Items affiliated to "Regional Research Fund Mid-Norway"
Number of items at this level: 2. BBlomstrand, Berit Marie (2023) The impact of bark extracts from Norway spruce and Scots pine on gastrointestinal parasites in ruminants. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of health and medical sciences . . WWibe, Atle; Solemdal, Liv; Pommeresche, Reidun; Stangeland, Janne Kristin and Ween, Ola (2017) Insektlarver som proteinfôr til fisk og husdyr. [Insect larvae as protein feed for fish and livestock.] NORSØK RAPPORT, no. Nr 9/ Vol 2. NORSØK, TINGVOLL, NORWAY. This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 04:09:29 2025 CET. |