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Items affiliated to "2.2 Nutrient management"

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Number of items at this level: 25.


Askegaard, Senior scientist Margrethe and Eriksen, Senior scientist Jørgen (2008) Legume catch crops for reducing N leaching and substituting animal manure. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Benincasa, Dr Paolo; Tosti, Dr Giacomo; Boldrini, Dr Arianna; Tei, Prof Francesco and Guiducci, Prof Marcello (2008) Poliennal results on soil N management and maize N nutrition by green manuring. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Cabilovski, dipl ing Ranko; Manojlovic, Prof Maja; Bogdanovic, Prof Darinka and Bavec, Prof Martina (2008) Economic aspects of the application of different organic materials as N-sources in organic production of lettuce. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Chirinda, Mr Ngonidzashe and Olesen, Professor Jørgen, E. (2008) Effects of organic matter input on soil microbial properties and crop yields in conventional and organic cropping systems. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Ciaccia, Dr Corrado; Di Bartolomeo, Dr Emanuela; Calabretta, Dr M.L.; Intrigliolo, Dr Francesco; Tittarelli, Dr. Fabio and Canali, Dr. Stefano (2008) Quality assessment of citrus-processing industry waste compost for organic and conventional farming. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Friedel, Jürgen K.; Gollner, Manfred; Hrbek, Regina; Jakupaj, Shpresa; Flamm, Clemens; Oberforster, M.; Zechner, E.; Kinastberger, A. and Löschenberger, F. (2008) Mycorrhization of winter wheat cultivars in organic farming. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Frøseth, Randi Berland; Hansen, Sissel and Bakken, Anne Kjersti (2008) Contribution of N from frequently chopped green manure to a succeeding crop of barley. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William; Thommen, Andreas; Rasmussen, Ilse A; Hermansen, John; Vaarst, Mette; Lueck, Lorna; Caporali, Fabio; Jensen, Henning Hogh; Migliorini, Paola and Willer, Helga (Eds.) Cultivating the future based on science, International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), University of Bonn, 1, pp. 388-391.

Jahan, Instructor Mohsen; Koocheki, Professor Alireza; Nassiri Mahallati, Associated Prof. Mehdi and Dehghanipur, Instructor Forugh (2008) The effects of different cattle manure levels and branch management methods on organic production of Cucurbita pepo L. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kießling, Daniela and Köpke, Prof. Dr. Ulrich (2008) Intercropping of oilseeds and faba beans. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kirk, Anne; Fox, Dr. Stephen; Entz, Dr. Martin and Tenuta, Dr. Mario (2008) Preliminary Findings on the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Colonization of Organic Wheat. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Loges, Ralf; Mauscherning, Inken and Taube, Friedhelm (2008) Autumn sown catch crop understoreys as strategy to reduce nitrate leaching in winter cereals. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Malhi, Sukhdev S.; Brandt, Stewart A.; Zentner, R. P.; Knight, Diane J.; Gill, Kabal S.; Sahota, Tarlok S. and Schoenau, J. J. (2008) Management Strategies and Practices for Preventing Nutrient Deficiencies in Organic Crop Production. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Marchetti, Rosa; Casadei, Nerio; Marino, Antonio and Sghedoni, Lidia (2008) Inorganic nitrogen in soil green manured with biocidal crops. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Marchetti, Rosa; Lazzeri, Luca; Malaguti, Lorena; Orsi, Anna and Ponzoni, Gilda (2008) Potentially mineralizable nitrogen is soils green manured with biocidal crops. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Mazzoncini, Marco; Migliorini, Paola; Antichi, Daniele and Vazzana, Concetta (2008) Effects of green-manure and organic fertiliser on organic maize (Zea Mays L.) in south Tuscany. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Möller, Dr. Kurt; Stinner, Walter and Leithold, Prof. Dr. Günter (2008) Effects of Biogas Digestion of Slurry, Cover Crops and Crop Residues on Nitrogen Cycles and Crop Rotation Productivity of a Mixed Organic Farming System. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Owen, Ms. Josée; LeBlanc, Mr. Serge and Fillmore, Ms. Sherry (2008) Season-long supply of plant-available nutrients from compost and fertiliser in a long term organic vs. conventional snap bean rotations experiment. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Penfold, Mr. Chris and McNeill, Dr. Ann (2008) Agronomic options for the management of phosphorus in Australian rain-fed organic broadacre farming systems. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Radics, László; Pusztai, Péter; Bíró, Borbála; Bíró, Zsolt; Németh, Tamás and Monori, István (2008) Element composition and quality of lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. Biweri), grown with sheep-manure composts. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Sangakkara, Dr Ravi; Weerasekera, Mr Danesh; Attanayake, Mr K B and Attanayake, Ms A M U (2008) Inoculation affects nitrogen balances of composts and growth, yield and microflora of Phaseolus beans. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Sathiya Bama, K Somasundaram; Shanmugasundaram, S Porpavai; Kandasamy, G Selvakumari and Thangamuthu, T Jayaraj (2008) MAINTENANCE OF SOIL QUALITY PARAMETERS THROUGH HUMIC ACID APPLICATION IN AN ALFISOL AND INCEPTISOL. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Stinner, Walter; Möller, Dr. Kurt and Leithold, Prof. Dr. Günter (2008) Biogas in stockless organic Farming: Effects of Digestion of Clover/grass, Cover Crops and Crop Residues on Nitrogen Cycles and Crop Rotation Productivity. Speech at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Tabrizi, Leila; Koocheki, Alireza and Ghorbani, Reza (2008) Effect of Biofertilizers on Agronomic Criteria of Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis). Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Zanen, Ir. M. and Koopmans, Dr. Ir. C.J. (2008) Improving Soil Structure and Nitrogen Use Efficiency by GPS-controlled Precision Tillage Technology in Organic Farming. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Zarea, Mohammad Javad; Ghalavand, Amir and Jamshidi, Ehsan (2008) Role of forage legumes mixed cropping on biomass yield and bacterial community composition. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

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