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Items affiliated to "ClimOptic"

Number of items at this level: 42.

Peer-reviewed and accepted

Meng, Xiaoyi; Knudsen, Marie Trydeman; Petersen, Søren O.; Møller, Henrik B. and Hashemi, Fatemeh (2024) Climate impact of alternative organic fertilizers using life cycle assessment. Environmental Research Letters,, 19 (12), pp. 1-14.

Meng, Xiaoyi; Ma, Chun and Petersen, Søren O. (2022) Sensitive control of N2O emissions and microbial community dynamics by organic fertilizer and soil interactions. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 58 (7), pp. 771-788.

Meng, Xiaoyi; Ma, Chun and Petersen, Søren O. (2022) Sensitive control of N2O emissions and microbial community dynamics by organic fertilizer and soil interactions. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 58, pp. 771-788.

Meng, Xiaoyi; Sørensen, Peter; Møller, Henrik B. and Petersen, Søren O. (2023) Greenhouse gas balances and yield-scaled emissions for storage and field application of organic fertilizers derived from cattle manure. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 345, p. 108327.

Mortensen, J.R.; Ward, A.J.; Weisbjerg, M.R.; Hafner, S.D. and Møller, H.B. (2021) Determination of Nitrogen and Sulphur Mineralization in Batch and Semi-Continuous Anaerobic Digestion Using an Artificial Fiber Bag Technique. Energies, 14, p. 4205.

Reimer, Marie; Møller, Henrik B. and Sørensen, Peter (2025) Utilization of cattle slurry, biogas digestates and separated digestates by injection to organically managed spring barley. European Journal of Agronomy, 164, pp. 1-13.

Reimer, Marie and Sørensen, Peter (2023) Nitrogen fertiliser value of digestates and untreated cattle slurry differs in organic and conventional crop management. In: RAMIRAN 2023 book of abstracts, p. 24.

Reimer, Marie; Sørensen, Peter and Møller, Henrik B. (2024) Optimizing nitrogen fertilizer value by post-treatment of digestates. In: Proceedings of the XXII Internaltional N Workshop, p. 26.

van der Werf, Hayo M.G.; Knudsen, Marie Trydeman and Cederberg, Christel (2020) Towards better representation of organic agriculture in life cycle assessment. Nature Sustainability, 2020, pp. 1-7.

Not peer-reviewed

Fog, Erik (2022) Økonomi i ClimOptic-processen. [Economics of the ClimOptic-process.] .

Fog, Erik (2022) De økologiske principper og regler i relation til teknik til optimering af kvælstofforsyning i økologisk jordbrug. [Organic principles and standards related to technic for optimization of nitrogen supply in organic farming.] Innovationscenter for Økologisk Landbrug .

Fog, Erik (2021) Gødning med stor kvælstofeffekt er O.K. [Fertilizer with high nitrogen efficiency is OK.] Økologisk Landbrug, 30 December 2021 (671), p. 13.

Fog, Erik (2021) ClimOptic-gødninger. Mere effektive gødninger fra biogasanlæg til økologer og andre jordbrugere. [ClimOptic fertilizers More efficient fertilizers from biogas plants for organic and other farmers.] .

Fog, Erik (2021) Projektet ClimOptic udvikler nye effektive gødninger til økologisk jordbrug. [The project ClimOptic develops new efficient fertilizers for organic farming.] . Online at https://www.landbrugsinfo.dk/public/6/3/0/planter_clomoptic_effektiv_godning_okologisk_jordbrug, accessed on: 9 September 2020.

Fog, Erik and Husted, Majken (2022) Styrk økologien med biogasgødning. [Make organics stronger with fertilizer from biogas plants.] Speech at: Øko-Markdag 2022, Erholm Fødevaremarked, Karen Borchenfeldtsvej 2, 5560 Aarup, 15. juni 2022.

Fog, Erik; Højholdt, Michael and Møller, Henrik B. (2021) Produktion og anvendelse af ClimOptic specialgødninger fra biogasanlæg. [Production and use of ClimOptic special fertilizers from biogas plants.] Workshop at: Workshop om produktion og anvendelse af ClimOptic specialgødninger fra biogasanlæg, Online, 20-12-2021.

Fog, Erik; Sørensen, Peter; Pedersen, Søren O.; Meng, Xiaoyi; Knudsen, Marie Trydeman and Møller, Henrik B. (2023) Grass-clover and biogas fertilizers as a climate efficient nutrient supply. [Kløvergræs og biogasgødning som en klimaeffektiv næringsstofforsyning.] Poster at: AgriFood & Climate Circle, 11 May 2023.

Fog, Erik; Sørensen, Peter; Pedersen, Søren O.; Meng, Xiaoyi; Knudsen, Marie Trydeman and Møller, Henrik B. (2023) Grass-clover and biogas fertilizers as a climate efficient nutrient supply. [Kløvergræs og biogasgødning som klimaeffektiv næringsstofforsyning.] Speech at: AgriFood & Climate Circle, Copenhagen, 11 May 2023.

Fog, Erik (2020) ClimOptic-gødninger Økologiske landmænds vurderinger af praktisk værdi, barrierer for anvendelse og forenelighed med de økologiske principper. Del 1. [ClimOptic-fertilizers Organic farmers evaluation of practical value, barriers for use and compatibility with the organic principles. Part 1.] SEGES , ØkologiInnovation, LandbrugsInfo.

Fog, Erik (2019) Bedre udbytter i økologisk planteavl med designergødninger og græs til protein. [Better yields in organic plant production with designer fertilizers and grass for protein.] Speech at: Økologimøde KHL, 03-12-2019.

Fog, Erik (2019) Effektive gødninger til økologer. [Effective fertilizers for organic farming.] Økologi - Inspiration til jordbruget, August 2019, 2019 (6), p. 3.

Hashemi, Fatemeh; Meng, Xiaoyi; Petersen, Søren O.; Møller, Henrik B.; Andersen, Bjørn Aamand and Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2023) Klimaaftryk af nye organiske gødningstyper fra biogasbehandlet kvæggylle og kløvergræs med anvendelse af efterbehandlingsteknologier. .

Hermansen, Sven (2019) Mere økologi og flere næringsstoffer. [More organic farming and more nutrients.] LandbrugsAvisen, 11 May 2019, p. 21.

Husted, Majken and Fog, Erik (2022) Klimaeffekt ved klimaoptimeret gødning og sædskifte i økologisk planteavl. [Climate effects of climate optimized fertilizer and rotations in organic plant production.] .

Højholdt, Michael (2021) Økonomiberegninger ClimOptic - Systemets værdi for landmanden. [Economy calculations ClimOptic - The systems value for the farmer.] SEGES , Business economy.

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2021) Vejen til det bæredygtige robuste landbrug – fokus på metoder. [Towards the sustainable and resilient agriculture - focusing on methods.] In: Økologikongres 21. Fremtidens robuste løsning, Tjele.

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2020) System description for climate optimized fertilization. Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology.

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2020) Livscyklusvurderinger og zero emission agriculture. [Life cycle assessment and zero emission agriculture.] Speech at: Zero Emission Agriculture Workshop, AU Foulum, 8. januar 2020.

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2019) Life cycle assessment and soil carbon. Speech at: World Soil Day, AU Foulum, Denmark, 5. december 2019.

Melander, Bo (2022) Weed dynamics in the Danish long-term experiments on organic arable crop rotation systems. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed]

Meng, Xiaoyi (2021) The effect of post-digestion fertilizers on greenhouse gases, N use efficiency, and soil microbes. Speech at: iCLimate annual meeting, Roskilde, 5-6 October 2021.

Meng, Xiaoyi; Møller, Henrik B.; Sørensen, Peter; Knudsen, Marie Trydeman and Petersen, Søren O. (2021) Greenhouse gas balance of new organic fertilizers derived from anaerobic digestion. Poster at: Technologies for a Danish Zero Greenhouse Gas Emission Agriculture, Middelfart, 28.6. 2021.

Møller, HB (2020) Hvad kan biogasanlæggene gøre for at sikre en optimal gødningsproduktion? Speech at: HM Møller, 29/10-2020.

Møller, Henrik B. (2019) Recirkulering af næringsstoffer via biogasanlægget. Speech at: Økologikongres 2019, Vingstedcenteret, 20-21. November 2019.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2022) A cropping systems perspective on the Danish organic arable LTE. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed]

Oudshoorn, Frank (2021) Sådan påvirker afgasset gødning klimaaftrykket. [How biogas digestate can affect climate load.] Økologi - Inspiration til jordbruget, 1 October 2021, Okt. (2021), p. 16.

Oudshoorn, Frank (2020) SEGES rapport. [Climate effects using ammonia enriched fertilizers in organic plant production.] SEGES , Organic Innovation, LandbrugsInfo.

Reimer, Marie; Sørensen, Peter and Møller, Henrik B. (2024) Different fertiliser values in organic and conventional field trials. Speech at: Plantekongres 2024.

Sørensen, Peter (2024) Biogasgødning reducerer klimaaftrykket markant. Økologisk Landbrug, 28 June 2024, 45 (697), p. 16.

Sørensen, Peter (2024) Higher fertiliser value by slurry injection after ploughing. In: Plantekongres 2024, Tjele.

Sørensen, Peter (2022) Nutrient cycling in the Danish long-term experiment with arable cropping -examples. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed]

Tolsgaard, Solvej Lyby (2023) Usikker økonomi kan spænde ben for klimavenlig biogas-gødning. [Uncertain finances can put pressure on climate-friendly biogas fertilizers.] Økologisk Landbrug, 30 March 2023, 684, pp. 10-11.

This list was generated on Sun Dec 22 15:14:49 2024 CET.