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GrazyDaiSy - Organic dairy cattle grazing on different sites in Baden-Württemberg: results and recommendations for action from a practical research project

{Tool} GrazyDaiSy - Organic dairy cattle grazing on different sites in Baden-Württemberg: results and recommendations for action from a practical research project. [GrazyDaiSy - Bio-Milchviehweidehaltung auf unterschiedlichen Standorten in Baden-Württemberg: Ergebnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen aus einem Praxisforschungsprojekt.] Creator(s): Velasco, Elizabeth; Perdana-Decker, Sari; Werner, Jessica; Dickhoefer, Uta; Egle, Bettina and Binder, Sören. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Hohenheim, Demeter e.V., Bioland Beratung. Merkblatt. (2022)

[thumbnail of Merkblatt1_V2_DEU_Final.pdf] PDF - Published Version - German/Deutsch
[thumbnail of 2023-09-19 11_23_23-Merkblatt1_V2_DEU_Final.pdf.png]
Image (PNG) - Cover Image - English

Document available online at: https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/43977/1/Merkblatt1_V2_DEU_Final.pdf

Summary in the original language of the document

GrazyDaiSy is a European practice research project with eight partner countries. In Germany, it was carried out by the University of Hohenheim, as well as the organic associations Bioland and Demeter were carried out. The aim was to develop improved regionally adapted systems for pasture-based organic dairy farming. dairy farming. In the other countries, research was also conducted on the topics of animal health" and "cow-based calf rearing". calf rearing" research. This fact sheet provides an insight into the results of the first year of the trial. From July to mid September 2018, 27 organic and Demeter dairy farms in southeastern Baden-Württemberg were visited. By means of surveys, information was obtained on the farm structure, herd size and composition, as well as grazing and feeding management. were collected. These data were supplemented with information from the general farm documentation (e.g. FIONA or HIT data). In addition, the biomass and the forage value of the vegetation on the pastures was determined and sampled the forage offered in the barn, to assess the nutritional status of the animals and to estimate their feed intake and milk milk yield from the pasture. be able to.

Summary translation

Die Weidehaltung gewinnt für Bio-Milchviehbetriebe an Bedeutung – auch für Betriebe, die auf den ersten Blick keine idealen Voraussetzungen bieten. Wie zum Beispiel in sehr trockenen Jahren wie 2018, das durch wenig Niederschlag während der Weidesaison in Verbindung mit Hitze und damit verbundenen geringen Futtererträgen geprägt war. Doch Untersuchungen ergaben, dass auch diese Standorte über ein nicht zu unterschätzendes Potential verfügen, welches mithilfe dieses Merkblatts aufgezeigt werden soll.

EPrint Type:Practice tool
Teaser:First results about regionally adapted systems for pasture-based organic dairy farming.
What problem does the tool address?:The year 2018 was characterized by a pronounced drought combined with heat and pasture areas were not productive.
What solution does the tool offer?:Pasture grazing is gaining in importance for organic dairy farms - even for farms that do not offer ideal conditions at first glance. For example, in very dry years like 2018, which was characterised by little precipitation during the grazing season combined with heat and the associated low forage yields. Studies have shown that these locations also have a potential that should not be underestimated, which is to be demonstrated with the help of this fact sheet.
Type of Practice Tool:Practice abstracts
Keywords:Milchvieh, Weidefütterung, Fütterung, GrazyDaiSy, Core organic, BÖLN, BIELN, BÖL, BOEL, FKZ 17OE011
Agrovoc keywords:
dairy cattle
feed composition
Subjects: Animal husbandry > Production systems > Dairy cattle
Animal husbandry > Feeding and growth
Research affiliation: European Union > CORE Organic > CORE Organic Cofund > GrazyDaiSy
Germany > Bioland
Germany > Federal Organic Farming Scheme - BOEL > Animals > Animal Feeding
Germany > University of Hohenheim
Germany > Other organizations Germany
European Union > Organic Farm Knowledge
Related Links:https://organic-farmknowledge.org/tool/43977, https://twitter.com/farm_knowledge/status/1704422723982618740, https://www.facebook.com/organicfarmknowledge/posts/pfbid032ruHkkNBLPVmHZY741YhZPzFiGRVEFvQR8eqCfwpRVdWrmudgA3MZxUBvwUZVE1yl
Project ID:OFK
Deposited By: Griese, Sigrid
ID Code:43977
Deposited On:05 Apr 2022 11:51
Last Modified:02 May 2024 10:32
Document Language:German/Deutsch

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