Items affiliated to "Organic FQH"
Number of items at this level: 9. International Food Quality and health Association, FQH (Ed.) (2005) What we achieved - where we will go. International Research Association for Organic Food Quality and Health, Witzenhausen, Germany. Proceedings of Proceedings of the 1st scientific FQH Conference, CH-Frick, 28.11.2005 - 29.11.2005. {Organization} International Research Association for Organic Food Quality and Health (FQH). Bloksma, Joke; Huber, Machteld; Northolt, Martin; Zanen, Marleen and Jansonius, Pieterjans (2004) Parameters for apple quality - 2 - and the development of the ‘inner quality concept’ 2001-2003. [Parametern für Apfelqualität und die weitere Entwicklung des Begriffs der ‘Inneren Qualität’ 2001-2003. Parameters voor appelkwaliteit en de verdere ontwikkeling van het ‘innerlijke kwaliteits concept’ 2001-2003.] Louis Bolk Instituut Publications, no. GVV04. Louis Bolk Instituut . Hooijdonk, van, Marijke (2004) Is organic food healthier? International research association FQH intensifies research. ÖKO-TEST BioFach-Messejournal 2004, pp. 66-67. Huber, Dr Karin; Hennig, Prof. Juergen; Dlugosch, Dr. Gabriele and Fuchs, Nikolai (2005) Ernährungs-Qualitäts-Studie (Klosterstudie): Auswirkungen einer vorübergehenden, konsequenten Ernährung mit biologisch-dynamischen Lebensmitteln auf das Befinden und das Ernährungsverhalten von Menschen. [Food Quality Study (Convent study):Impact on the well-being and nutrition pattern of human subjects during a consistent diet of biodynamic foods for a limited period.] In: Heß, J and Rahmann, G (Eds.) Ende der Nische, Beiträge zur 8. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, kassel university press GmbH, Kassel. Huber, M.; Rembiałkowska, E.; S´rednicka, R.; Bügel, S. and van de Vijver, L. (2011) Organic food and impact on human health: Assessing the status quo and prospects of research. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 58 (3-4), pp. 103-109. Kahl, J.; van der Burgt, G.H.M.; Kusche, D.; Bügel, S.; Busscher, N.; Hallmann, E.; Kretzschmar, U.; Ploeger, A.; Rembialkowska , E. and Huber, M. (2010) Organic Food Claims in Europe. Food Technology, , pp. 38-46. Schmid, Otto (2004) French study on Quality and Safety of Organic Food (AFSSA 2003 Evaluation nutritionnelle et sanitaire des aliments issus de l’agriculture biologique). Speech at: Biofach, D-Nürnberg, 20.02.2004. Velimirov , A.; Huber, M.; Lauridsen, C.; Rembiałkowska, E.; Seidel, K. and Bügel , S. (2010) Feeding trials in organic food quality and health research. J Sci Food Agric., 90 (2), pp. 175-182. This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 00:04:41 2025 CET. |