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Items affiliated to "Ukraine"

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Number of items at this level: 5.

Conference paper, poster, etc.

Grabovska, Tetiana; Lavrov, Vitaliy and Grabovskyi, Mykola (2021) Insects Diversity In Soybean Crops Under Organic And Conventional Farming. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Zhukova, Ya.F.; Petrov, P.I. and Petryshchenko, S.S (2016) APPLICATION OF THE FATTY ACID ANALYSIS FOR THE ORGANIC COW’S MILK AUTHENTICATION. Paper at: IV Interantional Scientific-Practical Conference "Chemistry, Bio- and Nanotechnology, Ecology and Economy in Food and Сosmetics Industry" [In Russian], Kharkiv, Ukraine, 17-18.10.2016.

Zhukova, Yaroslava; Petov, Pylyp and Mudrak, Tatyana (2016) STRUCTURE OF NITROGEN FRACTIONS ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL COW'S MILK. In: Collection of scientific papers "Innovations in science and education:Challanges of our time", International Academy of Science and Higher Education, London, UK, London.


Deineko, Olena and Shor, Kateryna (2024) Gender study of the Organic Sector in Ukraine. Organic Initiative Public Association, Research Institute or Organic Agriculture FiBL (Switzerland), UA-Kyiv .


Bernet, Thomas; Recknagel, Jürgen; Asam, Ludwig and Messmer, Monika (2021) ОРГАНІЧНА СОЯ З ЄВРОПИ - Рекомендації з вирощування та торгівлі органічною соєю в Європі. [Organic soy from Europe - Recommendations for the cultivation and trade of organic soy in Europe.] 1 edition. FiBL-Merkblatt. Donau Soja, FiBL, UA-Kiev, CH-Frick.

This list was generated on Sat Oct 12 20:00:14 2024 CEST.