Items affiliated to "BICOPOLL"
Number of items at this level: 43. EnglishBevk, Danilo and Čokl, Andrej (2014) Using honeybees to improve pollination of strawberries and to deliver biological fungicide for protection from grey mould (Botrytis cinerea). Lecture at: Bevk, Danilo; Pirc, Manca; Dreo, Tanja; Treven, Vinko and Čokl, Andrej (2014) Use of honeybees (Apis mellifera) to protect strawberry from grey mould (Botrytis cinerea). Lecture at: Bevk, Danilo; Zaplotnik, Špela; Treven, Vinko and Čokl, Andrej (2014) Effects of biocontrol agent Gliocladium catenulatum on the behaviour of honeybee, Apis mellifera. Speech at: Bevk, Danilo; Zaplotnik, Špela; Treven , Vinko and Čokl, Andrej (2014) Honeybee as vector of biological fungicide in organic strawberry production. Lecture at: Boecking, Otto and Kreipe, Victoria (2014) BICOPOLL - Targeted precision biocontrol and pollination enhancement in organic cropping systems. [BICOPOLL - Zielgenaue biologische Krankheitsbekämpfung und Verbesserung der Bestäubung in ökologischen Anbausystemen.] Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit, Institut für Bienenkunde, D-Celle . Hokkanen, H.M.T. (2011) BICOPOLL. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 November 2011. [Submitted] Hokkanen, Heikki; Boecking, Otto; Cokl, Andrej; Cotes, Belen; Eken, Cafer; Karise, Reet; Krajl, Jasna; Maccagnani, Bettina; Menzler-Hokkanen, Ingeborg; Mommaerts, Veerle; Mänd, Marika; Smagghe, Guy; Söderlund, Niklas; Tuncer, Serdar; Veromann, Eve and Witzgall, Peter (2012) Targeted precision biocontrol and enhanced pollination. In: XXIV International Congress of Entomology "New Era in Entomology", p. 126. Karise, Reet and Mänd, Marika (2013) Prestop Mix might raise the water loss rate of foraging bumble bees. In: Proceedings of the 65th International Symposium on Crop Protection, p. 124. Karise, Reet; Muljar, Riin and Mänd, Marika (2014) Kaolin as inert material in bio-pesticide formulations supplements the hazard to useful insects. In: Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference of Apidology EURBEE, p. 64. Karise, Reet; Muljar, Riin; Smagghe, Guy; Kaart, Tanel; Kuusik, Aare; Dreyersdorff, Gerit; Williams, Ingrid and Mänd, Marika (2015) Sublethal effects of kaolin and the biopesticides Prestop-Mix and BotaniGard on metabolic rate, water loss and longevity in bumble bees (Bombus terrestris). Journal of Pest Science, 02, 00-00. Kreipe, Victoria and Boecking, Otto (2013) Flying doctors zur Grauschimmel Bekämpfung und als Bestäuber im ökologischen Erdbeeranbau - erste Untersuchungsergebnisse im BICOPOLL Projekt. In: Apidologie , Springer, 44, p. 6. Maccagnani, B.; Ferrari, R. and Pozzati, M. (2013) ECOLOGICAL Infrastructure Management Enhanced Pollination and Targeted Precision Biocontrol: The BICOPOLL Project. BULLETIN OF INSECTOLOGY, 66 (1), p. 26. Mänd, Marika and Karise, Reet (2013) Bumble bees as entomovectors in open fields of strawberry. In: Proceedings of the 65th International Symposium on Crop Protection, p. 122. Mänd, Marika; Karise, Reet and Muljar, Riin (2013) Bombus terrestris as an entomovector for suppressing Botrytis cinerea in open field strawberry. Poster at: International conference “Behaviour 2013”, The Sage, Newcastle-Gateshead, UK, 04–08.08.2013. Menzler-Hokkanen, I.; Hokkanen, Heikki; Maccagnani, B.; Lahdenperä, Marja-Leena; Mommaerts, Veerle; Smagghe, Guy; Karise, Reet; Muljar, Riin and Mänd, Marika (2013) Entomovectored biocontrol of strawberry grey mould shows promise Europe-wide. In: Proceedings of the 65th International Symposium on Crop Protection, p. 40. Muljar, Riin (2011) Using honey bees to disseminate the biocontrol agent Gliocladium catenulatum J1446 to strawberries for grey mould control. Speech at: 28th Nordic-Baltic Apicultural Research Symposium, the Nordic-Baltic Bee-Council and Estonian Beekeepers Winter days, Tartu, Estonia, 04–06.02.2011. Muljar, Riin; Karise, Reet; Veromann, Eve and Mänd, Marika (2013) The effect of biofungicide Prestop Mix on metabolic rate, water loss and longevity of bumblebee Bombus terrestris L. Poster at: International conference „Agroforum Balticum - Food and Agricultural Potential of the European Region“, Tartu, Estonia, 17–19.04.2013. Muljar, Riin; Karise, Reet; Veromann, Eve and Mänd, Marika (2013) The effect of biofungicide Prestop Mix on respiration, water loss and longevity of bumblebee Bombus terrestris L. In: Book of Abstracts of the Future IPM in Europe, p. 57. Muljar, Riin and Mänd, Marika (2011) Bees as entomovectors and the biological control agent Gliocladium catenulatum J1446. Poster at: Next generation insights into geosciences and ecology, Tartu, Estonia, 12–13.05.2011. Muljar, Riin and Mänd, Marika (2011) Effect of Gliocladium catenulatum J1446 to the respiration rate of the bumble bee Bombus terrestris. Poster at: VIIth International Conference on Arthropods, Bialka Tatrzanska, Poland, 18–23.09.2011. Muljar, Riin and Mänd, Marika (2011) Using honey bees to disseminate the biocontrol agent Gliocladium catenulatum J1446 to strawberries for Botrytis cinerea control. In: Proceedings of the 28th Nordic-Baltic Apicultural Research Symposium, pp. 29-30. Muljar, Riin; Mänd, Marika; Karise, Reet and Smagghe, Guy (2014) The effect of kaolin and the microbial biopesticides Prestop Mix and BotaniGard on respiratory physiology and longevity of bumblebees (Bombus terrestris L.). Speech at: 12th International Symposium: Hazards of Pesticides to Bees, Ghent, Belgium, 15–17.09.2014. Pirc, Manca; Bevk, Danilo; Čokl, Andrej; Ravnikar, Maja and Dreo, Tanja (2013) The development of new methods for monitoring biocontrol agent, Gliocladium catenulatum J1446, to control gray mold on strawberries. [Razvoj novih metod za spremljanje biotičnega agensa Gliocladium catenulatum J1446 za zatiranje sive plesni na jagodah.] Lecture at: German/DeutschBudde, Joachim (2014) Natürlicher Pflanzenschutz: Auf dem Pelz sitzt der nützliche Pilz. WDR 5. Estonian/EestiDreyersdorff, Gerit; Karise, Reet and Mänd, Marika (2015) Kimalaste õietolmu korje sõltuvalt aedmaasika kasvatustehnoloogiast. [Strawberry pollen forage of bumble bees depending on production systems.] In: Alaru, Maarika; Astover, Alar; Karp, Kadri; Viiralt, Rein and Must, Anne (Eds.) Agronoomia 2015, pp. 120-123. Dreyersdorff, Gerit; Karise, Reet and Mänd, Marika (2014) Kimalaste efektiivsus biotõrjepreparaatide siirutamisel sõltub konkureerivatest toidutaimedest. [The effectiveness of bumble bees in vectoring biopreparations is dependent on competing food plants.] In: Metspalu, Luule and Luik, Anne (Eds.) Kogumik "Teaduselt mahepõllumajandusele", Tartu, pp. 21-24. Karise, Reet (2015) Hahkhallituse vastu saab mesilastega. [Fighting gray mould with honeybees.] Saarte Hääl, 2015, 03, 00-00. Karise, Reet; Muljar, Riin and Mänd, Marika (2014) Biopreparaatide mõju kimalaste Bombus terrestris L. elueale. [Effect of biopreparations to the longevity of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris L.] In: Metspalu, Luule and Luik, Anne (Eds.) Teaduselt mahepõllumajandusele, pp. 44-46. Karise, Reet; Muljar, Riin and Mänd, Marika (2014) Entomovektortehnoloogiast tuleneva lisatolmeldamise ja hahkhallituse tõrjumise efektiivsus aedmaasika sortidel ’Polka’ ja ’Sonata’. [The effectiveness of gray mold control and additional pollination due to entomovectortechnology on the strawberry varieties ’Polka’ ja ’Sonata’].] In: Metspalu, Luule and Luik, Anne (Eds.) Teaduselt mahepõllumajandusele, pp. 48-50. Muljar, Riin (2010) Mesilastega hahkhallituse vastu. [Fighting gray mould with honeybees.] Maakodu, 2010, 12, pp. 60-61. Muljar, Riin; Karise, Reet and Mänd, Marika (2015) Pulbriliste biopreparaatide mõju kimalaste ainevahetusele ja veekaole. [The effect of powdery biopreparations on the metabolic rate and water loss of bumble bees.] In: Agronoomia 2015, pp. 147-150. Muljar, Riin; Karise, Reet and Mänd, Marika (2014) Entomovektortehnoloogia kasutamise efektiivsus hahkhallituse (Botrytis cinerea Pers.) bioloogilises tõrjes aedmaasikal (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.). [The effectiveness of entomovectortechnology in the biological control of gray mold (Botrytis cinerea Pers.) in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.).] In: Metspalu, Luule and Luik, Anne (Eds.) Teaduselt mahepõllumajandusele, pp. 64-67. Muljar, Riin; Karise, Reet and Mänd, Marika (2012) Mesilastarude kauguse mõju biopreparaadi levitamise efektiivsusele hahkhallituse biotõrjes aedmaasikal. [Does distance of honeybee hives influence the vectoring of a biopreparation in the biocontrol of gray mould in strawberry.] In: Metspalu, Luule and Luik, Anne (Eds.) Teaduselt mahepõllumajandusele, pp. 67-69. Muljar, Riin and Mänd, Marika (2011) Meemesilase ja biofungitsiidi Prestop Mix kasutamine aedmaasika hahkhallituse tõrjes. [Using honeybees and the biofungicide Prestop Mix in gray mould control in strawberry.] In: Kogumik Agronoomia 2010/2011, pp. 183-186. Starast, Marge; Põldma, Priit; Veromann, Eve; Karp, Kadri; Kahu, Kersti; Mänd, Marika and Bender, I. (2013) Keskkonnasäästlikud kasvatustehnoloogiad aianduses. [Environmentally friendly plant production methods in horticulture.] Paper at: Aiandusfoorum 2013, Paide, Estonia, 19.03.2013. Italian/ItalianoMaccagnani, B.; Ferrari, R. and Pozzati, M. (2013) Ecological Infrastructure Management for Enhanced Pollination and Targeted Precision Biocontrol. Poster at: Symposium, Bologna, 29 May-2 June 2013. Slovenian/Slovenski JezikBevk, Danilo (2014) Čebele lahko pomagajo pri varstvu rastlin pred boleznimi. Kmečki glas, 31 July 2014, p. 9. Bevk, Danilo (2014) S čebelami do zdravih rastlin. Delo, 22 May 2014, p. 15. Bevk, Danilo (2013) Čebele - včeraj, danes, jutri. [Bees- yesterday, today, tomorrow.] GEA, May 2013, 23 (5), pp. 20-33. Bevk, Danilo and Mazi, Blaž (2013) Tudi čebele imajo krizo. , Bevk , Danilo and Petrič, Ina (2014) Dr. DANILO BEVK, Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo… Le pestre združbe opraševalcev zagotavljajo zanesljiv servis opraševanja. . Online at, accessed on: 21 July 2014. Pirc, Manca and Dreo, Tanja (2013) Izbira metode ekstrakcije DNK za spremljanje organizma za biotično zatiranje, Gliocladium catenulatum J1446. [Selection of DNA extraction method for monitoring of biocontrol agent, Gliocladium catenulatum J1446.] Paper at: Zaplotnik, Špela (2013) Safety of fungal biocontrol agent Gliocladium catenulatum to its vector the Carniolan honey bee. Masters thesis, University of Ljubljana . . [Unpublished] This list was generated on Sun Feb 16 16:05:03 2025 CET. |