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Items affiliated to "CORE Organic Plus"

Number of items at this level: 12.

Peer-reviewed and accepted

Asioli, Daniele; Rocha, Carlos H.; Wongprawmas, R.; Popa, Mona Elena; Gogus, Fahrettin and Almli Lengaard, Valerie (2018) Microwave-dried or air-dried? Consumers' stated preferences and attitudes for organic dried strawberries. A multi-country investigation in Europe. Food Research International, 11 (37), x-x. [In Press]

Elisson, Lovisa; Oliveira, Gabriel; Ehrnell, Maria; Höglund, Evelina and Alminger, Marie (2019) Food Tailoring bilberry powder functionality by processing: effects of preprocessing. Food Science and Nutrition, 0-0.

Höglund, Evelina; Eliasson, Lovisa; Oliviera, Gabriel; Almli Lengaard, Valerie; Sozer, Nesli and Alminger, Marie (2018) Effect of drying and extrusion processing on physical and nutritional characteristics of bilberry press cake extrudates. LWT- Food science and Technology, 92, pp. 422-428.

Not peer-reviewed

Alminger, Marie (2018) Innovative and eco-sustainable processing and packaging for safe and high quality organic products with enhanced nutritional quality. Final report. .

Athanasiadou, S. (2017) Tackling the parasitological challenges in organic Ruminant farming practices. Workshop at: International workshop Toulouse 2017, Toulouse. France, 29 November 2017. [Completed]

Grando, Stefano; Ollivier, Guillaume; Capolino, Elena; Trkulja, Ivana and Bellon, Stéphane (2020) CORE ORGANIC - 15 YEARS OF JOINT RESEARCH FOR ORGANIC FOOD AND FARMING SYSTEMS. CORE Organic 15-year activity report (2004-2019). CORE Organic Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming Systems.

Hefner, M.; Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg and Shanmugam, Sindhuja (2020) Soil fertility, nitrogen availability and plant growth in new vegetable production systems. Speech at: Swedish Organic Conference: Forskning och utveckling inom ekologisk produktion, Webinar, 15. Oct. 2020. [Completed]

Lo Scalzo, Roberto; Campanelli, Gabriele; Moor, Ulvi; Schwab, Wilfried; Vangdal, Eivind; Kidmose, Ulla and Speranza, G (Tutor) (2018) Final report for the CORE Organic Plus funded project “Drying, Juices and Jams of Organic Fruit and Vegetables: what happens to Desired and Non-Desired compounds? FaVOR-DeNonDe” Period covered: 30 March 2015 - 29 March 2018. CORE Organic Plus Office .

Melander, Bo (2018) A successful grain crop is the best weed management. ICROFS news, 4 April 2018, p. 1.

Salonen, Jukka; Zarina, Livija and Melander, Bo (2018) Crop diversity - a crucial remedy for weed management in organic cropping. In: Simoncic, Andrej (Ed.) Book of Abstracts - 18th European Weed Research Society Symposium, Kmetijski Institut Slovenije, Ljubljana, p. 40.

Sigsgaard, Lene; Warlop, Francois; Pfiffner, Lukas and Herz, Annette (2018) New tools to manage and assess orchard Functional Agrobiodiversity (FAB). CORE Organic Plus news, 27 August 2018, p. 13134.

Stan, Andreea and Badulescu, Liliana (2018) Procesare produselor ecologice. [Organic product processing.] AgriCultura365, 20 February 2018, 27, pp. 54-55.

This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 03:45:26 2025 CET.