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Items affiliated to "Ekhaga Foundation"

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Number of items at this level: 3.

Conference paper, poster, etc.

Borgen, Anders; Svensson, Jan and Wiik, Lars (2018) Evaluation of Nordic heritage varieties and NILs for resistance to common bunt (Tilletia caries syn. T.tritici). In: Hole, David (Ed.) Abstract of the XX international Workshop on Smuts and bunts, Utah State University, pp. 19-23.


Padel, Susanne; Gerrard, Catherine L; Smith, Laurence; Schader, Christian; Baumgart, Lukas; Stolze, Matthias and Pearce, Bruce (2015) Further Development of Methodologies for Sustainability Assessment and Monitoring in Organic/Ecological Agriculture. ORC reports, no. 2015/1. Organic Research Centre, Newbury.

Rölin, Åsa and Svanäng, Karin (2008) Pilotprojekt, Deltagardriven forskning på försöksgårdar. [Pilot project, Participatory research on regional research farms.] Hushållningssällskapet i Värmland och Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk, SLU, Uppsala .

This list was generated on Thu Sep 19 21:28:46 2024 CEST.