Items affiliated to " Mendel University in Brno (MENDELU)"
Number of items at this level: 9. EnglishJurica, Milos and Petrikova, Kristina (2008) Measuring quality in vegetables using electrochemical methods and nutritional values. In: Proceedings XIII. International Conference Electrochemical Quality Test, Brno. Kopta, Tomáš and Pokluda, Robert (2009) Evaluation of Chinese broccoli under organic growing conditions. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae : Agriculture and Environment, 1 (1), pp. 5-10. Kopta, Tomáš; Pokluda, Robert and Psota, Václav (2012) Attractiveness of flowering plants for natural enemies. Horticultural Science, 39 (2), pp. 89-96. Rehus, Lubomir (2012) Comparison of selected essential oil components of Achillea millefolium agg. from the nature, organic and conventional farming. Poster at: international scientific conference "Dendrology, floriculture and landscape gardening, Yalta, 2012. Rehuš, Ľubomír and Neugebauerová, Jarmila (2011) The comparison of the content of essential oil and flavonoids in selected species of genus Achillea millefolium agg. cultivated in conventional and organic way. Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, 14, pp. 33-35. Schmidt, Franka (2012) The organic sector in Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic: Comparison of economic aspects and potential development. Masters thesis, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen . . [Completed] Czech/ČeskyRedlichova, Radka; Becvarová, Vera and Vinohradsky, Karel (2014) Vývoj ekologického zemědělství ČR v ekonomických souvislostech. [Development of the Organic Farming in the Czech Republic from the Economic Perspective.] 1 edition. Mendelova universita v Brně, Brno. Vopravil, Jan; Khel, Tomas; Novak, Pavel; Vrabcova, Tatana; Zahora, Jaroslav; Moudry, Jan; Moudry, Jan (Jr.); Florian, Miroslav; Klement, Vladimir and Polakova, Sarka (2012) Ochrana životního prostředí - půda. ZERA - Zemědělská a ekologická regionální agentura, o.s., Náměšť nad Oslavou. Slovak/SlovenčinaJurica, Milos and Petrikova, Kristina (2009) Vybrané nutričné parametre brokolice a reďkve v ekologickom a konvenčnom systéme hospodárenia. [Selected nutrirional prameters of broccoli and summer radish in organic and conventional farming system.] In: CD ROM - Trendy a tradice 2009. This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 16:48:54 2025 CET. |