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Items affiliated to "Other Organizations Latvia"

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Number of items at this level: 54.

{Project} COBRA: COBRA: Coordinating Organic Plant Breeding Activities for Diversity. Runs 2013 - 2016. Project Leader(s): Pearce, Dr Bruce, The Organic Research Centre .

{Organization} LLU: Latvia University of Agriculture. Organization Leader(s): Skujans, prof., rector J..

Adamsone-Fiskovica, Anda; Grivins, Mikelis; Burton, Rob J.F.; Elzen, Boelie; Flanigan, Sharon; Frick, Rebekka and Hardy, Claire (2021) Disentangling critical success factors and principles of on-farm agricultural demonstration events. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, Online, x-x.

Aistara, Guntra (2006) Perspectives and paradoxes in the Latvian organic sector in the context of EU acccession. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Ausmane , M.; Gaile, Z. and Melngalvis, I. (2008) THE INVESTIGATION OF CROP WEEDINESS IN THE CROP ROTATION OF ORGANIC FARMING SYSTEM. Latvian Journal of Agronomy, No.10, pp. 25-31.

Barrientos, Antonio; Valero, Constantino; Del Cerro, Jaime; Marijke Krus, Anne; Roldan, Juan Jesus; Ramirez, Juan Jose; Cardim Lima, Matheus; Willekens, Koen; Koopmans, Chris; Rossing, Walter; Apeldoorn, Dirk Van; Trinchera, Alessandra; Himanen, Sari; Barbry, Joran; Lepse, Liga and Lakkenborg Kristensen, Hanne (2021) Strip-Cropping Systems Robotization: Prototype Design Guidelines For Targeted Fertilisation. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

{Tool} How to become an organic seed grower in Latvia. Creator(s): Dimante, Ilze and Skrabule, Ilze. Issuing Organisation(s): AREI - Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 32. (2020)

Dimante, Ilze and Skrabule, Ilze (2019) Vai Eiropa gatava jaunajai bioloģiskās lauksaimniecības regulai. [Is Europe ready for the new regulation of organic farming.] AGRO TOPS, December 2019, 12 (268), pp. 22-24.

Dimante, Ilze and Skrabule, Ilze (2019) Kā palielināt bioloģiski audzētas sēklas ražošanu un izmantošanu. [How to increase production and use of organic seed material.] Keynote presentation at: Baltijas valstu seminārs, Rīga, 31.12.2019.

Graudiņš, Uldis (2019) Kā laukaugu selekcija var veicināt pārmaiņas vidē un sabiedrībā. [How crop breeding can contribute to changes in the environment and society.] AGRO TOPS, December 2019, 12 (268), pp. 10-13.

Kreismane, Dzidra; Popluga, Dina; Berzina, Laima; Naglis-Liepa, Kaspars; Lenerts, Arnis and Rivza, Peteris (2017) Organic Farms and Agricultural GHG Emissions in Latvia. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 139-141.

Laugale, Valda; Lepse, Līga and Zeipiņa, Solvita (2023) Influence of Intercropping on Soil Microbial Activity and Strawberry Development. In: Teirumnieks, Edmunds (Ed.) Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific and Practical Conference, 1, pp. 101-107.

Legzdina, Linda (2019) Pētījumi par miežu populācijām un dalība EK pagaidu eksperimentā par populāciju sēklu tirdzniecību. [Research on barley populations and participation in EC Temporary experiment on population seed marketing.] Keynote presentation at: Workshop "Let's seed diversity!", Riga, Latvia, 30 May 2019. [Completed]

Legzdina, Linda (2019) Laukaugu selekcija bioloģiskajai lauksaimniecībai Latvijā. [Crop breeding for organic farming in Latvia.] Keynote presentation at: LIVESEED regional workshop on organic seed production, Riga, Latvia, 31 January 2019. [Completed]

Legzdiņa, Linda; Bleidere, Māra; Flipon, Emma; Chable, Véronique; Piliksere, Dace; Ločmele, Indra; Strazdiņa, Vija; Serpolay, Estelle and Rey, Frederic (2021) Highlights on recent heterogeneous population research results. Keynote presentation at: 21st General Congress Eucarpia "Breeding: the key to innovative solutions", online from Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 23-26 August 2021. [Completed]

{Tool} Heterogeneous spring barley populations in Latvia (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Legzdina, L. and Ločmele, Indra. Issuing Organisation(s): AREI - Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 45. (2020)

Lepse, Līga (2023) Jauktie stādījumi bio dārzkopībā – izaicinājumi un ieguvumi. Bioloģiski, October 2023 (5), pp. 34-37.

Lepse, Līga (2023) Sadzīvot, bet kontrolēt. Bioloģiski, August 2023 (4), pp. 38-39.

Lepse, Līga (2023) Vai cīņa ar nezālēm būs bezgalīga? Bioloģiski, June 2023 (3), pp. 34-35.

Lepse, Līga (2023) Biofumigācija augsnes veselībai – videi un cilvēkam draudzīgi. Bioloģiski, April 2023 (2), pp. 30-31.

Lepse, Līga (2023) Sēklu iegāde - sūrs darbs, saldi augļi. [Seed purchase - hard work, sweet fruits.] Bioloģiski, February 2023 (1), pp. 38-39.

Lepse, Līga (2019) Jauktie stādījumi. Profesionālā dārzkopība, 2019, 9, pp. 39-40.

Lepse, Līga (2019) Lauksaimniecības pakalpojumaugi dārzkopībā. LatHort .

Lepse, Līga (2018) Jauktie stādījumi dārzkopībā. Ministry of Agriculture, https://www.zm.gov.lv/public/ck/files/ZM/lauku_attistiba/zinatne/Darzenu%20audzesana%20pamisus_ZM_prezent_2018.pdf.

Lepse, Liga; Dane, Sandra; Zeipiņa, Solvita and Lepsis, Jānis (2019) JAUKTIE STĀDĪJUMI DĀRZEŅKOPĪBĀ – IZAICINĀJUMS VAI RISINĀJUMS? Paper at: Līdzsvarota lauksaimniecība, Jelgava, 21.02.2019..

Lepse, Līga and Hanne L., Kristensen (2018) Dārzeņu audzēšana pamīšus slejās un augu atlieku pārstrādes produktu izmantošana dārzeņu komercražošanā, nodrošinot bioloģisko daudzveidību un efektīvu resursu izmantošanu. LatHort, http://fruittechcentre.eu.

Lepse, Līga; Sandra, Dane and Solvita, Zeipiņa (2019) JAUKTIE STĀDĪJUMI DĀRZEŅKOPĪBĀ –IZAICINĀJUMS VAI RISINĀJUMS? LLU, http://www.lf.llu.lv/sites/lf/files/files/lapas/Darba%20kartiba_Lidzsvarota_lauksaimnieciba_21.02.2019_preciz.pdf.

Lepse, Līga and Zeipiņa, Solvita (2023) Increasing the sustainability of vegetable crops production by using intercropping. Agronomy Research, 21 (2), pp. 494-503.

Ligita, Melece (2012) Local Food Systems and Sustainability of Agriculture and Rural Areas. .

Latvia University of Life Science and Technologies, Faculty of Agriculture . .

Ločmele, Indra; Legzdina, Linda; Gaile, Zinta and Kronberga, Arta (2019) Pirmās Latvijā izveidotās kombinēto krustojumu populācijas izvērtējums. [Evaluation of the first Latvian composite cross population.] In: Ražas svētki „Vecauce – 2019”: Gaidot starptautisko zinātnes vērtējumu, LLU, Jelgava, Latvia, pp. 37-40.

Ločmele, Indra; Legzdina, Linda; Gaile, Zinta and Kronberga, Arta (2018) ĢENĒTISKĀS DAUDZVEIDĪBAS IZMANTOŠANA STABILAS RAŽAS IEGUVEI BIOLOĢISKAJĀ LAUKSAIMNIECĪBĀ. [Application of genetic diversity for obtaining stable yields in organic farming.] In: Lauksaimniecības un meža zinātņu sekcija TĒZES, LLU, Jelgava, Latvia, pp. 54-55.

Ločmele, Indra; Legzdina, Linda and Piliksere, Dace (2020) Pašapputes sugu populācijas, to priekšrocības un pētījumu rezultāti. Keynote presentation at: [Completed]

Ločmele, Indra; Legzdina, Linda; Piliksere, Dace; Gaile, Zinta and Kronberga, Arta (2019) Assessment of Spring Barley Populations in Comparison to Homogenous Varieties. Speech at:

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Dýrmundsson, Ó.R.; Kreismane, D.; Mikkola, Minna; Pehme, Siril; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus and Wivstad, Maria (2015) The organic sector in the Nordic-Baltic region - what is achieved, and what is challenging future growth? In: Nordic view to sustainable rural development. Proccedings of the 25th NJF Congress, NJF Latvia, Riga, pp. 79-84.

Melece, Ligita (2008) Environmentally Friendly Agriculture: Development Issues in Latvia. Paper at:

Melece, Ligita; Prauliņš, Artūrs and Popluga, Dina (2009) Organic farming in Latvia: development and economics. ŽEMĖS ŪKIO MOKSLAI, T.16, pp. 148-156.

Melece, Ligita and Romanova, Dina (2007) Issues of sustainable food production in Latvia. Economics and Rural Development, 3 (2), pp. 16-21.

Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Hefner, Margita; Willekens, Koen; Trinchera, Alessandra; Pirjo, Kivijärvi; Koopmans, Chris; Van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Lepse, Liga; Barbry, Joran; Valero, Constantino and Lakkenborg Kristensen, Hanne (2021) Faba Bean: A Potential Intercrop In Organic Vegetable Production In A European Perspective? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

{Tool} Pre-sprouting of potato seed tubers (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Skrabule, Ilze. Issuing Organisation(s): AREI - Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 44. (2020)

Skrabule, Ilze (2019) Laukaugu selekcija bioloģiskajā lauksaimniecībā. [Plant breeding for organic farming.] Keynote presentation at: Seminar "Sēsim daudzveidību!", Etnogrāfiskais Brīvdabas muzejs, Rīga, Latvia, 30.05.2019.

Skrabule, Ilze and Dimante, Ilze (2019) Bioloģiskās lauksaimniecības nozares pilnveidošana, veicinot bioloģiskās sēklaudzēšanas un selekcijas attīstību Eiropā. [Improve performance of organic agriculture by boosting organic seed and plant breeding efforts across Europe.] Keynote presentation at: LSA ikgadējais seminārs - kopsapulce, Vilce, Latvia, 04.02.2019.

Sproģe, Monika (2019) Selekcija un jaunas metodes. [Breeding and new methods.] DRUVA, 18 December 2019, 193 (12837), p. 5.

{Tool} Apple varieties suitable for organic cultivation in Estonia (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Strazdins, Gints. Issuing Organisation(s): Association of Latvian Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 039. (2022)

{Tool} Apple varieties suitable for organic cultivation in Latvia (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Strazdins, Gints. Issuing Organisation(s): Association of Latvian Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 038. (2022)

{Tool} Apple varieties suitable for organic cultivation in Lithuania (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Strazdins, Gints. Issuing Organisation(s): Association of Latvian Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 040. (2022)

{Tool} Cherry varieties suitable for organic cultivation in the Baltic region (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Strazdins, Gints. Issuing Organisation(s): Association of Latvian Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 076. (2022)

{Tool} Belowground biodiversity in strip cropping systems (SureVeg practice abstract). Creator(s): Trinchera, Alessandra; Willekens, Koen; Barbry, Joran; Lepse, Liga; Rossing, Walter; Migliore, Melania; Himanen, Sari; Debode, Jane; Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Dane, Sandra; Salo, Tapio; Kivijärvi, Pirjo; van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Campanelli, Gabriele and Lakkenborg Kristensen, Hanne. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021)

{Tool} Crop growth and nutrient dynamics in intercropping systems using different fertilization strategies (SureVeg Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Willekens, Koen; Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Bracke, Jolien; Quataert, Paul; Barbry, Joran; Trinchera, Alessandra; Campanelli, Gabriele; Migliore, Melania; Debode, Jane; Lepse, Līga; Dane, Sandra; Himanen, Sari; Salo, Tapio; Kivijärvi, Pirjo; Apeldoorn, Dirk Van; Rossing, Walter; Hondebrink, Merel; Koopmans, Chris and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2022)

Zarina, Livija (2015) Efficiency of different type of vermicompost in potato/DAŽĀDU VERMIKOMPOSTU VEIDU EFEKTIVITĀTE KARTUPEĻU STĀDĪJUMOS. In: P roceedings of the Scientific and Practical Conference Harmonious Agriculture, pp. 211-212.

Zarina, Livija; Gerowitt, Barbel; Melander, Bo; Salonen, Jukka; Krawczuk, Roman and Verwijst, Theo (2016) Crop diversification for weed management in organic arable cropping systems. In: Proceedings of the 10 th International Scientific and Practical Conference , R ē zeknes Augstskola, 2, pp. 333-336.

Zarina, Livija; Gerowitt, Bärbel; Melander, Bo; Salonen, Jukka; Krawczyk, Roman and Verwijst, Theo (2015) Crop diversification for weed management in organic arable cropping systems. In: Proceedings of the 10 th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Rēzeknes Augstskola, Rezekne, 2, pp. 333-336.

Zarina, Livija; Kaczmarek, Sylvia; Melander, Bo and Sonderskov, Mette (2016) Mixtures of varieties of spring cereals for weed suppression in organic crop production. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Weed Science Congress, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.

Zute, Sanita; Vicupe, Zaiga and Bleidere, Mara (2017) Evaluation of different oat varieties to identify prospective breeding lines for organic agriculture. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, MInna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 58-60.

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