Christensen, Kimmie K. (2008) Effects on herbicides on hedgerow biodiversity. Poster at:

Strandberg, Beate and Damgaard, Christian (2011) Time matters: Effects of duration of the organic management on biodiversity in hedgerows. Time matters: Effects of duration of the organic management on biodiversity in hedgerows, , - . [Completed]

Strandberg, Beate; Damgaard, Christian and Dalgaard, Tommy (2013) Time matters:effect of time since transition to organic farming on hedgerow ground vegetation. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, , - . [Submitted]

Topping, C.J. (2011) Evaluation of wildlife management through organic farming. Ecological Engineering, 37, 2009- 2017.

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