Items affiliated to "University of Bern"
Number of items at this level: 30. Journal paperBeermann, Anke; Clottu, Ophélie; Reif, Marcus; Biegel, Ulrike; Unger, Lucia and Koch, Christoph (2024) A randomized placebo-controlled double-blinded study comparing oral and subcutaneous administration of mistletoe extract for the treatment of equine sarcoid disease. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, online, pp. 1-10. Frischknecht, Mirjam; Bapst, Beat; Seefried, Franz R.; Signer-Hasler, Heidi; Garrick, Dorian; Stricker, Christian; Consortium, Intergenomics; Fries, Ruedi; Russ, Ingolf; Sölkner, Johann; Bieber, Anna; Strillacci, Maria G.; Gredler-Grandl, Birgit and Flury, Christine (2017) Genome-wide association studies of fertility and calving traits in Brown Swiss cattle using imputed whole-genome sequences. BMC Genomics, 18 (910), pp. 1-13. Gfeller, Valentin; Thoenen, Lisa and Erb, Matthias (2024) Root-exuded benzoxazinoids can alleviate negative plant–soil feedbacks. New Phytologist, 241, pp. 2575-2588. Hartman, Kyle; Schmid, Marc W.; Bodenhausen, Natacha; Bender, S. Franz; Valzano-Held, Alain; Schlaeppi, Klaus and van der Heijden, Marcel (2023) A symbiotic footprint in the plant root microbiome. Environmental Microbiome, 18 (65), pp. 1-16. Hohmann, Pierre; Schlaeppi, Klaus and Sessitsch, Angela (2020) miCROPe 2019 – emerging research priorities towards microbe-assisted crop production. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 96, pp. 1-7. Holinger, Mirjam; Bühl, Verena; Helbing, Manuela; Pieper, Lena; Kürmann, Sabine; Pontiggia, Alice; Dohme-Meier, Frigga; Keil, Nina and Ammer, Stefanie (2024) Behavioural changes to moderate heat load in grazing dairy cows under on-farm conditions. Livestock Science, 279 (105376), pp. 1-9. Mann, Stefan; Buergi, Elisabeth; Schader, Christian and Jacobi, Johanna (2024) From multifunctionality and ecosystem services to a just transition of agri-food systems. International Journal of Social Economics, xx, x-x. Mark, Jennifer; Fantke, Peter; Soheilifard, Farshad; Alcon, Francisco; Contreras, Josefa; Abrantes, Nelson; Campos, Isabel; Baldi, Isabelle; Bureau, Mathilde; Alaoui, Abdallah; Christ, Florian; Mandrioli, Daniele; Sgargi, Daria; Pasković, Igor; Polić Pasković, Marija; Glavan, Matjaz; Hofman, Jakub; Harkes, Paula; Lwanga, Esperanza Huerta; Norgaard, Trine; Aparicio, Virginia; Schlünssen, Vivi; Vested, Anne; Silva, Vera; Geissen, Violette and Tamm, Lucius (2024) Selected farm-level crop protection practices in Europe and Argentina: Opportunities for moving toward sustainable use of pesticides. Journal of Cleaner Production, 477, pp. 1-24. Matheri, Felix; Ongeso, Nehemiah; Bautze, David; Runo, Steven; Mwangi, Maina; Kambura, Anne Kelly; Karanja, Edward N.; Tanga, Chrysantus M. and Kiboi, Milka (2024) The Overlooked Decomposers: Effects of Composting Materials and Duration on the Mesofauna Mediating Humification. Sustainability, 16 (15), p. 6534. Mayer, Marius; Leifeld, Jens; Szidat, Sönke; Mäder, Paul; Krause, Hans-Martin and Steffens, Markus (2023) Dynamic stability of mineral-associated organic matter: enhanced stability and turnover through organic fertilization in a temperate agricultural topsoil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 184, pp. 1-10. Menoud, Valérie; Holinger, Mirjam; Graf-Schiller, Sandra; Mayer, Philipp; Gerber, Luc; Walkenhorst, Michael and Hirsbrunner, Gaby (2024) Comparison between intrauterine application of an antibiotic and an herbal product to treat clinical endometritis in dairy cattle – A randomized multicentre field study. Research in Veterinary Science, 172 (105250), pp. 1-9. Oberholzer, Simon; Herrmann, Christa; Bodenhausen, Natacha; Krause, Hans-Martin; Mestrot, Adrien; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe and Jarosch, Klaus A. (2024) No effect on biological or chemical soil properties when amended with effective microorganisms for improved cover crop decomposition. Applied Soil Ecology, 197, pp. 1-13. Oberholzer, Simon; Summerauer, Laura; Steffens, Markus and Speranza, Chinwe Ifejika (2024) Best performances of visible–near-infrared models in soils with little carbonate – a field study in Switzerland. Soil, 10, pp. 231-249. Oberholzer, Simon; Summerauer, Laura; Steffens, Markus and Speranza, Chinwe Ifejika (2023) Dataset variability and carbonate concentration influence the performance of local visible-near infrared spectral models. EGUsphere [preprint], xx, xx-xx. [Submitted] Oberson, A.; Jarosch, K. A.; Frossard, E.; Hammelehle, A.; Fliessbach, A.; Mäder, P. and Mayer, J. (2024) Higher than expected: Nitrogen flows, budgets, and use efficiencies over 35 years of organic and conventional cropping. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 362 (108802), pp. 1-15. Pontiggia, A.; Münger, A.; Ammer, S.; Philipona, C.; Bruckmaier, R.M.; Keil, N.M. and Dohme-Meier, F. (2023) Short-term physiological responses to moderate heat stress in grazing dairy cows in temperate climate. Animal, 17 (100718), pp. 1-10. Pontiggia, A.; Münger, A.; Eggerschwiler, L.; Holinger, M.; Stucki, D.; Ammer, S.; Bruckmaier, R.M.; Dohme-Meier, F. and Keil, N.M. (2024) Behavioural responses related to increasing core body temperature of grazing dairy cows experiencing moderate heat stress. Animal, 18 (101097), pp. 1-10. Sailer, Lisa Marie; Holinger, Mirjam; Burla, Joan-Bryce; Wechsler, Beat; Zanolari, Patrik and Friedli, Katharina (2021) Influence of Housing and Management on Claw Health in Swiss Dairy Goats. Animals, 11, p. 1873. Schmid, Patricia; Lamotte, Léa; Curran, Michael and Bieri, Sabin (2024) Creating pathways to just and sustainable food systems with citizen assemblies. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, online, pp. 1-19. Thoenen, Lisa; Kreuzer, Marco; Florean, Matilde; Mateo, Pierre; Züst, Tobias; Giroud, Caitlin; Rouyer, Liza; Gfeller, Valentin; Notter, Matheus D.; Knoch, Eva; Hapfelmeier, Siegfried; Becker, Claude; Schandry, Niklas; Robert, Christelle A. M.; Köllner, Tobias G.; Bruggmann, Rémy; Erb, Matthias and Schlaeppi, Klaus (2023) The lactonase BxdA mediates metabolic adaptation of maize root bacteria to benzoxazinoids. bioRxiv, xx, xx-xx. Conference paper, poster, etc.Holinger, Mirjam; Bühl, Verena; Pieper, Lena; Kürmann, Sabine; Pontiggia, Alice and Ammer, Stefanie (2022) Welche Verhaltensindikatoren eignen sich, um Hitzestress bei weidenden Milchkühen zu erkennen? [Which behavioural indicators are suitable for detecting heat stress in grazing dairy cows?] Paper at: 54. Internationale Tagung Angewandte Ethologie in Freiburg, Freiburg DE, 24.-26.11.2022. [Completed] Menoud, V.; Holinger, M.; Walkenhorst, M. and Hirsbrunner, G. (2023) Clinical cure of endometritis in cattle - comparison of an antibiotic versus an herbal product. Poster at: 1st European Symposium on Animal Reproduction, Nantes, France, 21 – 23 September 2023. [Completed] Menoud, Valérie; Holinger, Mirjam; Graf-Schiller, Sandra; Mayer, Philipp; Gerber, Luc; Walkenhorst, Michael and Hirsbrunner, Gaby (2023) Short Lecture “Clinical cure rates of endometritis in dairy cows after intrauterine application of an antibiotic or an herbal veterinary medicinal product”. In: Planta Medica, 89 (14), p. 1292. Oberson, A.; Jarosch, K.A.; Frossard, E.; Hammelehle, A.; Fliessbach, A.; Mäder, P. and Mayer, J. (2023) Higher than expected: Nitrogen use efficiencies over 35 years of organic and conventional cropping. In: RAMIRAN 2023 - 18th International Conference, 12-14 Septmber 2023, Cambridge, UK. Book of Abstracts, p. 21. Riar, Amritbir; Heer, Alexander; Riar, Rajwinder; Ferrari, Leone; Joshi, Tanay; Hamadou, Ibrahim; Massawe, Veronika; Clément, Jous; Basset, Etienne and Messmer, Monika (2023) Practising agroecology strengthens farmers’ perceived ability to cope with climate change. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, pp. 252-253. Rufener, Christina; Lopez, Sarah and Holinger, Mirjam (2022) Can straw or compost satisfy the rooting motivation of fattening pigs? Poster at: The 55th Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology, Ohrid, North Macedonia, 4.-8.9.2022. [Completed] Rufener, Christina; Lopez, Sarah and Holinger, Mirjam (2022) Kann ein Stroh- oder Kompostwühlbereich die Wühlmotivation von Mastschweinen befriedigen? Paper at: 54. Internationale Tagung Angewandte Ethologie in Freiburg, Freiburg, Deutschland, 24.-26.11.2022. [In Press] Schlichenmaier, Samuel; Krause, Hans-Martin; Koch, Bernhard; Staub, Olivia; Mestrot, Adrien and Steffens, Markus (2023) Praxisversuch zu langfristigen Auswirkungen von Pflanzenkohle auf Bodenqualität und agronomische Parameter. Poster at: Pflanzenkohle-Fachtagung, Brugg, Schweiz, 16.6.2023. [Completed] Singh, Akanksha; Riar, Amritbir; Bhullar, Gurbir S.; Sisodia, Bhupendra, S. and Patidar, Ishwar (2022) Using best practice approach to build resilience in organic cotton systems in central India. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2022. Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 154. Web productOberholzer, S.; Herrman, C.; Bodenhausen, N.; Krause, H.-M.; Mestrot, A.; Ifejika Speranza, C. and Jarosch, K- A. (2024) Können Effektive Mikroorganismen den Abbau von Gründüngungen beeinflussen? [Can Effective Microorganisms Influence Green-Manure Decomposition?] Agroscope, FiBL, Universität Bern . Online at, accessed on: June 2024. This list was generated on Wed Feb 5 08:43:20 2025 CET. |