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Items affiliated to " I.12 (PREMYTOX) Preventing mycotoxin problems"

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Number of items at this level: 38.

Schjønning, P.; Elmholt, S. and Christensen, B.T. (Eds.) (2004) Managing Soil Quality: Challenges in Modern Agriculture. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK.

Elmholt, S. (2005) Low temperature handling will delay but not hinder ochratoxin A formation in wet grain. DARCOFenews. Newsletter from Danish Research Centre for Organic Food and Farming (1).

Elmholt, S. (2005) Svampegift dannes i korn på trods af nedkøling. FØJOenyt. Nyhedsbrev fra Forskningscenter for Økologisk Jordbrug og Fødevaresystemer (1).

Elmholt, S. (2005) Pas på svampegifte i dit kornlager. [Beware of mycotoxins in your grain store.] Mertz 90 års jubilæumsmagasin, 2005, p. 52.

Elmholt, S. (2004) Smitteveje for ochratoksin A-dannende svampe. [Epidemiology of the ochratoxin A forming Penicillium verrucosum.] Agrologisk, December 2004, 22 (12), pp. 12-14.

Elmholt, S. (2004) Vandprocent vigtigere end temperatur for ochratoksin A. [Moisture more important than temperature for the formation of ochratoxin A.] Agrologisk, December 2004, 22 (12), pp. 10-11.

Elmholt, S. (2004) Forebyggelse af mykotoksinproblemer. [Prevention of mycotoxin problems.] .

Elmholt, S. (2004) Undgå toksiner under lagring. [Advice on how to avoid formation of mycotoxins during storage.] Paper at: Økologi-Kongres 2004 Vision og virkelighed, Odense Congres Centre, 16-17 November.

Elmholt, S. and Forsom, K. (2005) Vådt korn skal tørres hurtigt. [Wet grain must be dried quickly.] Økologisk Jordbrug, July 2005, 25 (340), p. 8.

Elmholt, S.; Kristensen, E.F. and Thrane, U. (2006) Comparing the Effect of Continuous Drying and Drum Drying on Fungal Contamination of Bread Grain. Biosystems Engineering, 97 (3), pp. 425-428.

Elmholt, S. and Labouriau, R. (2005) Fungi in Danish soils under organic and conventional farming. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 107, pp. 65-73.

Elmholt, S. and Rasmussen, P.H. (2005) Svampegift i korn kan måles med hurtig og billig metode. [Mycotoxins can be assessed with a rapid and fairly inexpensive technique.] FØJOenyt. Nyhedsbrev fra Forskningscenter for Økologisk Jordbrug og Fødevaresystemer (4).

Elmholt, S. and Rasmussen, P.H. (2005) Penicillium verrucosum occurrence and Ochratoxin A contents in organically cultivated grain with special reference to ancient wheat types and drying practice. Mycopathologia, 159, pp. 421-432.

Elmholt, S. and Rasmussen, P.H. (2004) Susceptibility of spelt to ochratoxin A producing fungi. DARCOFenews.

Elmholt, Susanne (2004) Vandindhold vigtigere end temperatur. [Moisture content more important than temperature.] Økologisk Jordbrug, October 2004 (322), p. 6.

Elmholt, Susanne (2003) Ecology of the ochratoxin A producing Penicillium verrucosum: Occurrence in field soil and grain with special attention to farming system and on-farm drying practices. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 20, pp. 311-337.

Elmholt, Susanne (2002) Penicillium - kursus i kornsvampenes biologi. Speech at: Landbrugets Rådgivningscenter, kursus i Kornsvampenes Biologi, Flakkebjerg, 2-4. okt. 2002.

Elmholt, Susanne (2002) Svampe i kornlagre - Et forsøg som belyser succession og kunkurrence under forhold der favoriserer forskellige organismer. . Online at http://www.farm4u.dk/sw91.asp.

Elmholt, Susanne (2001) Forebyg svampegift i korn. Landsbladet, August 2001.

Elmholt, Susanne (2001) Mykotoksinproducerende svampe på korn. Speech at: Markvandring, Forskningscenter Foulum, 14. juni 2001.

Elmholt, Susanne and Haase, Maiken (2003) Giftige svampe i tørringsanlæg. Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2003 (287), p. 13.

Elmholt, Susanne; Haase, Maiken S. and Kristensen, Erik F. (2003) Uhensigtsmæssig kornhåndtering kan give store ochratoksin forekomster - risikoen kan bl.a. forebygges ved tromletørring af kornet. . Online at http://www.foejo.dk/enyt2/enyt/aug03/myco.html.

Elmholt, Susanne and Krogh Mortensen, Gerda (2003) Kan OTA-dannende lagersvampe inficere kornet i marken? Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden, 2003 (1), pp. 18-20.

Elmholt, Susanne and Schioldann Haase, Maiken (2003) Improper handling of grain may result in high levels of Ochratoxin A. . Online at http://www.darcof.dk/enews/jun03/mycoto.html.

Elmholt, Senior Scientist Susanne and Kristensen, Scientist Erik F. (2001) Korn uden mykotoksiner (Grain without mycotoxins). DJF report, no. 53. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Crop Physiology and Soil Science and Department of Agricultural Engineering.

Elmholt, S. (2008) Mycotoxins in the soil environment. Soil Biology, 14 (III), pp. 167-203.

Elmholt, Susanne (2002) Pas godt på kornet – både under og efter høst! Økologisk Jordbrug, August 2002, p. 6.

Forsom, K. and Elmholt, S. (2005) Målinger viser mest ochratoksin i plantørret korn. [Most ochratoxin in on-floor dried grain.] Økologisk Jordbrug, July 2005, 25 (340), p. 8.

Frisvad, J.C.; Lund, F. and Elmholt, S. (2005) Ochratoxin A producing Penicillium verrucosum isolates from cereals reveal large AFLP fingerprinting variability. [.] Journal of Applied Microbiology, 98, pp. 684-692.

Haase, Maiken S. (2003) Forebyggelse af mykotoksindannelse i økologisk brødkorn - med fokus på Penicillium verrucosum og dannelse af ochratoksin A. [Prevention of Mycotoxin Problems in Organically Grown Bread Grain - with Special Focus on Penicillium verrucosum and its formation of Ochratoxin A.] Thesis, Biologisk Institut , Afd. for Mikrobiel Økologi. .

Hestbjerg, Helle; Nielsen, Kristian F.; Thrane, Ulf and Elmholt, Susanne (2002) Production of trichothecenes and other secondary metabolites by Fusarium culmorum and F. equiseti on common laboratory media and a soil organic matter agar: An ecological interpretation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50 (26), pp. 7593-7599.

Köpke, U.; Thiel, B. and Elmholt, S. (2007) Strategies to reduce mycotoxin and fungal alkaloid contamination in organic and conventional cereal production systems. In: Cooper, J.; Leifert, C. and Niggli, U. (Eds.) Handbook of Organic Food Safety and Quality. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, pp. 353-391.

Kristensen, E.F.; Elmholt, S. and Thrane, U. (2005) High-temperature treatment for efficient drying of bread rye and reduction of fungal contaminants. Biosystems Engineering, 92 (2), pp. 183-195.

Kristensen, Erik F. and Elmholt, Susanne (2002) High-temperature drying of organically grown bread rye. Paper at: International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Budapest, 30 June - 4 July.

Kristensen, Erik Fløjgaard (2004) Tørring og rensning af korn. [Drying and cleaning of grain.] MånedsMagasinet Mark, January 2004 (1), p. 66.

Kristensen, Erik Fløjgaard (2001) Tromletørring god til øko-korn. Økologisk Jordbrug, June 2001, p. 9.

Kristensen, Erik Fløjgaard (2001) Ny tørringsteknik kan gøre økologisk korn bedre. JordbrugsForskning, May 2001, 5, p. 12.

Kristensen, Scientist Erik Fløjgaard (2003) Tromletørring skal sikre kvalitetskorn. [Drum drying, a method to ensure high-quality grain.] Økologisk Jordbrug, August 2003 (293), p. 6.

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