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Items affiliated to " III.5 Nature quality in organic farming"

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Number of items at this level: 73.

(2003) Naturindholdet i hegn på økologiske og konventionelle bedrifter. no. 89. Proceedings of 1. Danske Plantekongres 2004, Herning, Januar 2004.

Aude, Erik (2004) The effects of nutrients and disturbance on dry grass-dominated vegetation. Thesis, National Environmental Research Institute, Ministry of the Environment , Department of Wildlife Biology and Biodiversity. .

Aude, Erik and Ejrnæs, Rasmus (2005) Bryophyte colonisation and persistense in experimental microcosms-The role of nutrients, defoliation and vascular vegetation. Oikos, 109, pp. 323-330.

Aude, Erik; Tybirk, Knud; Michelsen, Anders; Ejrnæs, Rasmus; Hald, Anna Bodil and Mark, Susanne (2004) Conservation value of the herbaceous vegetation in hedgerows - does organic farming make a difference? Biological Conservation, 118 (4), pp. 467-478.

Aude, Erik; Tybirk, Knud and Pedersen, Marianne Bruus (2003) Vegetation diversity of conventional and organic hedgerows in Denmark. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 99 (1-3), pp. 135-147.

Axelsen, J.; Bruus-Pedersen, M.; Larsen, T. and Krogh, P.H. (2006) An indicator system of nature quality on organic fields. , , . [Completed]

Axelsen, Jørgen Aagaard; Toft, Søren and Lôvei, Gabor (2007) Natural enemies and their food sources in an organic crop rotation with undersown crops and animal manure. , , . [Completed]

Demsar, D.; Dzeroski, S.; Larsen, T.; Struyf, J.; Axelsen, J.; Bruus-Pedersen, M. and Krogh, P.H. (2006) Using multi-objective classification to model communities of soil microarthropods. Ecological Modelling, 191 (1), pp. 131-143.

Ejrnæs, R.; Bruun, H.H. and Graae, B.J. (2006) Community Assembly in Experimental Grasslands: Suitable Environment or Timely Arrival? Ecology, 87 (5), pp. 1225-1233.

Ejrnæs, Rasmus; Liira, Jaan and Poulsen, Roar S. (2008) When Has an Abandoned Field Become a Semi-Natural Grassland or Heathland? Enviromental Management, 42 (4), pp. 707-716.

Frederiksen, Pia (2004) Forvaltning af natur og landskab i økologisk jordbrug. [Management of natur and landscape in organic farming.] Speech at: Facetter af landskabsforskningen, Danish Landscape Ecological Association, National Environmental Research Institute, 16. september 2004.

Frederiksen, Pia (2004) Lokalisering af økologiske bedrifter - regional specialisering og koncentration? [Localisation of organic farms - regional specialisation and koncentration?] Speech at: Facetter af landskabsforskningen, Danish Landscape Ecological Association, National Environmental Research Institute, 16. september 2004.

Frederiksen, Pia; Ejrnæs, Rasmus and Tybirk, Knud (2004) Afrapportering af Crosscutting 1: koblinger mellem drift af vedvarende græs (wp2) og biologisk naturkvalitet (wp3). Working paper, Afd. for systemanalyse og Afd. f. Vildtbiologi og Biodiversitet, Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser . [Unpublished]

Frederiksen, Pia and Langer, Vibeke (2008) Patterns of resource use on Danish organic farms - aspects of farm based rural development. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 7 (1-2), pp. 96-109.

Frederiksen, Pia and Langer, Vibeke (2005) Økologiske brug skaffer indtægt fra mange slags aktiviteter. [Income on organic farms comes from many different sources.] FØJOenyt.

Frederiksen, Pia and Langer, Vibeke (2005) Density, structure and management of landscape elements on Danish organic farms. In: NJF report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (NJF), 1 (1), NJF reports, no. 1, pp. 157-160.

Frederiksen, Pia and Langer, Vibeke (2005) LIVELIHOOD STRATEGIES ON DANISH ORGANIC FARMS AND THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO FARM BASED RURAL DEVELOPMENT. Paper at: XXI Congress European Society for Rural Sociology, Keszthely, Hungary, 22-27 August 2005. [Unpublished]

Frederiksen, Pia and Langer, Vibeke (2004) Hvordan udvikler det økologiske jordbrug sig regionalt? [How does the organic farming develop in a regional perspective?] National Environmental Research Institute , Department of Policy Analysis. [Unpublished]

Frederiksen, Pia and Langer, Vibeke (2004) Lokalisering af økologiske jordbrug sker ikke jævnt hen over landet. [Localization of organic farms show spatial variation Denmark.] FØJOenyt (3).

Frederiksen, Pia and Langer, Vibeke (2004) Spatial variation in the localization of Danish organic farms. DARCOFenews (2).

Frederiksen, Pia and Langer, Vibeke (2004) LOCALISATION AND CONCENTRATION OF ORGANIC FARMING IN THE 1990'S - THE DANISH CASE. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geographie, 95 (5), pp. 539-549.

Frederiksen, Pia and Langer, Vibeke (2004) Nature Management and livelihood strategies on Danish organic farms. Speech at: NJF international conference, No 357, Current status, and developments of part-time farming., Billund, Denmark., 22-24 april, 2004.

Frederiksen, Seniro researcher Pia and Langer, Associate Professor Vibeke (2003) Diversity measures in Danish organic farming. Paper at: 6th Symposium on Farming and Rural Systems Research and Extension, Vila real, Portugal, 3-4 April 2004. [Unpublished]

Frederiksen, Pia and Langer, Vibeke (2004) Nature Management and livelihood strategies on Danish organic farms. In: Cristovão, Artur (Ed.) Proceedings of the Sixths European IFSA Symposium, European Farming and Society in Search of a New Social Contract - Learning to Manage Change, UTAD; Portugal, 1, pp. 361-374.

Fredshavn, Jesper (2002) Naturkvalitet i økologisk jordbrug. [Nature Quality in organic farming.] Poster at: Økologi-Kongres 2002.

Fredshavn, Jesper; Tybirk, Knud and et al. (2003) FØJOII-29: Nature Quality in Organic Farming. Midterm Status Report 2003. National Environmental Research Institute , Dept. Wildlife Ecology and Biodiversity.

Hansen, L.; Noe, E. and Højring, K. (2004) Landscape and nature quality in the development and profiling of organic farming. DARCOFenews, 4.

Hansen, L.; Noe, E. and Højring, K. (2004) Økologisk jordbrug kan profilere sig gennem landskabs- og naturkvalitet. FØJOenyt (4).

Hansen, L.; Noe, E.; Langer, V.; Ejrnæs, R.; Tybirk, K. and Bruus Pedersen, M. (2004) Landmænds opfattelser af natur og aktuel naturkvalitet på bedriften. Cross cutting rapport for CC3. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Hansen, Lene; Noe, Egon and Højring, Katrine (2006) Nature and Nature Values in Organic agriculture an analysis of contested consepts and values among different actors in organic farming. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 19, pp. 147-168.

Højring, K. (2004) Æstetisk sansning og naturvidenskabelig naturforståelse - et eksplorativt eksperiment. [Aesthetic sensation and nature understandning in the natural sciences - an explorative experiment.] Arbejdsrapport Skov & Landskab, no. nr. 4-2004, publiceret, Urban and Rural Studies, Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape & Planning .

Højring, K.; Hansen, L. and Noe, E. (2004) Økologisk Jordbrug - Naturoplevelser, natursyn og Cross-compliance. FØJOenyt.

Højring, K.; Hansen, L. and Noe, E. (2004) Organic Farming - Nature Conceptions, Management and Cross Compliance. DARCOFenews (2).

Højring, Katrine and Noe, Egon (2006) A communicative approach to involving farmers in protecting aesthetic and ecological landscape values. [Submitted]

Kaltoft, Pernille and Risgaard, Marie-Louise (2005) Has organic farming modernized itself out of business? - Reverting to conventional methods in Denmark. In: Reed, M. and Holt, G. (Eds.) Sociological Perspectives of Organic Agriculture: From Pioneer to Policy. CABI, chapter 8.

Kaltoft, Pernille and Risgaard, Marie-Louise (2004) Notat til Det Økologiske Fødevareråd om økologiske landmænds tilbagelægning til konventionelt landbrug. National Environmental Research Institute , Policy Analysis. [Unpublished]

Kaltoft, Pernille and Risgaard, Marie-Louise (2004) Has organic farming modernised itself out of business? An analysis of reverting organic farmers. Paper at: IRSA XI World Congress of Rural Sociology, Trondheim, Norway, July 25-30, 2004. [Unpublished]

Langer, Vibeke; Frederiksen, Pia and Jensen, Jørgen Dejgaard (2005) The development of farm size on danish organic farms - a comment on the conventionalisation debate. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Levin, Gregor (2007) Relationships between Danish organic farming and landscape composition. Agriculture, Ecosytems and Environment, 120 (2-4), pp. 330-344.

Levin, Gregor (2006) Dynamics of Danish Agricultural Landscapes and the Roles of Organic Farming. Thesis, National Environmental Research Intitute , Department of Policy Analysis. National Environmental Research Institute, Ministry of the Environment.

Levin, Gregor (2006) Farm size and landscape composition in relation to landscape changes in Denmark. Danish Journal of Geography, 106 (2), pp. 45-59.

Levin, Gregor (2004) Studying the effect of organic farming on rural landscapes: Issues of methodology and scale. In: Cristováo, Artur (Ed.) Proceedings of the Sixth European IFSA Symposium, European Farming and Society In Search of a New Social Contract - Learning to Manage Change, UTAD, Portugal, 2, pp. 325-334.

Levin, Gregor (2003) The effects of organic farming on the landscape: Reflections on a Ph.D. project in the context of values and ideologies. National Environmental Research Institute , Department of Policy Analysis. [Unpublished]

Levin, Gregor (2003) A holistic framework for the analysis of landscape changes following organic farming. National Environmental Research Institute , Department for Policay Analysis. [Unpublished]

Levin, Gregor (2003) A methodological framework for analysing landscape dynamics in relation to organic farming. Speech at: Crossing the boundary between natural and social sciences, University of Copenhagen, Department of Geography, August 18-20, 2003.

Levin, Gregor; Langer, Vibeke and Frederiksen, Pia (2006) Structural development in Danish agriculture and its implications for farmland nature. In: Langeveld, Hans and Röling, Niels (Eds.) Changing European farming systems for a better future: New visions for rural areas. Wageningen Academic Publishers, chapter 5, pp. 424-429.

Levin, M.Sc. Gregor and Frederiksen, Senior researcher Pia (2003) Beschreibung und Differenzierung der dänischen Agrarlandschaft anhand von räumlichen Strukturindexen. [Description and differentiation of the Danish rural landscape with the use of spatial indices.] Poster at: IALE Struktur Workshop Landschaftsstruktur Analysieren, Verstehen, Modellieren, Salzburg, Austria, 16-17 April 2003.

Lövei, G.L.; Toft, S. and Axelsen, J.A. (2005) Composition and diversity of spring-active carabid beetle assemblages in relation to soil management in organic wheat fields in Denmark. In: Lövei, G.L. and Toft, S. (Eds.) European Carabidology 2003. Proceedings of the 11th European Carabidologists' Meeting, Århus, July 2003. DIAS Reports. DIAS Reports, no. 114. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, pp. 173-182.

Noe, Egon (2003) Farm management, knowledge and multidimensional farming - some reflections from the perspective of farm enterprises as heterogeneous self-organising systems. Paper at: XXth ESRS Congress: Working group 1.5, Labour skills and training for multidimensional agricultures, Sligo, Ireland, 18-22 August 2003. [Unpublished]

Noe, Egon (2002) Folks oplevelser af naturen og ønsker til biodiversitet? [Peoples experiences with nature and desires of biodiversity.] Speech at: Status konference: Biodiversitet i det dyrkede land og dets omgivelser, Nyborg Strand, Danmark, 6. marts 2002. [Unpublished]

Noe, Egon (2002) Natur- og miljøforvaltning baseret på frivillige aftaler. In: Bjørnsen, Peter Koefoed; Frich, Povl and Johansen, Pia (Eds.) Natur og Miljøforskningskonference - Resumé af foredrag og posters H.C. Ørstedinstitutet, den 22.-23. august 2002, Miljøministeriet - Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser.

Pedersen, Marianne Bruus; Aude, Erik and Tybirk, Knud (2004) Flora og insekter i hegn på økologiske og konventionelle bedrifter. [Hedgerow flora and insect fauna on organic and conventional farms.] In: DJF Markbrug. .

Petersen, Sune (2003) Vegetation in Danish field boundaries: A comparative study related to effects of agricultural practise. [Submitted]

Petersen, S.; Axelsen, J.A.; Tybirk, K.; Aude, E. and Vestergaard, P. (2006) Effects of duration of Organic farming practice on vegetation in Danish field boundaries. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 113 (1-4), pp. 302-306.

Petersen, Sune (2003) Effects of organic farming on flies in Danish field boundaries. [Completed]

Risgaard, Marie-Louise (2006) Økologiske mælkeproducenter har lyst til udvikling. Ny KvægForskning, April 2006, 4 (2), p. 3.

Risgaard, Marie-Louise (2006) Landmænds til- og fravalg af økologi. Bovilogisk, February 2006, 20 (2), pp. 42-43.

Risgaard, Marie-Louise (2005) Drivkræfter bag til- og fravalg af økologisk drift i Danmark - resultater fra casestudier. [Driving Forces Behind Farmers’ Choice of Organic or Conventional Farming in Denmark – Results From Case Studies.] Thesis, Institut for Jordbrugsvidenskab, Den Kgl. Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole, KVL . .

Risgaard, Marie-Louise; Frederiksen, Pia and Kaltoft, Pernille (2007) Socio-cultural processes behind the differential distribution of organic farming in Denmark - a case study. Agriculture and Human Values, 24 (4), pp. 445-459.

Risgaard, Marie-Louise; Kaltoft, Pernille and Frederiksen, Pia (2005) Drivkræfter bag landmænds til- og fravalg af økologisk drift. FØJOenyt (6).

Risgaard, Marie-Louise; Langer, Vibeke and Frederiksen, Pia (2006) Organic Farming - structure, production and nature management. The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, KVL; National Environmental Research Institute, DMU .

Risgaard, Marie-Louise; Langer, Vibeke and Frederiksen, Pia (2006) Økologisk jordbrug - struktur, produktion og naturforvaltning. [Organic Farming - structure, production and nature management.] Den Kgl. Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole, Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser .

Stidsen, A.N. and Tybirk, K. (2004) Gamle hegn bevarer skovbundsurter. Skoven, 2004, 11, pp. 482-484.

Stidsen, A.N. and Tybirk, K. (2004) Dispersal and habitat quality as constraining factors for herbaceous forest species in an ancient hedgerow network. [Unpublished]

Topping, C.J. and Odderskær, P. (2006) Landscape scenarios to evaluate the impact of organic farming on selected animal species. .

Tybirk, K.; Ejrnæs, R.; Elmegaard, N.; Langer, V. and Holmstrup, M. (2003) Naturkvalitet og biodiversitet. In: Holmstrup, M. (Ed.) Gør økologisk jordbrug en forskel?. Miljøbiblioteket, no. 1. Gads Forlag, chapter 3, pp. 33-41.

Tybirk, K.; Fredshavn, J.; Aude, E. and Petersen, S. (2003) Naturen er bedre i økologiske hegn og skel. FØJO-e-nyt - Nyhedsbrev fra Forskningscenter for Økologisk Jordbrug, 5.

Tybirk, K.; Hald, A.B.; Pedersen, M.B. and Sønderskov, M. (2004) Ukrudt i et kulturlandskab. In: Madsen, K.H. (Ed.) Ukrudtsbekæmpelse i landbruget. DJF, chapter 12.

Tybirk, Knud; Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Frederiksen, Pia (2004) Nature quality in organic farming: A conceptual analysis of considerations and criteria in a European context. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 17 (3), pp. 249-274.

Tybirk, Knud; Aude, Erik and Bruus Pedersen, Marianne (2003) Mere natur i økologiske hegn. [More nature in organic hedges.] Vand og Jord, September 2003, 10 (3), pp. 93-96.

Tybirk, Knud; Aude, Erik and Pedersen, Marianne Bruus (2003) Naturindholdet i hegn på økologiske og konventionelle bedrifter. [Plants and arthropods in organic and conventional hedges.] In: DJF rapport Markbrug, nr. 89. .

Tybirk, Knud and Fredshavn, Jesper (2003) Naturkvalitet i økologisk jordbrug – koncept og foreløbige resultater. [Nature Quality in organic farming - concept andpreliminary resxults.] In: DJF rapport, Danmarks JordbrugsForskning, 89, pp. 189-198.

Tybirk, K.; Primdahl, J.; Olsen, H.K. and Holbeck, H.B. (2004) The Fire-fighter’s Law: a conceptual tool to include nature conservation in on-farm planning. [Completed]

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