Items in the subject area "Ukraine"
Jump to: Peer-reviewed and accepted | Not peer-reviewed Number of items at this level: 19. Peer-reviewed and acceptedDanyljuk, Marta and Häring, Dr. Anna Maria (2005) Ökologischer Landbau in der Ukraine: Status-quo und Entwicklungspotenziale. [Organic Farming in the Ukraine: Status-quo and development potentials.] In: Heß, J and Rahmann, G (Eds.) Ende der Nische, Beiträge zur 8. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, kassel university press GmbH, Kassel. Petrov, Pylyp; Zhukova, Yaroslava and Demikhov, Yuriy (2016) The Effects of Dairy Management on Milk Quality Characteristics. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 4, pp. 782-786. Not peer-reviewedBernet, Thomas; Home, Robert and Hasiuk, Oleksandra (2018) Socio-Economic Study of Organic Market and Sector Development in Ukraine. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick and Kyiv . Bernet, Thomas; Home, Robert and Hasiuk, Oleksandra (2018) Соціально-економічне дослідження розвитку органічного ринку та сектору в Україні. [Socio-Economic Study of Organic Market and Sector Development in Ukraine.] Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick and Kyiv . Deineko, Olena and Shor, Kateryna (2024) Gender study of the Organic Sector in Ukraine. Organic Initiative Public Association, Research Institute or Organic Agriculture FiBL (Switzerland), UA-Kyiv . Eisenring, Tobias; Richter, Toralf and Prokopchuk, Natalie (2019) Ukraine – mehr als eine Biokornkammer Europas. Ukraine-Analysen, 10 October 2019 (223), pp. 2-8. Hämmerli, Franziska (2018) Ukraine: Bio fällt auf fruchtbaren Boden. Bioaktuell, 2018 (8), p. 27. Hämmerli, Franziska (2018) Ukraine: L’agriculture biologique y profite de sols fertiles. Bioactualités, 2018 (8), p. 27. Huber, Beate (Ed.) (2008) Organic Agriculture and Legal Framework. Second Round Table of the Eastern European Countries. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick. Proceedings of Organic Agriculture and Legal Framework. Second Round Table of the Eastern European Countries, Kyiv, Ukraine, November 5&6, 2008. [Unpublished] Lenz, Joachim (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2021) Länderbericht zur Situation des ökologischen Lanbaus in der Ukraine. [Country Report on the Organic Market in Ukraine.] Öko Länderbericht. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden . Lenz, Joachim (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2020) Report on the status of organic agriculture and industry in Ukraine. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden . Lütold, Jeremias and Yushchenko, Oleksandr (2024) Biolandbau mitten im Krieg. Bioaktuell, 2024 (2), pp. 22-23. Lütold, Jeremias and Yushchenko, Oleksandr (2024) L’agriculture bio en pleine guerre. Bioactualités, 2024 (2), pp. 22-23. Prokopchuk, Natalie and Eisenring, Tobias (2011) Ukraine: Country Report. In: Willer, Helga and Kilcher, Lukas (Eds.) The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2011. FiBL, IFOAM, Ch-Frick and D-Bonn, pp. 173-176. Richter, Toralf and Prokopchuk, Natalie (2023) Ukraine – even the Russian war can’t stop organic sector development. Bioeco Actual, October 2023 (10), pp. 8-9. Richter, Toralf (2017) Den Nerv getroffen. Ökologie & Landbau, 2017, 184 (4/2017), pp. 43-45. Schneider, Monika; Richter, Toralf; Spahn, Christoph and Portmann, Katrin (2005) Overview of international organic market development and potential export markets for organic products of Ukraine. FiBL Project Report. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) . Zhukova, Ya.F.; Petrov, P.I. and Petryshchenko, S.S (2016) APPLICATION OF THE FATTY ACID ANALYSIS FOR THE ORGANIC COW’S MILK AUTHENTICATION. Paper at: IV Interantional Scientific-Practical Conference "Chemistry, Bio- and Nanotechnology, Ecology and Economy in Food and Сosmetics Industry" [In Russian], Kharkiv, Ukraine, 17-18.10.2016. Zhukova, Yaroslava; Petov, Pylyp and Mudrak, Tatyana (2016) STRUCTURE OF NITROGEN FRACTIONS ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL COW'S MILK. In: Collection of scientific papers "Innovations in science and education:Challanges of our time", International Academy of Science and Higher Education, London, UK, London. This list was generated on Thu Dec 26 21:38:37 2024 CET. |