{Tool} Qualitative Soil Analysis - Toolkit. [Qualitative Bodenanalyse - Toolkit.] Creator(s): Beste, Andrea. Issuing Organisation(s): Institute for Soil Conservation & Sustainable Agriculture. (2020)
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Document available online at: https://www.gesunde-erde.net/en/publications/order/
Summary in the original language of the document
The Qualitative Soil Analysis described here provides the practitioner with comprehensive, meaningful information on the condition of soil structure and soil functions. It provides target values and stress values and thus considerably simplifies both the analysis and the evaluation. It makes it easier to decide which techniques can be chosen to maintain or improve soil functions. The success of the measures can always be checked directly and independently by quickly examining the current soil condition.
The Qualitative Structural Score according to BESTE is soil-specific and horizon-specific. This means that there is a special score sheet for sandy, clay and loam soils. Each soil horizon is evaluated separately. Scores from 1 – 5 stand for the qualitative result. The assessment of the structural condition is based on the deviation of the observed actual condition from the described target condition. This allows for a quick assessment classification. Characteristic specifications facilitate the decision even with little previous soil science knowledge.
This tool is of equal interest for organic and conventional farms. The instructions for practitioners. 35 p. with coloured illustrations, incl. storage medium with example pictures costs 24,80 € plus postage.
Summary translation
Mit der hier beschriebenen Bodenanalyse erlangt der Praktiker umfassende, aussagekräftige Informationenüber den Zustand des Bodengefüges und der Bodenfunktionen. Sie liefert Sollwerte und Belastungswerte und vereinfacht damit, sowohl die Analyse als auch die Bewertung erheblich. Die Entscheidung, welche Techniken des Gefügeaufbaus gewählt werden können, um die Bodenfunktionen zu erhalten oder zu verbessern wird erleichtert. Der Erfolg der Maßnahmen lässt sich immer wieder direkt und selbständig durch die schnelle Untersuchung des aktuellen Bodenzustands überprüfen.
Die Qualitative Gefügebonitur nach BESTE ist bodenspezifisch und horizontspezifisch. Das heißt, es gibt für Sand-, Ton- und Lehmböden jeweils einen speziellen Boniturbogen. Jeder Bodenhorizont wird separat bewertet. Noten von 1 – 5 stehen für das qualitative Ergebnis. Die Beurteilung des Gefügezustands erfolgt über das Abweichen des beobachteten. Ist-Zustandes vom beschriebenen Soll-Zustand. Dies lässt eine schnelle bewertende Einordnung zu. Merkmalsvorgaben erleichtern die Entscheidung auch bei geringer bodenkundlicher Vorbildung.
EPrint Type: | Practice tool |
Teaser: | This tool quickly shows interaction between humus, soil biota and structure. It needs no laboratory equipment, but delivers scientifically valuable data. |
What problem does the tool address?: | Humus loss and the associated decline in biological activity increase compaction and erosion and reduce the infiltration and storage capacity for water. This significantly aggravates the consequences of climate change – extreme rainfall, flood risk and drought. |
What solution does the tool offer?: | Soil experts worldwide consider the analysis of soil structure conditions to be very meaningful. Water balance, humus content, organism activity and diversity interact with soil structure in complex ways. The Qualitative Soil Analysis provides a sound basis for all further measures, both for the farmer’s practical measures on the soil condition and for management plans for soil regeneration. |
Country: | Germany |
Type of Practice Tool: | Web |
Agrovoc keywords: | Language Value URI English soil health -> soil quality http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_a9645d28 English soil conservation http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_7165 English soil analysis http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_7198 English soil biology http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_7160 English soil management http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_7176 |
Subjects: | Soil > Soil quality Soil > Soil quality > Soil biology Values, standards and certification > Assessment of impacts and risks |
Research affiliation: | Germany > Institute of Soil Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture European Union > Organic Farm Knowledge |
Related Links: | https://organic-farmknowledge.org/tool/44189, https://www.gesunde-erde.net/en/soil-management/soil-analysis/, https://www.gesunde-erde.net/bodenmanagement/bodenanalyse/, https://twitter.com/farm_knowledge/status/1542481067533373441, https://www.facebook.com/organicfarmknowledge/posts/pfbid02aMQjYk23LPim9wX2MjPEKsp4C929cFyDF4UwB1p87Wa7MagUNH4kHhQcLuAGhjh2l |
Project ID: | OFK |
Deposited By: | Rüger, Madelaine Lea |
ID Code: | 44189 |
Deposited On: | 27 Jun 2022 14:10 |
Last Modified: | 02 May 2024 10:31 |
Document Language: | English, German/Deutsch |
Status: | Published |
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