Items affiliated to "OrganicTargets4EU"
Number of items at this level: 34. Conference paper, poster, etc.Lampkin, Nicolas (2023) Policy support for organic farming in the European Union – past achievements and future challenges. Paper at: 97th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, University of Warwick, United Kingdom, 27-29 March 2023. Lampkin, Nicolas and Sanders, Jürn (2023) Ziele für den ökologischen Landbau in Europa: Folgen und Maßnahmen. In: One Step Ahead - einen Schritt voraus! Beiträge zur 16. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Frick (CH), 7. bis 10. März 2023, Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin. ReportLampkin, Nicolas; Lembo, Giuseppe and Rehburg, Pia (2024) Deliverable 1.2 - Assessment of agricultural and aquaculture policy responses to the organic F2F targets. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut - Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei . Nagy, Gabriella Mária; Jahrl, Ingrid; Jonasz, Gerda; Feher, Judit; Setiawan, Nuri Nurlaila; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Padel, Susanne and Krall, Attila (2023) Deliverable 1.1: Assessment of the knowledge and innovation systems for organic agriculture, aquaculture and value chain actors. IFOAM EU . Reinecke, Sabine; Jahrl, Ingrid; Willer, Helga and Lampkin, Nicolas (2023) Deliverable 1.3 - Synthesis of key drivers and lock-ins for organic sector development. OrganicTargets4EU . Book chapterTrávníček, Jan; Willer, Helga and Schaack, Diana (2022) Organic Farming and Market Development in Europe and the European Union. In: The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends 2022. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and IFOAM - Organics International, Frick and Bonn, pp. 235-270. Willer, Helga; Schlatter, Bernhard; Trávníček, Jan and Schaack, Diana (2023) Organic Farming and Market Development in Europe and the European Union. In: The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends 2023. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and IFOAM - Organics International, Frick and Bonn, pp. 234-276. Practice tool{Tool} Guidelines to the EU Organic Regulation. [Richtlinien zur EU-Öko-Verordnung.] Creator(s): Bauer, Lea. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. (2022) {Tool} Use of flavourings in organic food. [Verwendung von Aromen in Bio-Lebensmitteln.] Creator(s): Bauer, Lea and Busacca, Emanuele. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. (2022) {Tool} EU Legislation for the organics sector. [EU Gesetzgebung für den Biosektor.] Creator(s): Commission, European. Issuing Organisation(s): European Commission. (2022) {Tool} Building a sustainable business. [Una GuÌa para Desarrollar un Plan de Negocios para Granjas y Ranchos.] Creator(s): DiGiacomo, Gigi; King, Robert and Nordquist, Dale. Issuing Organisation(s): MISA - Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, SARE - Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education. (2003) {Tool} Sustainable, resilient and climate friendly Blue Growth of EU Aquaculture and Beyond (Future EU Aqua Online course). [Bærekraftig, spenstig og klimavennlig Blue Growth of EU Aquaculture and Beyond (Future EU Aqua Online-kurs).] Creator(s): Espmark, Åsa Maria. Issuing Organisation(s): Nofima, CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2022) {Tool} AgriPerform - An X-ray machine for accounting. [AgriPerform - Ein Röntgenapparat für die Buchhaltung.] Creator(s): Gazzarin, Christian. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope. (2017) {Tool} PERILBIO: Living labs, research and innovation in poultry and aquaculture. [PERILBIO: I living lab, ricerca e innovazione in avicoltura e acquacoltura.] Creator(s): Guarino Amato, Monica; Pulcini, Domitilla; Capoccioni, Fabrizio and Cali, Massimo. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2023) {Tool} Liquidity planning - Excel version. [Liquiditätsplanung Excel Version.] Creator(s): Jean-Luc, Martrou. Issuing Organisation(s): Agridea. (2024) {Tool} Online Course - SALT - Sustainable Aquaculture for Low Trophic Species. Creator(s): Kochanska, Adrianna; Aschan, Michaela; Strand, Åsa; James, Philip; Gombau, Ronan and Gunnarsdóttir, Katrín Hulda. Issuing Organisation(s): UiT - The Arctic University of Norway. (2023) {Tool} BauKost - Investment in farm buildings. [BauKost - Investition Betriebsgebäude.] Creator(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft, Darmstadt. Issuing Organisation(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft. (2024) {Tool} Business management of agricultural businesses. [Betriebswirtschaftliche Ausrichtung landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe.] Creator(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft, Darmstadt. Issuing Organisation(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft. (2024) {Tool} NutriNet - Nutrient accounting. [NutriNet - Nährstoffbilanzierung.] Creator(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft, Darmstadt. Issuing Organisation(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft. (2024) {Tool} BauKost - Greenhouse calculation tool. [BauKost - Gewächshäuser.] Creator(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft, Darmstadt. Issuing Organisation(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft. (2021) {Tool} MaKost - Machine and repair costs. [MaKost - Maschinenkosten und Reparaturkosten.] Creator(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft, Darmstadt. Issuing Organisation(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft. (2019) {Tool} Budget tool. [Teilbudget-Tool.] Creator(s): Matthieu, Cassez. Issuing Organisation(s): Agridea. (2024) {Tool} Training Handbook: The new EU organic regulation (2018/848) for producer groups. [Manuel de formation : Le nouveau règlement biologique de l'UE (2018/848) pour les groupements de producteurs.] Creator(s): Meinshausen, Florentine; Rudolph, Marlene; Richter, Toralf; Ssebunya, Brian and Itana, Abdi. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2024) {Tool} Greek organic aquaculture - European Aquaculture Society talk. [Ελληνική βιολογική υδατοκαλλιέργεια - Συζήτηση European Aquaculture Society.] Creator(s): Mente, Elena; Stelios, Karapanagiotis and Troianou, Eva. Issuing Organisation(s): Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. (2022) {Tool} Changes for group certification with the new EU Organic Regulation 2018/848. Creator(s): Naturland Academy. Issuing Organisation(s): Naturland. (2024) {Tool} Different concepts of guarantee systems. Creator(s): Naturland Academy. Issuing Organisation(s): Naturland. (2023) {Tool} Labels in organic agriculture. Creator(s): Naturland Academy. Issuing Organisation(s): Naturland. (2023) {Tool} Understanding Internal Control Systems (ICS). Creator(s): Naturland Academy. Issuing Organisation(s): Naturland. (2023) {Tool} Practical guidelines: How to avoid GMOs contaminations. Creator(s): Pearce, Bruce and Verriere, Pauline. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. (2018) {Tool} Climate change adaptation and mitigation in fisheries and aquaculture. [Anpassung und Eindämmung des Klimawandels in Fischerei und Aquakultur.] Creator(s): Petracchi, Cristina. Issuing Organisation(s): FAO elearning Academy. (2020) {Tool} Farm branding: Selling your products through storytelling. [Farm Branding: Verkaufen Sie Ihr Produkte durch Geschichte.] Creator(s): Prial, Daniel. Issuing Organisation(s): NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology. (2021) {Tool} The consumption of farmed and organic fish in italy. [Il consumo di pesce allevato e Biologico in Italia.] Creator(s): Pulcini, Domitilla and Capoccioni, Fabrizio. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2018) {Tool} Organic aquaculture - Weaknesses and opportunities in the sector. [Acquacoltura Biologica - Debolezze ed opportunita del settore.] Creator(s): Pulcini, Domitilla and Capoccioni, Fabrizio. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2017) OtherDilling, Christine and Moeskops, Bram (2022) Press Release: Boosting organic farming & aquaculture to reach the Farm to Fork targets. OrganicTargets4EU. This list was generated on Mon Sep 9 15:33:43 2024 CEST. |