Items affiliated to "University of Göteborg"
Number of items at this level: 3. {Project} Biologisk bekämpning av växtsjukdomar genom inducerad resistens. [Biological control of plant diseases by systematic induced resistance.] Runs 1999 - 2003. Project Leader(s): Quintanilla, Pablo, Göteborg University . {Project} Biologisk bekämpning: genetisk analys av mekanismer. [Biological control: genetic analysis of mechanisms.] Runs 1998 - 2003. Project Leader(s): Wright, Sandra, Göteborg University . {Project} Dikväveoxidemissioner från ekologisk odling styrda av kväveeffektiviteten i systemet. [Nitrous oxide emissions from organic farming driven by nitrogen use efficiency.] Runs 2004 - 2007. Project Leader(s): Klemedtsson, Leif, Göteborg University . This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 20:26:17 2025 CET. |