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Sådan påvirker afgasset gødning klimaaftrykket

Oudshoorn, Frank (2021) Sådan påvirker afgasset gødning klimaaftrykket. [How biogas digestate can affect climate load.] Økologi - Inspiration til jordbruget, 1 October 2021, Okt. (2021), p. 16.

[thumbnail of ØKOLOGI - inspiration til jordbruget_2021_nr8_s16.pdf] PDF - Published Version - Danish/Dansk

Summary in the original language of the document

Beskrivelse af klimaberegninger med Landbrugets Klimaværktøj på modelbedrift med planteavl. Tre scenarier: 1) Nudrift, 2) Som nudrift med Kløvergræs til biogas, 3) Som 2 med brug af optimeret afgasset gødning.

Summary translation

Description of climate calculations on an arable model farm with the Danish tool: Agricultures Climate Tool.
Three scenarios: 1) Current practice, 2) As 1 with grass-clover for biogas production, 3) As 2 using optimized digestate as fertilizer.

EPrint Type:Newspaper or magazine article
Keywords:Landbrugets Klimaværktøj, klimaberegning, Climate calculation
Agrovoc keywords:
climate smart agriculture -> climate-smart agriculture
Subjects: Environmental aspects > Air and water emissions
Farming Systems > Farm nutrient management
Research affiliation: Denmark > Organic RDD 4 > ClimOptic
Denmark > SEGES > Videncentret for Landbrug
Denmark > AU - Aarhus University > Faculty of Science and Technology > Department of Agroecology
Denmark > CROPSYS
Deposited By: Fog, Mr. Erik
ID Code:42740
Deposited On:05 Nov 2021 08:50
Last Modified:06 Jun 2022 16:10
Document Language:Danish/Dansk
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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