Båtnes, Maria and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2022) NutriMarket. NORSØK, Tingvoll.
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Microsoft Excel
- Published Version
- Norwegian/Norsk
223kB |
Summary in the original language of the document
As part of the project "Farmers and the city: enhancing added value and sustainability through optimized use of urban and peri-urban farm resources (URBANFARMS)", NORSØK has worked to develop a tool for calculating nutrient balances in small-scale vegetable cultivation with extensive use of organic fertilizers. The tool is developed from an excel tool called NutriGadget, developed in the EU project RELACS. NutriGadget is intended for larger organic farms with livestock production, but has been scaled down to suit Norwegian market gardens. With this adaptation, which we have chosen to call NutriMarket, one can assess the most important nutrient flows in and out of a field, and reveal surplus or deficit of nutrients.
Summary translation
Som del av prosjektet "Bønder og byen: økt verdiskaping og bærekraft gjennom optimalisert ressursbruk i byer og bynære områder" har NORSØK arbeidet med å utvikle et verktøy for beregning av næringsbalanser i småskala grønnsaksdyrking med mye bruk av organiske gjødselmidler. Verktøyet er videreutviklet fra et excel-verktøy kalt NutriGadget, utviklet i EU-prosjektet RELACS. NutriGadget er beregnet på større økologiske gårder med husdyrproduksjon, men har blitt nedskalert for å passe til norske markedshager. Med denne tilpasningen, som vi har valgt å kalle NutriMarket, kan man vurdere de viktigste næringsstoffstrømmene ut og inn av et bed eller skifte, og avsløre overskudd eller underskudd av næringsstoffer.
EPrint Type: | Other |
What problem does the tool address?: | Nutrient imblanaces, especially high nutrient surpluses, is common in vegetable production due to strong fertilization. However, nutrient surpluses or deficiencies can lead to runoff problems or depletion of the soil. |
What solution does the tool offer?: | Nutrient budgets are an easy and efficient tool to assess the main nutrient flows in and out of the field. They can reveal whether there is a nutrient surplus or deficit. The outcome is nutrient budgets for one or up to five fields. Nutrient inputs can be adjusted to achieve a balanced nutrient budget. |
Country: | Norway |
Type of Practice Tool: | Calculation tools |
Keywords: | market gardens, fertilization, nutrient balance, nutrient input, excel tool, NutriMarket markedshager, næringsbalanse, gjødsling, småskala, grønnsaksdyrking Markedshage, gjødsling, næringsbalanse |
Agrovoc keywords: | Language Value URI English fertilization http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_2863 English nutrient management http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_330697 English market gardens http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_4616 |
Subjects: | Soil > Soil quality Soil > Nutrient turnover Crop husbandry > Production systems > Vegetables |
Research affiliation: | Norway > NORSØK - Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture |
Deposited By: | Serikstad, Grete Lene |
ID Code: | 44305 |
Deposited On: | 30 Aug 2022 10:30 |
Last Modified: | 30 Aug 2022 10:30 |
Document Language: | Norwegian/Norsk |
Status: | Published |
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