Items in the subject area "Latin America"
Number of items at this level: 36. AArmengot, Laura; Rüegg, Johanna; Schneider, Monika and Tůmová, Barbora (2021) The journey of cocoa from the agroforestry system to chocolate - FiBL’s contribution to sustainable cocoa production. Paper at: Open FiBl Day, virtuell, 27.5.2021. [Completed] BBhullar, Gurbir S.; Bautze, David; Adamtey, Noah; Armengot, Laura; Cicek, Harun; Goldmann, Eva; Riar, Amritbir; Rüegg, Johanna; Schneider, Monika and Huber, Beate (2021) What is the contribution of organic agriculture to sustainable development? A synthesis of twelve years (2007-2019) of the “long-term farming systems comparisons in the tropics (SysCom)”. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) , Department of International Cooperation, Frick, Switzerland. EEgger, Moritz and Curran, Michael (2023) Realities of sustainability: Application of photovoice to identify locally and culturally relevant sustainability criteria of cocoa farmers in Ecuador. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 669. Egger, Moritz; Ventura, Diana; Zambrano, Guillermo; Ramírez, Karen; Satama, Maritza; Jacobi, Johanna and Curran, Michael (2023) The Sustainability We Want – Photovoice Ecuador. Paper at: XIX Biennial IASC Conference "The Commons We Want: Between Historical Legacies and Future Collective Actions", Nairobi, Kenya, June 19-24, 2023. [Completed] Epple, Rolf; Garibay, Salvador; Teriete, Moritz and Keller, Olivia (2018) Nachhaltigkeit im Avocadoanbau. Synthesebericht. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick . Escobar F., Carlos A. (2014) Organic Agriculture Research: shared vision from Latin-Americans farmers. Paper at: TIPI Workshop "Practitioners’ research agenda" at the Organic World Congress, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, October 12, 2014. [Completed] FFélix, Georges F. and Holt-Giménez, Eric (2017) Hurricane María: An Agroecological Turning Point for Puerto Rico? Food First Backgrounder, no. Volume 23, Number 4, Food First . Félix, Georges F. and Timmermann, Cristian (2013) Agro-ecology: beyond food. Faming Matters, 29 (4), pp. 30-31. GGaribay, Salvador (2008) Organic retailer development in Latin America(general trends). Speech at: BioFach Congress, NürnbergMesse, Nuremburg, Germany, February 21 - 24, 2008. [Unpublished] Garibay, Salvador (2007) Background: The ‘First Meeting of Organic Producers and Researchers’ and the ‘First Organic Producers Fair of Latin America and the Caribbean’. In: Willer, Helga and Yussefi, Minou (Eds.) The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2007. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements IFOAM, Bonn, Germany & Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland, chapter 16 Latin America, pp. 177-180. Garibay, Salvador V. and Ugas, Roberto (2010) Organic Farming in Latin America and the Caribbean. In: Willer, Helga and Kilcher, Lukas (Eds.) The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2010. FiBL and IFOAM, Frick and Bonn, chapter 10, pp. 160-172. Garibay, Salvador V. and Ugas, Roberto (2009) Organic Farming in Latin America and the Caribbean. In: Willer, Helga and Kilcher, Lukas (Eds.) The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2009. FiBL, IFOAM and ITC, Frick, Bonn and Geneva, pp. 176-185. Garibay, Salvador V. (2010) Organic Farming in Latin America: some trends. Paper at: Biofach Congress 2010, NürnbergMesse, D-Nuremberg, February 20, 2010. [Completed] IIFOAM EU, Regional Group (2014) Agricultura familiar agroecólogia en América Latina en un contexto de cambio climático. [Agroecological family agriculture in Latin America in a climate change context.] International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), Bonn, Germany . LLernoud, Julia and Willer, Helga (2017) Key results from the FiBL survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2017: Key data, crops, regions. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick . [Unpublished] Lohse, Erick; Rüegg, Johanna; Schneider, Monika and Milz, Joachim (2024) Café con Cacao en Sistemas Agroforestales. [Coffee as a by-crop in cacao agroforestry systems.] Research Institut of Organic Agriculture FiBL . Luttikholt, Louise; Batcha, Laura; Willer, Helga; Xing, Jianping; Flores, Patricia; Menon, Manoj and Sahota, Amarjit (2019) Papers presented at the Session "Global Organic Market Overview". BIOFACH Congress 2019, Messezentrum Nürnberg, Nürnberg, Germany, February 13 to 16, 2019. [Completed] MMarconi Ripa, Luis; Seidel, Renate and Armengot, Laura (2020) Herbaceous Species Cacao Production Systems: Biotic Homogenisation and Dynamics Over Time in a Long-Term Trial in Bolivia. In: Proceedings Tropentag "Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises", 9-11 September 2020, Virtual Conference, p. 129. Meinshausen, Florentine and Blanco, Teresa (2024) Case study on the implications for low- and middle-income countries of Organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848 in the Dominican Republic. COLEAD, FR-Chevilly Larure and FiBL, CH-Frick . OOrozco-Aguilar, Luis; Lopez-Sampson, Arlene; Cerda, Roland H.; Casanoves, Fernando; Ramirez-Argueta, Oscar; Matute, Javier Diaz; Suarez Salazar, Juan Carlos; Rüegg, Johanna; Saj, Stéphane; Milz, Joaquin; Schneidewind, Ulf; Mora Garces, Argenis; Baez Daza, Eliana; Molina, Jairo Rojas; Suarez, Yeirme Jaimes; Agudelo-Castaneda, Genaro A.; Deheuvels, Olivier; Sosa, Enelvi Brito; Gomez, Jaime Hinojosa; Jaimez, Ramon E.; Espinoza, Sophya Reyes; Bordeaux, Melanie; Vargas, Carlos Caicedo; Tinoco, Leider; Monserrate, Geover Pena; Flores, Julian Perez; Morales, Alfonso Azpeitia; Arevalo-Hernandez, Cesar O.; Gardini, Enrique Arevalo; Pocasangre, Lius E.; Araque, Osmary; Koutouleas, Athina; Magana, Eufemia Segura; Dominguez, Omar; Arens, Paula; Sotopinto, Lorena; Salgado-Mora, Marisela; Gama-Rodrigues, Antonio; Gama-Rodrigues, Emanuela; Holder, Annelle; Ramtahal, Gideon; Umaharan, Pathmanathan; Muller, Manfred Willy; Mendes, Fernando Texeira and Somarriba, Eduardo (2024) CacaoFIT: the network of cacao field trials in Latin America and its contribution to sustainable cacao farming in the region. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8, pp. 1-25. PPaull, John (2016) Organics Olympiad 2016: Global Indices of Leadership in Organic Agriculture. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 7 (2), pp. 79-87. Paull, John (2012) Organics Olympiad 2012: Global Indices of Leadership in Organic Agriculture. Organic News, July 2012, 2012 (26 Jul), pp. 1-8. Paull, John and Hennig, Benjamin (2016) Atlas of Organics: Four maps of the world of organic agriculture. Journal of Organics, 3 (1), pp. 25-32. Paull, John and Hennig, Benjamin (2013) The World of Organic Agriculture – Density-equalizing Map. In: Willer, Helga; Lernoud, Julia and Kilcher, Lukas (Eds.) The World of Organic Agriculture: Statistics and Emerging Trends 2013. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) & International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), Frick & Bonn, p. 129. RRüegg, Johanna (2022) Agroforestry systems for cocoa production. Workshop at: Tage der Agrarökologie, Frick und weitere Orte der Schweiz, 1.10.2022 - 31.10.2022. [Completed] Rüegg, Johanna; Armengot, Laura; Schneidewind, Ulf; Milz, Joachim and Schneider, Monika (2021) Productivity and income in 5 different cocoa production systems. Poster at: Tropentag 2021, University of Hohenheim, Germany, September 15-17, 2021. Rüegg, Johanna; Lohse, Erick; Schneider, Monika and Milz, Joachim (2021) Jengibre y palillo en sistemas agroforestales con cacao. [Ginger and turmeric in cocoa agroforestry systems.] . Rüegg, Johanna; Lohse, Erick; Schneider, Monika and Milz, Joachim (2021) Investigación y capacitación en el proyecto SysCom Bolivia y el Centro Sara Ana. [Research and training in the SysCom Bolivia project and the Sara Ana Centre.] . Rüegg, Johanna; Milz, Joachim; Tůmová, Barbora; Schneider, Monika; Velazquez, Fortunato; Yana, Walter and Dreher, Bastian (2022) Participatory training approach of sharing knowledge and research results for better adoption of organic cocoa agroforestry systems. Workshop at: 5 th world congress on agroforestry, Québec, Canada, 17. - 19.7.2022. [Completed] Rüegg, Johanna (2020) FiBL am Schoggifestival ehrundredlich online. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick . TTennhardt, Lina M.; Lambin, Eric F.; Curran, Michael and Schader, Christian (2023) Implementation of sustainable farming practices by cacoa farmers in Ecuador and Uganda: the influence of value chain factors. Frontiers in Sustainable Food System, 7, pp. 1-17. Trávníček, Jan; Schlatter, Bernhard and Willer, Helga (2024) Key results from the FiBL survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2024 (data 2022) - PowerPoint presentations. Research Institute or Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick. [Unpublished] Tůmová, Barbora; Rüegg, Johanna; Armengot, Laura and Schneider, Monika (2022) Participatory agroforestry design – a flexible approach for locally adapted systems. Poster at: International Symposium on Cocoa Research - ISCR 2022, Montpellier, France, 5-7 December, 2022. [Completed] WWiller, Helga; Richter, Toralf; Rippin, Markus; Vaclavic, Tom and Garibay, Salvador (2009) The European Market for Organic Food and Drink. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2009, Nürnberg Messe Convention Centre, Nuremberg, Germany, February 19-22, 2009. Willer, Helga and Yussefi, Minou (2008) Organic Farming Worldwide 2007 - Overview and Main Statistics. In: Ghosh, Subir (Ed.) Organic Farming - A Global Perspective. Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India, pp. 16-28. ZZanasi, Dr. Cesare and Venturi, Dr. Paolo (2008) Impact of the adoption of participatory guarantee systems (PGS) for organic certification for small farmers in developing countries: the case of Rede Ecovida in Brasil. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 17:49:36 2025 CET. |