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Klimahensyn er for første gang en del af de officielle kostråd

Rystedt, Lotte (2021) Klimahensyn er for første gang en del af de officielle kostråd. [Climate impact is for the first time considered in the official dietary guidelines.] DCA, 13 January 2021, pp. 1-2.

[thumbnail of DCA (2021) Klimahensyn er for første gang en del af de officielle kostråd. 13. jan 2021.pdf] PDF - Danish/Dansk

Document available online at: https://dca.au.dk/aktuelt/nyheder/vis/artikel/klimahensyn-er-for-foerste-gang-en-del-af-de-officielle-kostraad/

Summary in the original language of the document

Som forbruger kan man gøre en stor forskel for klimaet gennem sin kost. Nu kan man hente inspiration til netop det i de nye officielle kostråd, som for første gang indeholder anbefalinger til at mindske klimaaftrykket fra kosten. Bag rådene ligger blandt andet viden fra Institut for Agroøkologi på Aarhus Universitet om de enkelte fødevarers klimaaftryk.

Summary translation

As a consumer, you can make a great difference to the climate through your dietary choices. Now you can get inspiration for just that in the new official dietary guidelines, which for the first time contain recommendations to reduce the carbon footprint from the diets. Behind the advice is, among other things, knowledge from the Department of Agroecology at Aarhus University about the carbon footprint of individual food items.

EPrint Type:Newspaper or magazine article
Agrovoc keywords:
food choice -> feeding preferences
climate change mitigation
Subjects: Food systems
Environmental aspects
Research affiliation: Denmark
Denmark > AU - Aarhus University
Denmark > Organic RDD 4 > SustainOrganic
Denmark > AU - Aarhus University > Faculty of Science and Technology
Denmark > AU - Aarhus University > Faculty of Science and Technology > Department of Agroecology
Deposited By: Knudsen, Researcher Marie Trydeman
ID Code:39627
Deposited On:07 Apr 2021 08:13
Last Modified:07 Apr 2021 08:13
Document Language:Danish/Dansk

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