Items affiliated to "Ukraine"
Number of items at this level: 5. Bernet, Thomas; Recknagel, Jürgen; Asam, Ludwig and Messmer, Monika (2021) ОРГАНІЧНА СОЯ З ЄВРОПИ - Рекомендації з вирощування та торгівлі органічною соєю в Європі. [Organic soy from Europe - Recommendations for the cultivation and trade of organic soy in Europe.] 1 edition. FiBL-Merkblatt. Donau Soja, FiBL, UA-Kiev, CH-Frick. Deineko, Olena and Shor, Kateryna (2024) Gender study of the Organic Sector in Ukraine. Organic Initiative Public Association, Research Institute or Organic Agriculture FiBL (Switzerland), UA-Kyiv . Grabovska, Tetiana; Lavrov, Vitaliy and Grabovskyi, Mykola (2021) Insects Diversity In Soybean Crops Under Organic And Conventional Farming. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed] Zhukova, Ya.F.; Petrov, P.I. and Petryshchenko, S.S (2016) APPLICATION OF THE FATTY ACID ANALYSIS FOR THE ORGANIC COW’S MILK AUTHENTICATION. Paper at: IV Interantional Scientific-Practical Conference "Chemistry, Bio- and Nanotechnology, Ecology and Economy in Food and Сosmetics Industry" [In Russian], Kharkiv, Ukraine, 17-18.10.2016. Zhukova, Yaroslava; Petov, Pylyp and Mudrak, Tatyana (2016) STRUCTURE OF NITROGEN FRACTIONS ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL COW'S MILK. In: Collection of scientific papers "Innovations in science and education:Challanges of our time", International Academy of Science and Higher Education, London, UK, London. This list was generated on Tue Feb 11 05:15:02 2025 CET. |