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Items affiliated to "FaVOR-DeNonDe"

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Number of items at this level: 21.

{Project} FaVOR-DeNonDe: Drying, Juices and Jams of Organic Fruit and Vegetables: what happens to Desired and Non-Desired compounds? Runs 2015 - 2018. Project Leader(s): Lo Scalzo, Dr Roberto; Moor, Prof Ulvi; Vangdal, Dr Eivind; Kidmose, Prof Ulla; Schwab, Prof Wilfried; Campanelli, Dr Gabriele and Speranza, Prof Giovanna.

Campanelli, G. (2016) Giornata di studio su orticoltura biologica e risorse genetiche. [Workshop on organic horticulture and genetic resources.] .

Campanelli, G. (2015) Il CRA per la ricerca in orticoltura biologica Giornata divulgativa. [CRA (Italy Agricultural Research Council) for research in organic horticulture. Divulgation Day.] CREA-ORA Reserch Unit of Horticulture, Monsampolo del Tronto (Ascoli Piceno, Italy) .

Corno, Fabio (2015) INDAGINI SUI COSTITUENTI DI POMODORI SOTTOPOSTI AD ESSICCAMENTO. [Investigation on the constituents of tomatoes subjected to drying.] Masters thesis, University of Milano, Faculty of Science and Technologies . .

Eggers, Nina; Kidmose, Ulla; Moor, Ulvi and Lo Scalzo, Roberto (2016) Effect of pressing method on the sensory quality of organic apple juice. Poster at: EuroSense 2016, Dijon, France, 11-14 September 2016.

Heinmaa, Lagle; Moor, Ulvi; Põldma, Priit; Raudsepp, Piret; Kidmose, Ulla and Lo Scalzo, Roberto (2017) Content of health-beneficial compounds and sensory properties of organic apple juice as affected by processing technology. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 85, pp. 372-379.

Heinmaa, Lagle; Põldma, Priit; Tõnutare, T; Kahu, Kersti; Kidmose, Ulla; Lo Scalzo, R and Moor, Ulvi (2016) The effect of organic and conventional fruit cultivation system on mineral composition and sensory properties of cloudy apple juice. Poster at: III International Symposium on Horticulture in Europe - SHE2016, Chania, Creete (Greece), 17-21 October 2016. [In Press]

Kurze, E.; Kock, V.; Lo Scalzo, R; Olbricht, K. and Schwab, Wilfried (2018) Effect of the Strawberry Genotype, Cultivation and Processing on the Fra a 1 Allergen Content. Nutrients MDPI, 10, p. 857.

Kurze, E.; Lo Scalzo, R; Campanelli, G. and Schwab, Wilfried (2018) Effect of tomato variety, cultivation, climate and processing on Sola l 4, an allergen from Solanum lycopersicum. PlosOne, 13 (6), pp. 1-18.

Lo Scalzo, Roberto; Campanelli, Gabriele; Moor, Ulvi; Schwab, Wilfried; Vangdal, Eivind; Kidmose, Ulla and Speranza, G (Tutor) (2018) Final report for the CORE Organic Plus funded project “Drying, Juices and Jams of Organic Fruit and Vegetables: what happens to Desired and Non-Desired compounds? FaVOR-DeNonDe” Period covered: 30 March 2015 - 29 March 2018. CORE Organic Plus Office .

Melotti, Edoardo (2016) STUDIES ON THE COSTITUENTS OF SWEET PEPPER (SENISE PEPPER PGI) SUBJECTED TO DIFFERENT DRYING TECHNIQUES. Masters thesis, University of Milano , Faculty of Sciences and Technologies. . [Completed]

Melotti, Edoardo (2016) STUDIES ON THE COSTITUENTS OF SWEET PEPPER (SENISE PEPPER PGI) SUBJECTED TO DIFFERENT DRYING TECHNIQUES. Masters thesis, University of Milano , Faculty of Sciences and Technologies. . [Completed]

Paolo, D; Bianchi, G; Morelli, C; Speranza, G; Campanelli, G.; Kidmose, Ulla and Lo Scalzo, R (2019) Impact of drying techniques, seasonal variation and organic growing on flavor compounds profiles in two Italian tomato varieties. Food Chemistry, 298, p. 125062.

Picchi, V; Bianchi, G; Guerrieri, A; Fibiani, M; Campanelli, G; Sabatini, E and Lo Scalzo, R (2016) Effects of the processing technique on the retention of bioactive compounds and volatiles in organic and conventional strawberry jams. In: Renard, Catherine (Ed.) Book of Abstracts, PQ-16, p. 111.

Picchi, V; Lo Scalzo, Roberto; Kurze, E.; Fibiani, M; Vangdal, Eivind and Schwab, Wilfried (2019) Impact of year of harvest, genotype and cultivation method on bioactives and Pru d 1 allergen content in plums. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCES AND NUTRITION, pp. 1-13.

Picchi, Valentina (2016) SANA - Salone Internazionale del Biologico e del Naturale. La ricerca transnazionale in agricoltura biologica: il programma “Core organic”. [SANA - International Exhibition of Organic and Natural. Trans-national Research in Organic farming: CORE Organic Programme.] .

Rigamonti, Andrea; Speranza, G (Tutor); Morelli, C (Co-Tutor) and Bianchi, G (Co-Tutor) (2017) STUDIO SUI COSTITUENTI DI VARIETÁ LOCALI DI POMODORO (SAPORE ANTICO ABRUZZO E PERBRUZZO) SOTTOPOSTE A DIVERSE TECNICHE DI ESSICCAMENTO. Masters thesis, University of Milano , Chemistry. .

Roberto, Lo Scalzo (2016) CONVEGNO LA RICERCA PER L’AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA E BIODINAMICA: UNA VISIONE DI INSIEME. [Conference. Research in organic and biodinamic farming: an overview.] Poster at:

Roberto, Lo Scalzo (2015) MIDI 2015 Milan Demonstrative Initiatives. Innovative Solutions for Food Processes, Preservation, Safety and Control, 8 September 2015. CREA-Consiglio per la Ricerca in Agricoltura e l'Analisi dell'Economia Agraria , Research Unit of Food Technology, Italy.

Vangdal, Eivind; Picchi, Valentina; Fibiani, Marta and Lo Scalzo, Roberto (2017) Effects of the drying technique on the retention of phytochemicals in conventional and organic plum (Prunus domestica L.). LWT - Food Science and Technology, 85 (B), pp. 506-509.

Vignati, Marta; Speranza, Giovanna (Tutor) and Roberto, Lo Scalzo (Co-Tutor) (2017) COMPOSIZIONE NUTRIZIONALE DEL PEPERONE DOLCE (CAPSICUM ANNUUM L.) COLTIVATO IN BIOLOGICO ED IN CONVENZIONALE PRIMA E DOPO L’ESSICCAMENTO. Masters thesis, University of Milano , Department of Chemistry. . [Unpublished]

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