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The effect of nutrient supply on the baking quality of organic wheat cultivars

Kidmose, Ulla; Jensen , sidsel; Mejnertsen, Peter; Jørgensen, Johannes Ravn and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2015) The effect of nutrient supply on the baking quality of organic wheat cultivars. Journal of cereal science?. [draft]

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Summary in the original language of the document

Five different wheat cultivars (Thifun, Triso, Thasos, Spelt and Emmer) were cultivated in an organic study using six different organic compost types (two different household waste composts, sewage sludge compost, fruit and vegetable compost and two different renescience compost types) and one control with no manure applied. Bread was baked with flour from each of the samples. The protein content, the gluten content and the falling number were measured for the flour samples and specific volume, the sensory quality and instrumental measured hardness were measured on the bread samples. Different compost types resulted in distinct different sensory profiles of the bread. However, the tested cultivars responded very different towards the different compost types leading to very different sensory profiles. Furthermore, compost type has an effect on the protein content and gluten content. However, the cultivars reacted different when different compost types were applied. Likewise, the specific volume depended on both the compost types and the cultivar. In contrast, the falling number was primarily affected by the compost types and not the cultivar. The protein content, gluten content, Falling number as well as specific volume of the bred differed between the two cultivation years. The sensory attributes were highly correlated to ….

EPrint Type:Journal paper
Subjects: Food systems > Food security, food quality and human health
Values, standards and certification > Consumer issues
Values, standards and certification > Evaluation of inputs
Research affiliation: Denmark > Organic RDD 1 > RoCo
Deposited By: Kidmose, Senior scientist Ulla
ID Code:28899
Deposited On:03 Jun 2015 14:07
Last Modified:27 Nov 2015 10:04
Document Language:English
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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