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Items affiliated to "SEAE - Spanish Society of Organic Farming"

Number of items at this level: 12.

Submitted for peer-review but not yet accepted

Gonzálvez, Mr V. and Moreno, Mr J. L. (2007) Public support for organic food and Production, Promotion and Action Plans in Spain. Speech at: 16th Organic World Congress, Modena, 16-20 June 2007.

Peer-reviewed and accepted

Equipo Técnico, SEAE (Ed.) (2023) Proceedings of XVI SEAE CONGRESS. SPANISH SOCIETY FOR ORGANIC FARMING. . Proceedings of 25-27 th april 2022, Mallorca.

Spanish Society of Organic Farming and Agroecology, SEAE (Ed.) (2021) XXIX SEAE Conference: "One health. A planet. A diverse rural world”. .

Spanish Society of Organic Farming and Agroecology, SEAE (Ed.) (2021) Proceedings of XXVIII SEAE Conference:"Health of agroecosystems and human well-being: Indicators of organic production". SEAE. Proceedings of XXVIII SEAE Conference:"Health of agroecosystems and human well-being: Indicators of organic production", Online, 28 y 29th october 2020.

Almenar, L.; Cifre, H.; Gonzálves, V. and Maixent, F. (2018) Promoviendo el uso de semillas ecológicas procedentes de cultivos ecológicos adaptados. Proyecto Liveseed. In: Sociedad Espanola de Agricultura Ecológica / Sociedad Espanola de Agroecología (SEAE) (Ed.) Resúmenes: 13th Congreso SAEA "Sistemas alimentarios agroecologicos y cambio climatico", p. 157.

Armengot, Laura; José María, Laura; Chamorro, Dr. Lourdes; Romero, Albert and Sans, Dr. F. Xavier (2008) The effect of Avena sterilis L. invasion on weed abundance and diversity in conventional and organic cereal fields in the Mediterranean region. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Bello, Dr A; Porcuna, Dr J. L.; Fabeiro, Dra C. and Gonzálvez, Mr V. (2007) ORGANIC FARMING INTEGRITY IN MAIZE CULTIVATION IN SPAIN. In: Stein, Dr. A. J. and Rodriguez-Cerezo, Dr. E. (Eds.) Third International Conference on Coexistence between Genetically Modified (GM) and non-GM based Agricultural Supply Chains Book of abstracts, European Comission JOint Research Centre. Institute for Prospective Technological Studies. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 2007, pp. 373-374.

Gil-Marqués, M.A.; Figueroa, M.; Hurtado, R.; Ballester, R.; Figueroa-Núnez, M.; Aguilar, F.; Durán-Salguero, O.; Macias-González, F.; Raigón, M.D. and Rodríguez-Burruezo, A. (2018) Programa de fitomejoramiento participativo en tomate en Valencia y Cádiz: Proyecto LIVESEED. In: Sociedad Espanola de Agricultura Ecológica / Sociedad Espanola de Agroecología (SEAE) (Ed.) Resúmenes: XIII Congreso SEAE "Sistemas alimentarios agroecologicos y cambio climatico", p. 134.

Gonzálvez, V. (2004) Primera aproximación a los principios y valores de la agricultura ecológica en España. [Principles and values of organic farming in Spain.] Sociedad Española de Agricultura ecológica (SEAE) .

Gonzálvez, V.; Cifre, H. and Raigón, M.D. (2018) El proyecto Liveseeds, las semillas tradicionales y los huertos urbanos ecológi. In: Sociedad Espanola de Agricultura Ecológica / Sociedad Espanola de Agroecología (SEAE) (Ed.) Resúmenes: III Congreso Estatal de Huertos Ecológicos Urbanos y Periurbanos "Ciudades que alimentan", p. 53.

Rodríguez-Burruezo, A.; Gonzálvez, V.; Cifre, H.; Moreno, JL.; Raigón, MD and Fita, A (2017) Fitomejoramoento participativo: Proyecto EU Liveseed. In: Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica / Sociedad Española de Agroecología (SEAE) (Ed.) Actas XXVI Jornadas Técnicas SEAE - X Seminario Agroecología, C. Climático y Agroturismo. “INNOVACIÓN AGROECOLÓGICA Y CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO”, 19 - 20 octubre 2017, Orihuela (Alicante) Spain, p. 245.

Not peer-reviewed

Labrador, J; Gonzálvez, V and Pajarón, M (2011) Organic olive selected innovations in the production systems in Spain. In: Migliorini, Paola; Minotou, Charikleia; Lusic, Drazen; Hashem, Yousry and Martinis, Aristotelis (Eds.) Book of Abstract. International Conference on ORGANIC AGRICULTURE and AGRO-ECO TOURSIM in the Mediterranean, DIO.

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