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SusOrgPlus – projet européen innovant dans le domaine des aliments biologiques: développement de technologies des traitements intelligentes, d'additifs et de colorants alimentaires naturels

Bujor, Oana-Crina and Badulescu, Liliana (2018) SusOrgPlus – projet européen innovant dans le domaine des aliments biologiques: développement de technologies des traitements intelligentes, d'additifs et de colorants alimentaires naturels. [SusOrgPlus - innovative European project in the field of organic food: development of technologies of intelligent treatments, additives and natural food dyes.] Paper at: Atelier francophone sur "Les bonnes pratiques de la production agroalimentaire écologique: les macro- et micronutriments, la sécurité alimentaire, les comportements des consommateurs" INDAGRA 2018, Bucarest, Romania, le 2 novembre 2018. [Completed]

[thumbnail of Bujor_SusOrgPlus_ INDAGRA_2018_Atelier_french.pdf] PDF - Presentation - French/Francais
[thumbnail of Aficche Journee 2 nov.pdf] PDF - Cover Image - French/Francais

Summary in the original language of the document

In cadrul l'Atelier francophone sur "Les bonnes pratiques de la production agroalimentaire écologique: les macro- et micronutriments, la sécurité alimentaire, les comportements des consommateurs" a fost prezentat si promovat proiectul SusOrgPlus ca un proiect european inovativ in domeniul alimentatiei organice.
In cadrul Expozitiei Internationale INDAGRA 2018, Centrul de cercetare pentru studiul calitaíi produselor agroalimentare - USAMV Bucuresti a organizat un atelier in limba franceza asociat proiectului SaIN finantat de catre AUF.

Summary translation

During the INDAGRA International Exhibition 2018, the research center for the study of the quality of agri-food products - USAMV Bucharest organized a workshop in French associated with the SAIN project funded by AUF.
The SusOrgPlus project was presented and promoted as an innovative European project in the field of organic food.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Paper
Keywords:SusOrgPlus project, organic food, project SAiN, AUF
Subjects: Food systems > Food security, food quality and human health
Food systems > Processing, packaging and transportation
Knowledge management > Research methodology and philosophy > Research communication and quality
Research affiliation: European Union > CORE Organic > CORE Organic Cofund > SusOrgPlus
Romania > USAMV - Univ. of Agron. Sciences and Vet. Medicine
Horizon Europe or H2020 Grant Agreement Number:727495
Related Links:https://projects.au.dk/coreorganiccofund/core-organic-cofund-projects/susorgplus/, https://www.susorgplus.eu/
Deposited By: Badulescu, Prof. Liliana
ID Code:36792
Deposited On:12 Nov 2019 10:54
Last Modified:29 Jan 2020 11:14
Document Language:French/Francais
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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