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Items affiliated to "CertCost"

Number of items at this level: 42.

Peer-reviewed and accepted

Dabbert, Prof. Dr. Stephan; Lippert, Dr. Christian; Schulz, Ms. Tatjana and Zorn, Mr. Alexander (2008) CERTCOST – Economic Analysis of Certification Systems for Organic Food and Farming at EU level. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Dabbert, Stephan; Lippert, Christian; Schulz, Tatjana and Zorn, Alexander (2009) CERTCOST – Ökonomische Analyse von Bio-Kontrollsystemen auf EU Ebene. Paper at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009.

Gambelli, Danilo; Solfanelli, Francesco and Zanoli, Raffaele (2014) A DSS to improve inspection procedures in organic certification. Evidence from an Italian case study. Frontiers in artificial intelligence and Applications, IOS press, 261, pp. 441-446.

GAMBELLI, DANILO; Solfanelli, Francesco and Zanoli, Raffaele (2014) Feasibility of risk-based inspections in organic farming: results from a probabilistic model. Agricultural Economics 1574-0862, 45, pp. 267-277.

Gambelli, Danilo; Solfanelli, Francesco and Zanoli, Raffaele (2013) Can the inspection procedures in organic certification be improved? Evidence from a case study in Italy. Paper at: 133rd EAAE Seminar "Developing Integrated and Reliable Modeling Tools for agricultural and Environmental Policy Analysis", Chiana, Crete, Greece, 15-16 June, 2013. [Submitted]

Gambelli, Danilo; Solfanelli, Francesco and Zanoli, Raffaele (2012) Measuring the risk of non-compliance in Italian organic farms with parametric and non parametric models. NEW MEDIT, 4, pp. 35-38.

Gambelli, Danilo; Solfanelli, Francesco and Zanoli, Raffaele (2011) Non compliance in organic certification: determinants for Italy. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, J.E.; Ssekyewa, Charles and Sohn, Sang Mok (Eds.) Organic is Life - Knowledge for tomorrow, II, pp. 112-115.

Gambelli, Danilo; SOLFANELLI, FRANCESCO and Zanoli, Raffaele (2011) Un sistema di certificazione risk-based per i controlli in agricoltura biologica: un’applicazione tramite Bayesian networks. [A risk-based certification system for inspections in organic farming: an analysis with Bayesian networks.] Rivista di Economia Agro-Alimentare, 3, pp. 20-40.

Gambelli, Danilo; Solfanelli, Francesco; Zanoli, Raffaele; Zorn, Alexander; Lippert, Christian and Dabbert, Stephan (2014) Non-compliance in organic farming: A cross-country comparison of Italy and Germany. Food Policy. [In Press]

Gambelli, Danilo; Solfanelli, Francesco; Zanoli, Raffaele; Zorn, Alexander; Lippert, Christian and Dabbert, Stephan (2014) Non-compliance in organic farming: A cross-country comparison of Italy and Germany. Food Policy. [In Press]

Gambelli, Danilo; Solfanelli, Francesco; Zorn, Alexander; Lippert, Christian; Dabbert, Stephan and Zanoli, Raffaele (2011) Modelling risk-based inspections in EU organic certification: data requirements and analysis tools. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, J.; Ssekyewa, Charles and Sohn, Sang-Mok (Eds.) Organic is Life, II.

Gambelli, Danilo; Zanoli, Raffaele and Solfanelli, Francesco (2014) A decision network for inspections in organic farms in Italy. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 238, pp. 403-408.

Gerrard, Catherine L; Janssen, Meike; Smith, Laurence; Hamm, Ulrich and Padel, Susanne (2013) UK consumer reactions to organic certification logos. British Food Journal, 115 (5), 727 -742.

Hamm, Ulrich and Janssen, Meike (2011) Consumer views on the new mandatory EU logo for organic food. In: Organic is life – Knowledge for tomorrow (Proceedings), International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), Bonn, 2, pp. 2-5.

Janssen, Meike and Hamm, Ulrich (2011) Are consumers willing to pay a price premium for specific organic logos? In: Organic is life – Knowledge for tomorrow, 2, pp. 38-41.

Janssen, Meike and Hamm, Ulrich (2011) Consumer perception of different organic certification schemes in five European countries. Organic Agriculture, 1 (1), pp. 31-43.

Janssen, Meike and Hamm, Ulrich (2010) Standards und Kennzeichen für Öko-Lebensmittel aus Verbrauchersicht: Empfehlungen für agrarpolitische Entscheidungsträger. [Consumer perception of standards and labels for organic food.] Berichte über Landwirtschaft, 88 (1), pp. 86-102.


Karahan Uysal, Ö; Janssen, M.; Miran, B.; Abay, C.; Boyaci, M. and Hamm, U. (2012) Consumer Willingness-To-Pay for Different Organic Certification Logos in Turkey. Revista de cercetare [i interven]ie social\, 39, pp. 154-175.

Karahan Uysal, Ö.; Miran, B.; Abay, C.; Boyaci, M.; Janssen, M. and Hamm, U. (2013) Factors influencing the perception of organic certification logos in Turkey. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 11 (1), pp. 40-46.

Lippert, Prof. Dr. Christian; Zorn, Alexander; Schulz, Tatjana and Dabbert, Prof. Dr. Stephan (2009) Zur Ökonomik von Kontrollmaßnahmen im ökologischen Landbau. Paper at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009.

Naspetti, Simona; Hamm, Ulrich; Janssen, Meike and Zanoli, Raffaele (2009) Quanto vale il marchio bio? Un’indagine edonimetrica. [Pricing organic logos: an hedonic study.] In: Schifani, Giorgio (Ed.) Atti del IV Workshop GRAB-IT "Agricoltura Biologica: sistemi produttivi e modelli di commercializzazion e di consumo", Palermo, Raffaele Zanoli. [In Press]

Padel, Susanne (2011) Can certification encourage organic operators to become better organic operators? In: Organic is Life. Paper presented at 17th IFOAM world congress. Namyanju, Republic of South Korea, Systems value track- Standards and verification.

Stolz, Hanna; Moschitz, Heidrun and Janssen, Meike (2013) Organic certification labels from the perspective of consumers in Switzerland. Yearbook of Socioeconomics in Agriculture, 2013, pp. 225-246.

Zanoli, Raffaele; Naspetti, Simona; Hamm, Ulrich and Janssen, Meike (2009) Quanto vale il marchio bio? Un’indagine edonimetrica. [Pricing organic logos: an hedonic study.] In: Schifani, Giorgio (Ed.) Atti del IV Workshop GRAB-IT "Agricoltura Biologica: sistemi produttivi e modelli di commercializzazion e di consumo", Palermo. [In Press]

Zanoli, Raffaele; Gambelli, Danilo and Bruschi, Viola (2012) Analysis of non-compliances in the organic certification system in Turkey. NEW MEDIT, XI (4), pp. 74-77.

Zanoli, Raffaele; Gambelli, Danilo and Solfanelli, Francesco (2014) Assessing Risk Factors in the Organic Control System: Evidence from Inspection Data in Italy. Risk Analysis, 34 (12), pp. 2174-2187.

Zanoli, Raffaele; Gambelli, Danilo; Solfanelli, Francesco and Padel, Susanne (2014) Assessing the risk of non-compliance in UK organic agriculture: An econometric analysis. British Food Journal, 116 (8), pp. 1369-1382.

Zorn, Alexander (2008) Organic Farming Certification – the Costs of Reducing Transaction Costs. In: Hambrusch, Josef; Hunger, Franz; Oedl-Wieser, Theresia; Penker, Mariane; Peyerl, Hermann; Pistrich, Karlheinz; Pöchtrager, Siegfried and Reiter-Stelzl, Josefa (Eds.) Neue Impulse in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft?! - 18. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie, Tagungsband 2008 , ÖGA, Wien, pp. 79-80.

Zorn, Alexander; Lippert, Christian and Dabbert, Stephan (2010) Analyse der Kontroll- und Sanktionshäufigkeiten großer Öko-Kontrollstellen in Deutschland. [Analysis of control and sanctions frequencies of large inspection bodies for organic production in Germany.] In: Loy, Jens-Peter and Müller, Rolf A.E. (Eds.) Agrar- und Ernährungsmärkte nach dem Boom. 45 edition. Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V.. Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH, Münster, pp. 271-282.

Zorn, Alexander; Lippert, Christian and Dabbert, Stephan (2010) Die Überwachung der Öko-Kontrolle in Deutschland – ein Ansatzpunkt zur Erhöhung des Verbrauchervertrauens. [Monitoring of the organic control system in Germany – an opportunity to increase consumers’ trust.] In: Pöchtrager, Siegfried and Eder, Michael (Eds.) Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie. 19(1) edition. Facultas Verlags- und Buchhandel AG, Wien, pp. 71-80.

Not peer-reviewed

Padel, Susanne (Ed.) (2010) The European Regulatory Framework and its Implementation in Influencing Organic Inspection and Certification Systems in The EU. Organic Research Centre - Elm Farm , Newbury.

Abay, Canan; Karahan Uysal, Ozlem; Miran, Bülent; Boyacı, Murat; Huber, Beate and Stolze, Matthias (2011) Report on evaluation of the revision of council regulation (EEC) NO 2092/91, import regime in two exporting non-EU countries (TR, CH) and on an international level. Ege University, Izmir, Turkey and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH Frick .

Janssen, Meike and Hamm, Ulrich (2011) Consumer preferences and willingness-to-pay for organic certification logos: Recommendations for actors in the organic sector. Report of the CERTCOST project. .

Jespersen, Lizzie Melby; Sørensen, Linda S. and Rebsdorf, Simon Olling (2009) Bedre økologisk kontrol og certificering i Europa. [Improved organic control and certification in Europe.] Poster at: Danish Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, 17.-18. November 2009.

Jespersen, Lizzie Melby; Sørensen, Linda S. and Rebsdorf, Simon Olling (2009) Organic Rules and Certification. In: Organic Rules and Certification.

Miran, Bülent; Uysal Karahan, Özlem; Abay, Canan and Boyacı, Murat (editor): Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics, 35100 Ýzmir, Turkey (Ed.) (2009) Stakeholders’ views on improving the organic certification system: Results from an EU level workshop. Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics, Ýzmir, Turkey.

Padel, Susanne (2011) Lifting the lid on organic certification. Organic Research Centre Bulletin, December 2011, 107, pp. 8-0.

Padel, Susanne; Vine, Jane; Huber, Beate; Stolze, Matthias; Jespersen, Lizzie Melby; Rüegg, Elisabeth; Meinshausen, Florentine; Puliga, Alessandro; Compagnioni, Antonio and Belliere, Samanta Rosie (editor): Padel, Susanne (Ed.) (2010) The European Regulatory Framework and its implementation in influencing organic inspection and certification systems in the EU. Organic Research Centre - Elm Farm, Hamstead Marshall.

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling (2011) CERTCOST News. CERTCOST Newsletter, 2011, pp. 1-6.

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling (2010) CERTCOST News. CERTCOST News, 2010 (1), pp. 1-8.

Zorn, Alexander; Lippert, Christian and Dabbert, Stephan (2009) Economic Concepts of Organic Certification. Universität Hohenheim , Institut für Landwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre (410a).

This list was generated on Wed Sep 18 12:32:14 2024 CEST.