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Items affiliated to "Innovationscenter for Økologisk Landbrug (ICOEL)"

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Number of items at this level: 12.

Bünemann, Else K.; Reimer, Marie; Smolders, E.; Smith, S.R.; Bigalke, Moritz; Palmqvist, Annemette; Brandt, K.K.; Möller, Kurt; Harder, R.; Hermann, L.; Speiser, Bernhard; Oudshoorn, Frank; Loes, A.-K. and Magid, Jakob (2024) Do contaminants compromise the use of recycled nutrients in organic agriculture? A review and synthesis of current knowledge on contaminant concentrations, fate in the environment and risk assessment. Science of The Total Environment, 912 (168901), pp. 1-18.

Fog, Erik (2022) Økologer må gerne bruge hurtigtvirkende gødninger. [Organic farmers may use fast-acting fertilizers.] .

Fog, Erik (2022) Økonomi i ClimOptic-processen. [Economics of the ClimOptic-process.] .

Fog, Erik (2022) Økologisk startgødning fra biogasanlæg kan fungere effektivt. [Organic starter fertilizer from biogas plants can work effectively.] Økologisk Landbrug, 25 November 2022, 2022 (Særnr.), pp. 12-13.

Fog, Erik (2022) Vigtige økologiske skridt til selvforsyning med foder, energi og gødning. [Important ecological steps for self-sufficiency with feed, energy and fertilizer.] Innovation Centre for Organic Farming .

Højholdt, Michael and Fog, Erik (2022) Mulig klimagevinst - men der skal være en bedre økonomi. [Possible climate gain - but there must be a better economy.] Bioenergi Magasinet, 5 November 2022, 2022 (Nov.), pp. 26-27.

Jacobsen, Stine K.; Sigsgaard, Lene; Nielsen, Otto; Schwennsen, Trine Ø; Green, Ole; Johannsson, I; Vestergård, Mette; Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg and Nicolaisen, Mogens (2023) Strip cropping –improving biodiversity and crop resilience in organic farming. Poster at: XII European Congress of Entomology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 16-20 October 2023.

Jensen, Sofie Knorr (2023) Strategisk calciumtildeling til æglæggende høner. Innovationscenter for Økologisk Jordbrug - Temaside Husdyr, 9 March 2023, p. 1.

Johansen, Niels Finn and Jensen, Sofie Knorr (2024) Praksisdemonstration af lavt fosforindhold og strategisk calciumtildeling til æglæggende høner. ICOEL.

Kargo, Morten (2023) Ø-KO-AVL vil skabe fremtidens øko-malkeko. . Online at https://okonu.dk/mark-og-stald/oe-ko-avl-vil-skabe-fremtidens-oeko-malkeko, accessed on: 6 October 2023.

Møller, Henrik B. (2022) Nye trends og muligheder for optimering af udnyttelse. [New trends and possibilities for optimized utilization.] .

Tamm, Lucius; Thürig, Barbara; Apostolov, Stoilko; Blogg, Hugh; Borgo, Esmeralda; Corneo, Paola Elisa; Fittje, Susanne; de Palma, Michelangelo; Donko, Adam; Experton, Catherine; Alcazar Marin, Evelyne; Morell Perez, Angela; Pertot, Ilaria; Rasmussen, Anton; Steinshamn, Håvard; Vetemaa, Airi; Willer, Helga; Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle and Oberhänsli, Thomas (2023) Use of Copper-Based Fungicides in Organic Agriculture in Twelve European Countries. In: The International Society for Plant Pathology, The French Phytopathological Society (Eds.) 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology. Book of Abstract ICPP, pp. 964-965.

This list was generated on Mon Sep 9 15:35:29 2024 CEST.