Items affiliated to "NVI - National Veterinary Institute"
Number of items at this level: 32. BBlomstrand, Berit Marie (2023) The impact of bark extracts from Norway spruce and Scots pine on gastrointestinal parasites in ruminants. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of health and medical sciences . . Blomstrand, Berit Marie; Enemark, Heidi L.; Øines, Øivind; Steinshamn, Håvard; Aasen, Inga Marie; Mahnert, Karl-Christian; Sørheim, Kristin; Athanasiadou, Spiridoula; Thamsborg, Stig Milan and Woolsey, Ian (2021) Extracts of pine bark (Pinus sylvestris) inhibit Cryptosporidium parvum growth in cell culture. Parasitology Research, 120, pp. 2919-2927. Blomstrand, Berit Marie; Ptochos, Sokratis; Enemark, Heidi; Thamsborg, Stig Milan; Aasen, Inga Marie; Steinshamn, Håvard and Athanasiadou, Spiridoula (2018) In vitro anthelmintic effects of bark extracts from Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris against sheep nematodes. Poster at: Cost Action COMBAR Combatting anthelmintic resistance in ruminants 2018, Leon, Spain, September 26th-27th, 2018. FFlaten, Dr Ola; Lien, Dr Gudbrand; Koesling, Matthias; Valle, Dr Paul S. and Ebbesvik, Martha (2004) Comparing Risk Perceptions and Risk Management in Organic and Conventional Dairy Farming: Empirical Results From Norway. In: Cafiero, Carlo and Cioffi, Antonio (Eds.) Income stabilization in agriculture. The role of public policies, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, pp. 429-449. GGovasmark, Espen; Steen, Arvid; Strøm, Turid; Hansen, Sissel; Singh, Bal Ram and Bernhoft, Aksel (2005) Status of selenium and vitamin E on Norwegian organic sheep and dairy cattle farms. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A Animal Science, 55, pp. 40-46. Grøndahl, Ann Margaret; Johnsen, Julie Føske and Mejdell, Cecilie Marie (2011) Gi kalven mer melk! Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift, 2011 (4), pp. 220-221. Grøndahl, Ann Margaret; Johnsen, Julie Føske and Mejdell, Cecilie Marie (2011) Overføring av smittestoffer fra ku til kalv i melkefôringsperioden - en litteraturstudie. [TRANSMISSION OF PATHOGENS FROM THE COW TO THE PREWEANING CALF – a literature study.] Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift, 2011 (4), pp. 211-219. Grøndahl, Ann Margaret; Johnsen , Julie Føske; Ellingsen, Kristian; Halvorsen, Ingvild and Mejdell , Cecilie Marie (2011) Velferd hos storfe. [Welfare in cattle.] Norsk Veterinaertidsskrift, 9, pp. 549-558. [In Press] Grøva, Lise; Brunberg, Emma; Sørheim, Kristin; Fuchs, Boris and Stubsjøen, Solveig Marie (2016) Sensor technology in sheep on range pastures to monitor health and welfare. In: Groeneveld, Linn Fenna and Kettunen, Anne (Eds.) Book of Abstracts Grazing in a Changing Nordic Region, The Nordic Genetic Resource Center, Ås, Norway, pp. 43-44. HHenriksen, Britt I. F.; Johnsen, Julie Føske; Ellingsen, Kristian and Schjøll, Alexander (2010) Ku, kalv og diing - Økobonden sine erfaringar. Poster at: Bioforsk-konferansen, Sarpsborg, Norway, February 10-11, 2010. Henriksen, Britt I. F. and Lund, Vonne (2008) Slik vil kalven ha det. [This is the way the calf likes it.] Buskap, 2008 (8), pp. 52-53. Henriksen, Britt I. F.; Hansen, Berit; Hansen, Inger and Mejdell , Cecilie Marie (2012) Helse- og velferdsplanlegging i økologisk melkeproduksjon - med egen protokoll for kalv. [Health and welfare planning in organic dairy farming - with separate protocol for calves.] Bioforsk Rapport Vol. 7, no. 75. Bioforsk Organic Fod and Farming, Tingvoll. Henriksen, Britt I. F.; Mejdell, Cecilie and Hansen, Berit (2011) Velferdsplanlegging i økologisk mjølkeproduksjon. [Welfare planning in organic dairy production.] In: Brodin, Janne and Fog, Megumi Ohta (Eds.) Husdyrforsøksmøtet 2011, Institutt for husdyr- og akvakulturvitenskap, UMB, Norges Veterinærhøgskole og Veterinærinstituttet, Ås, pp. 266-269. JJohnsen , Julie Føske; Ellingsen, Kristian; Grøndahl, Ann Margaret; Bøe, Knut Egil; Gulliksen, Stine Margrethe and Mejdell , Cecilie Marie (2011) Improving welfare for dairy cows and calves at separation. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, p. 91. Johnsen , Julie Føske; Ellingsen, Kristian; Grøndahl, Ann Margaret and Mejdell , Cecilie Marie (2012) Calf rearing in organic dairy production. Poster at: Minding animals conference, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 4.-6. July 2012. [Completed] Johnsen , Julie Føske; Ellingsen , Kristian; Grøndahl, Ann Margaret; Mejdell , Cecilie Marie; Gulliksen, Stine Margrethe and Bøe, Knut Egil (2011) Effekt av forskjellige separasjonsmetoder på atferden til melkekyr og kalver - foreløpige resultater. In: Brodin, Janne and Fog, Megumi Ohta (Eds.) Husdyrforsøksmøtet 2011, UMB, Åss, Norway, pp. 232-235. KKoesling, Matthias; Ebbesvik, Martha; Lien, Gudbrand; Flaten, Ola and Valle, Paul Steinar (2003) Gardbrukernes valg av driftsform. [Choosing the farming system.] Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden (3), pp. 24-25. Koesling, Matthias; Ebbesvik, Martha; Lien, Gudbrand; Flaten, Ola; Valle, Paul Steinar and Arntzen, Halvard (2004) Risk and Risk Management in Organic and Conventional Cash Crop Farming in Norway. Acta Agriculturæ Scandinavica Section C - Food Economics, 1 (4), pp. 195-206. LLien, Gudbrand; Flaten, Ola; Koesling, Matthias; Valle, Paul Steinar and Ebbesvik, Martha (2005) Comparing risk perceptions and risk management in organic and conventional dairy farming: empirical results from Norway. Livestock Production Science, 95 (1-2), pp. 11-25. Lund, Dr. Vonne (2006) Natural living – a precondition for animal welfare in organic farming. Livestock Science, 100 (2-3), pp. 71-83. Løes, Anne-Kristin; Almås, Åsgeir and Bernhoft, Aksel (2020) Stor satsing på tare – men hva med restene? Nationen, 16 July 2020, p. 18. PPeña-Espinoza, Miguel; Valente, Angela H.; Thamsborg, Stig M.; Simonsen, Henrik T.; Boas, Ulrik; Enemark, Heidi L.; López-Muñoz, Rodrigo and Williams, Andrew R. (2018) Antiparasitic activity of chicory (Cichorium intybus) and its natural bioactive compounds in livestock: a review. Parasites & Vectors, 11, p. 475. SSteen, Arvid; Strøm, Turid and Bernhoft, Aksel (2008) Organic selenium supplementation increased selenium concentrations in ewe and newborn lamb blood and in slaughter lamb meat compared to inorganic selenium supplementation. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 50 (7), pp. 1-4. Steinshamn, Håvard; Sørheim, Kristin; Blomstrand, Berit Marie; Ptochos, Sokratis; Athanasiadou, Spiridoula; Enemark, Heidi L.; Aasen, Inga Marie; Mahnert, Karl-Christian and Thamsborg, Stig Milan (editor): Steinshamn, Håvard (Ed.) (2020) Newsletter BarkCure No. 3. [Nyhetsbrev BarkCure nr. 3.] Newsletter BarkCure, no. 3., Tingvoll, Norway. Steinshamn, Håvard; Sørheim, Kristin; Blomstrand, Berit Marie; Ptochos, Sokratis; Athanasiadou, Spiridoula; Woolsey, Ian; Enemark, Heidi; Aasen, Inga Marie and Mahnert, Karl-Christian (2018) Newsletter Barkcure No. 2. [Nyhetsbrev Barkcure nr 2.] NORSØK. Stubsjøen, Solveig Marie; Sørheim, Kristin; Chincarino, Matteo; Bolin, Jon; Brunberg, Emma; Fuchs, Boris; Palme, Rupert and Grøva, Lise (2018) Exploring hair cortisone concentration as a novel tool to assess chronic stress in sheep With tick-borne Fever. Small Ruminant Research, 164 (2018), pp. 110-119. Sørheim, Kristin; Blomstrand, Berit Marie; Løkken, Cecilie; Bergslid, Ildri (Rose) Kristine; Ellingsen, Kristian; Mejdell, Cecilie Marie and Wolff, Cecilia (2023) Helse og dyrevelferd ved utegang for gris og fjørfe, risiko for smittsomme sjukdommer og mulige tiltak. NORSØK Rapport, no. 5, vol. 8. NORSØK, Tingvoll. TTakeuchi-Storm, Nao; Denwood, Matt; Hansen, Tina; Halasa, Tariq; Rattenborg, Erik; Boes, Jaap; Enemark, Heidi Larsen and Thamsborg, Stig MIlan (2017) Farm-level risk factors for Fasciola hepatica infection in Danish dairy cattle as evaluated by two diagnostic methods. Parasites & Vectors, 10, p. 555. Takeuchi-Storm, Nao; Denwood, Matt; Hansen, Tina; Halasa, Tariq; Rattenborg, Erik; Boes, Jaap; Enemark, Heidi Larsen and Thamsborg, Stig Milan (2015) Farm-level risk factors for Fasciola hepatica infection in Danish dairy cattle. Poster at: WAAVP (World Association for Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology) conference, Liverpool, 18 August 2015. [Completed] Takeuchi-Storm, Nao; Denwood, Matt; Petersen, Heidi Huus; Enemark, Heidi L. and Thamsborg, Stig MIlan (2017) Farm specific transmission patterns of Fasciola hepatica in Danish dairy cattle based on different diagnostic methods and monitoring of grazing management. Lecture at: WAAVP (World Association for Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology) conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 7 September 2017. Takeuchi-Storm, Nao; Kolthoff, Ida; Denwood, Matt and Enemark, Heidi Larsen (2017) Usynlige omkostninger når kvæg har leverikter. [Unseen costs when cattle has liverflukes.] KvægNyt, 2017 (6), p. 3. WWoolsey, Ian D.; Blomstrand, Berit Marie; Øines, Øivind and Enemark, Heidi L. (2019) Assessment of differences between DNA content of cell-cultured and freely suspended oocysts of Cryptosporidium parvum and their suitability as DNA standards in qPCR. Parasites & Vectors, 12 (596), pp. 1-17. This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 21:14:48 2025 CET. |