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Hematološke vrednosti tekačev in pitancev v ekološki in intenzivni reji

Golinar Oven, Irena; Plut, Jan; Hajdinjak, Melita; Nadlucnik, Eva; Steferl, Tim and Stukelj, Marina (2024) Hematološke vrednosti tekačev in pitancev v ekološki in intenzivni reji. [Haematological values of growers and finishers in organic and intensive farming.] In: Knjiga povzetkov: 8. Slovenski veterinarski kongres, Ljubljana : Veterinarska fakulteta, 2024, p. 112.

[thumbnail of Abstract] PDF - Other content type - Slovenian/Slovenski Jezik (Abstract)

Summary in the original language of the document

Namen te študije je bil ugotoviti, ali vrsta reje (ekološka v primerjavi z intenzivno) vpliva na hematološke parametre pri enako starih prašičih. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da so vrednosti RBC in MCHC višje, vrednosti Ht, MCV in MCH pa nižje pri tekačih in mlajših pitancih v ekoloških rejah kot pri istih kategorijah v intenzivnih rejah. Pri pitancih v ekoloških rejah so vrednosti PLT višje, vrednosti Hb, Ht, MCV in MCH pa nižje kot pri pitancih v intenzivnih rejah.

Summary translation

The aim of this study was to determine whether the type of pig farming (organic versus intensive) affects haematological parameters in pigs of the same age. It was discovered that values of RBC and MCHC were higher and that values of Ht, MCV, MCH were lower in nursery and grower pigs from organic farms compared to pigs of the same age from intensive pig farms. PLT values were higher and values of Hb, Ht, MCV, MCH were lower in finisher pigs from organic farms compared to finisher pigs from intensive pig farms.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Other
Other Type:Abstract
Keywords:haematology, pigs, organic farm, intensive farms
Agrovoc keywords:
organic agriculture
hematology -> haematology
animal health
Subjects:"Organics" in general
Animal husbandry > Health and welfare
Animal husbandry > Production systems > Pigs
Research affiliation: European Union > CORE Organic > CORE Organic Cofund
Deposited By: Šteferl, Tim
ID Code:54225
Deposited On:04 Nov 2024 07:47
Last Modified:04 Nov 2024 07:47
Document Language: Slovenian/Slovenski Jezik
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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