Items affiliated to "Univ. Perugia"
Jump to: Peer-reviewed and accepted | Not peer-reviewed Number of items at this level: 24. Peer-reviewed and acceptedCASTELLINI, C; DAL BOSCO, A; MUGNAI, C and BERNARDINI, M (2003) PERFORMANCE AND BEHAVIOUR OF CHICKENS WITH DIFFERENT GROWING RATE REARED ACCORDING TO THE ORGANIC SYSTEM. Italian Journal of Animal Science (6), pp. 561-573. CASTELLINI, prof C (2005) ORGANIC POULTRY PRODUCTION SYSTEM AND MEAT CHARACTERISTICS. Paper at: XVII th European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat, Doorwerth, 23/05/2005. CASTELLINI, Prof C; BASTIANONI, Dr S; GRANAI, Dr C; DAL BOSCO, Dr A and BRUNETTI, Dr M (2006) SUSTAINABILITY OF POULTRY PRODUCTION USING THE EMERGY APPROACH: COMPARISON OF CONVENTIONAL AND ORGANIC REARING SYSTEMS. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 114, pp. 343-350. CASTELLINI, prof C; DAL BOSCO, dr A; MUGNAI, dr C and PEDRAZZOLI, dr M (2006) COMPARISON OF TWO CHICKEN GENOTYPES ORGANICALLY REARED: OXIDATIVE STABILITY AND OTHER QUALITATIVE TRAITS. Italian journal animal science (5), pp. 29-42. CASTELLINI, Prof C; MUGNAI, Dr C and DAL BOSCO, Dr A (2002) MEAT QUALITY OF THREE CHICKEN GENOTYPES REARED ACCORDING TO THE ORGANIC SYSTEM. Italian Journal Food Science, 14 (4), pp. 411-412. CASTELLINI, Prof C; MUGNAI, Dr C and DAL BOSCO, Dr A (2002) EFFECT OF CONVENTIONAL VERSUS ORGANIC METHOD OF PRODUCTION ON THE BROILER CARCASS AND MEAT QUALITY. Meat Science (60), pp. 219-225. CASTELLINI, Prof C; MUGNAI, Dr C; DAL BOSCO, dr A; PALOZZO, dr M and SCUOTA, dr S (2004) ASPETTI COMPORTAMENTALI, PRESTAZIONI PRODUTTIVE E QUALITÀ DELL'UOVO IN GALLINE ALLEVATE CON IL METODO BIOLOGICO. [WELFARE, BEHAVIOUR, PERFORMANCE AND EGG QUALITY IN ORGANIC HENS.] AVICOLTURA (3), pp. 41-44. CASTELLINI, prof C; PERELLA, dr F; MUGNAI, dr C and DAL BOSCO, dr A (2006) WELFARE, PRODUCTIVITY AND QUALITATIVE TRAITS OF EGG IN LAYING HENS REARED UNDER DIFFERENT REARING SYSTEMS. Poster at: XII European Poultry Conference, Verona, 10-14 September. Eppenstein, R.; Bühl, V.; Legrand, I.; Nicolazo De Barmon, A.; Martin, B.; Albert, F.; Berton, M.; Bourin, M.; Cartoni Mancinelli, A.; Kenny, D.A.; Kowalski, E.; McLaughlin, S.; Plesch, G.; Bedoin, F.; Couzy, C.; Berri, C. and Leithier, C. (2023) The INTAQT project: stakeholders’ expectations on husbandry systems and innovative practices. In: Book of Abstracts of the 74nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Lyon, France. 26 August - 1 September, 2023, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 29, p. 828. Goglio, Pietro; Trydemann Knudsen, Marie; Van Mierlo, Klara; Röhrig, Nina; Fossey, Maxime; Maresca, Alberto; Hashemi, Fatemeh; Ahmed Waqas, Muhammad; Yngvesson, Jenny; Nassy, Gilles; Broekema, Roline; Moakes, Simon; Pfeifer, Catherine; Borek, Robert; Yanez-Ruiz, David; Quevedo Cascante, Monica; Syp, Alina; Zylowsky, Tomasz; Romero-Helva, Manuel and Smith, Laurence G. (2023) Defining common criteria for harmonizing life cycle assessments of livestock systems. Cleaner Production Letters, 4 (100035), pp. 1-9. Laithier, C.; Bedoin, F.; Albert, F.; Legrand, I.; Nicolazo De Barmon, A.; Bourin, M.; Berton, M.; Bühl, V.; Eppenstein, R.; Cartoni Mancinelli, A.; Kenny, D.A.; Kowalski, E.; McLaughlin, S.; Plesch, G.; Couzy, C.; Berri, C. and Martin, B. (2023) The INTAQT project: stakeholders’ perceptions and points of view on products quality. In: Book of Abstracts of the 74nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Lyon, France. 26 August - 1 September, 2023, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 29, p. 829. Legrand, I.; Nicolazo De Barmon, A.; Albert, F.; Berton, M.; Bourin, M.; Bühl, V.; Cartoni Mancinelli, A.; Eppenstein, R.; Kenny, D.A.; Kowalski, E.; McLaughlin, S.; Plesch, G.; Bedoin, F.; Couzy, C.; Berri, C.; Martin, B. and Laithier, C. (2023) The INTAQT project: stakeholders’ opinions on future multicriteria scoring tools for animal products. In: Book of Abstracts of the 74nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Lyon, France. 26 August - 1 September, 2023, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 29, p. 827. Menci, Ruggero; Coppa, Mauro; Torrent, Angelique; Natalello, Antonio; Valenti, Bernardo; Luciano, Giuseppe; Priolo, Alessandro and Niderkorn, Vincent (2021) Effects of two tannin extracts at different doses in interaction with a green or dry forage substrate on in vitro rumen fermentation and biohydrogenation. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 278, p. 114977. Menci, Ruggero; Natalello, Antonio; Luciano, Giuseppe; Priolo, Alessandro; Valenti, Bernardo; Difalco, Antonio; Rapisarda, Teresa; Caccamo, Margherita; Constant, Isabelle; Niderkorn, Vincent and Coppa, Mauro (2021) Cheese quality from cows given a tannin extract in 2 different grazing seasons. Journal of Dairy Science, online, xx-xx. Menci, Ruggero; Natalello, Antonio; Luciano, Giuseppe; Priolo, Alessandro; Valenti, Bernardo; Farina, Giovanni; Caccamo, Margherita; Niderkorn, Vincent and Coppa, Mauro (2021) Effect of dietary tannin supplementation on cow milk quality in two different grazing seasons. Scientific Reports, 11, p. 19654. Santucci, Fabio M. (2007) Organic olive oil and rural development: which services are required and who can supply them? Speech at: XVIII European Seminar on Extension Education, Prague, 5-8 September. Not peer-reviewedBoldrini, Arianna; Benincasa, Paolo; Tosti, Giacomo; Tei, Francesco and Guiducci, Marcello (2007) Apparent N Balance in Organic and Conventional Low Input Cropping Systems. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007. Santucci, Fabio M. (2007) Future prospects in OA in Europe and the world, with respect to product diversification and markets. Speech at: Seminar about organic agriculture in Turkey, Istanbul, April. Santucci, Fabio M. (2007) Organic agriculture and olive oil production in the Southern Mediterranean Countries. Speech at: Presentation at EcoAgriculture Partners, NGO, Washington DC, November 2007. Santucci, Fabio M. (2007) Organic olive oil from Italy. Speech at: Meeting at Italian Embassy, Washington DC, November 2007. Santucci, Fabio M. (2005) Motivazioni,problemi, commercializzazione ed opinioni di produttori di olio extravergine di oliva da agricoltura biologica. [Motivations, problems, marketing and opinions of producers of organic extra-virgin olive oil.] Working paper, DSEEA - Section of Economics and Appraisal. [Unpublished] Santucci, Fabio Maria and De Gennaro, Bernardo (2005) L'agricoltura biologica nei Paesi del Mediterraneo. [Organic farming in the Mediterranean Countries.] Working paper, DSEEA - Section of Economics and Appraisal, University of Perugia . [Unpublished] Santucci, Prof. Fabio Maria (2002) Market issues in organic meat and dairy markets. Paper at: Symposium on organic markets for meat and dairy products, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy, Europe, Planet Hearth, August 28, 2002. [Unpublished] Santucci, Fabio Maria and Pignataro, Filippo (2002) Organic farming in Italy. Paper at: OECD Workshop on organic agriculture, Washington - USA, September 23-26, 2002. [Unpublished] This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 10:52:45 2025 CET. |